Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 113


        Law to Give UK Operators Access to Buildings to Install Broadband

        Uncooperative landlords  have  made it   where  a  tenant  has  requested  a  service,   a year will be connected as a result. The
        difficult for up to 9 million flat dwellers to   the  landlord’s  permission  is  required   UK  has  an  estimated  480,000  blocks
        have  internet  access.  Operators  reported   for  that  service  to  be  delivered,  and  the   of  flats  (apartments).  Steve  McCaffery,
        that 40% of their requests for access receive   landlord  fails  to  respond  to  repeated   SVP  of  Service  Providers,  International
        no response from landlords, who they can   requests  from  an  operator  for  access.   at  CommScope  remarked,  “While  further
        take to court to resolve the issues, but this   The  proposed  legislation  follows  the   investment  in  broadband  connectivity  is
        is expensive, uncertain and slow. The new   government  announcing  £5  billion  of   always welcome, we should be considering
        legislation, announced by Digital Secretary   new  funding  to  bring  gigabit-capable   how  networks  will  converge  in  time  to
        Nicky Morgan, will be put into place as part   broadband  to  the  hardest-to-reach  parts   deliver  superfast,  reliable  connectivity.
        of  the  UK  government’s  response  to  the   of  the  UK  at  the  Tory  Party  Conference.   “There   are   considerable   network
        consultation  Ensuring  tenants’  access  to   A  statement  about  the  new  legislation   efficiencies  to  be  gained  from  improving
        gigabit-capable connections. The law will   read, “It  is  the latest  Government action   the interfaces between wired and wireless
        amend the Electronic Communications   to  bust  the  barriers  to  faster  broadband   networks  –  and  these  efforts  will  also
        Code  to  provide  operators  with  a  faster,   rollout and enable the private sector to get   extend  to  the  Internet  of  Things  (IoT),  as
        cheaper  route  to gain interim rights   the job done.” The measures will make it   our smart homes get increasingly smarter.
        under  the existing, and much criticized,   easier to install faster internet connections   “There is little value in having an Amazon
        Electronic  Communications  Code via  the   in  blocks  of  flats  where  landlords   Alexa, for example that…isn’t connected to
        Upper  Tribunal  (Lands  Chamber)  and  its   repeatedly  ignore  requests  for  access   other relevant intelligent ‘things’. Network
        equivalent  in  devolved  administrations.   from  broadband  firms.  It  is  estimated   convergence will help enable this as more
        This route will apply only in circumstances   that  an  extra  3,000  residential  buildings   homes are increasingly connected.”

        USDA Targets 14 States with $152 Million in Rural Broadband Funding

        The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing $152 million in
        19  rural  broadband  projects  across  14  states.  The  USDA  rural
        broadband  funding  projects  are  in  Illinois,  Indiana,  Kentucky,
        Minnesota,  Missouri,  North  Carolina,  North  Dakota,  Oklahoma,
        Pennsylvania,  Tennessee,  Texas,  Virginia,  West  Virginia
        and  Wisconsin.  “Deploying  high-speed  broadband  internet
        connectivity,  or  ‘e-Connectivity,’  in  rural  America  expands
        access  to  essential  health,  educational,  social  and  business
        opportunities,”  Deputy  Under  Secretary  for  Rural  Development
        Donald “DJ” LaVoy said in a press release. “President Trump and
        Agriculture Secretary Perdue are committed to fully utilizing all
        resources  Congress  provides  for  building  and  modernizing  this
        critical  infrastructure  in  rural  America,  because  we  believe  that
        when rural America thrives, all of America thrives.”
        The press release offered examples of the projects:
        Logan  Telephone  Cooperative  Inc.  will  get  a  $34.4  million
        Telecommunications Program loan to upgrade a FTTH system in
        Butler, Logan and Muhlenberg counties in southwestern Kentucky.  These rural broadband investments flow from a few USDA rural
        In  Morton  County,  N.D.,  USDA  is  partnering  with  BEK   development  programs, including  the Community Connect
        Communications Cooperative to provide an $844,000 Community   Grant  Program,  the  Telecommunications  Infrastructure  Loan
        Connect Program grant. The 49-mile Fiber-to-the-Home network   Program  and  the  Rural  Broadband  Access  Loan  and  Loan
        will bring high-speed broadband to 125 underserved households.  Guarantee  Program.  Additional  rural  broadband  funding  from  a
        In  southwest  Virginia,  iGo  Technology  Inc.  will  get  a  $3  million   different  USDA  program,  the  ReConnect  Pilot  Program,  should
        Community  Connect  grant  to  bring  enhanced  broadband   be announced soon. That program will allocate $600 million for
        opportunities to 820 homes and businesses. The Bee Community   rural broadband projects. USDA has received 53 applications from
        Center,  in  the  town  of  Bee  in  Dickenson  County,  will  get  free   rural areas across 33 states, representing 1,099 farms and 859
        broadband for two years.                               businesses.

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