Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        BTRC Seeks Ministry Nod for Telcos Single Licensing System

        The   Bangladesh  Telecommunication  has  to  maintain  one  generic  license  for   other compatible services as approved by
        Regulatory  Commission (BTRC)  last   operating  as  a  mobile  phone  entity,  two   the commission will also be allowed under
        week sought the approval from the Posts   licenses  for  running  2G  services,  two  for   the planned system. Annual license fee for
        and Telecommunication  Ministry  The   3G  services  and  two  other  licenses  for   the  single  license  in  the  draft  guidelines
        telecom regulator has sought government   rendering 4G services. The single licensing   has  been  proposed  at  Tk10  crore  along
        approval  to scrap the current multiple   will  come  into  effect  from  the  date  of   with  5.5%  revenue  sharing  and  1%
        licensing  regime  for  mobile  operators,   license  issuance and remain valid till   contribution to social obligation fund. The
        and introduce  single  licensing system   February 18, 2033, subject to the renewal   Association of Mobile Telecom Operators
        to   reduce   operational   complexity.   of  spectrum,  says  the  draft  guideline.   Bangladesh   welcomed   the   BTRC’s
        The   Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Under the  proposed licensing  guidelines,   move.  “We  welcome  BTRC’s  initiative  of
        Regulatory Commission (BTRC) last week   mobile phone operators will be allowed to   combining  the  licensing  guidelines  and
        sought  the  approval  from  the  Posts  and   provide nine types of services including 2G,   have submitted our observations earlier to
        Telecommunication  Ministry.  “We  have   3G, and 4G cellular mobile phone services.   the  regulator. But, we are  not  sure  which
        already sought ministry approval for single   Besides,  intra-operator  domestic voice   points are taken and which are not,” said
        licensing  system  for  mobile  operators,”   and video calls, inter-operator domestic   Brig Gen SM  Farhad (Retd),  secretary
        BTRC Chairman Jahirul Haque told Dhaka   voice and  video calls,  international long-  general of AMTOB. In June last year, BTRC
        Tribune.  He  said  introduction  of  single   distance voice and video calls, international   initiated the move for unified licensing for
        licensing system would reduce hassle for   roaming  services,  SMS/EMS/VMS/MMS,   the mobile phone companies and prepared
        all related parties. BTRC officials have said   mobile  internet,  value-added  services   the draft guideline in August this year.
        that  currently  a  mobile  phone  operator   (VAS)  as  per TVAS guidelines  and any

        Bangladesh Telcos Pay 3rd Highest Spectrum Fee in South and Southeast

        Among  South  and Southeast  Asian   in  August  2019,  the  Indian  government   as dividend from the South Asian telecom
        countries,  Bangladesh’s  mobile  phone   termed out the spectrum payments to 16   operators.  ‘The  high  prices  that  telcos  in
        operators  have  been  paying  the  third   years from the earlier agreed 10 years after   this region pay during spectrum auctions
        highest spectrum charge in last 10 years,   considering the constraints on the Indian   regularly make headlines, but the recurring
        said  a  sector  in-depth  report  of  global   telecom  companies  following  a  period   dividends that they do pay to governments
        rating   agency   Moody’s   Investment   of  unprecedented  intense  competition.’   tend  to  get  less  attention,’  said  Nidhi
        Service. In Bangladesh, telecom operators   On  the other hand, telecom  operators in   Dhruv, Moody’s vice-president and senior
        have  paid  7  per  cent  of  their  aggregated   Singapore,  Malaysia  and  Indonesia  make   analyst.  ‘Yet,  our  analysis  finds  that  in
        revenue  for  spectrum  charge.  Indian   spectrum  payments  upfront,  with  small   some  countries  dividends  account  for  a
        mobile  phone  operators  have  paid  the   annual  licensing  fees.  As  percentage  of   greater  share  of  revenue,’  it  said.  While
        highest (7.6 per cent) of their aggregated   revenue, spectrum payments in Singapore   spectrum  payments in  government-run
        revenue as spectrum charge. The second   and Malaysia were lower than in the other   auctions  were  higher  in  absolute  terms,
        highest  spectrum  charge  was  paid  by   five  countries  covered  in  the  analysis.   on  a  relative  basis  dividends  account  for
        the  telecom  operators  in  Thailand  —  7.3   Moody’s  analyzed  financial  data  from   a larger percentage of aggregate revenue
        per  cent  of  their  revenue.  However,  the   2009 to 2018 of 20 telcos in seven South   for  telcos  in  several  countries,  he  said.
        spectrum  payment terms are operator-  and  Southeast  Asian  countries  —  the   ‘Government-owned  incumbent  telcos  in
        friendly,  said  the  Moody’s  report,  adding   leading  three  telcos  by  subscribers  in   Singapore, Malaysia  and Indonesia pay
        that  the telecommunication  companies   Bangladesh,  India,  Indonesia,  Malaysia,   the highest dividends  to their respective
        in Thailand, India  and Bangladesh  pay   Singapore and Thailand,  and the leading   governments, while privately owned telcos
        between  25  per  cent  and  50  per  cent  of   two telcos by subscribers in Pakistan. The   in India, Thailand and Bangladesh  pay
        the  total  amount  upfront,  with  the  option   report also revealed that the country where   more  in  spectrum  auctions,’  said  Dhruv.
        to pay the rest over three to 10 years. In   telecom  operators  made high spectrum   About  the  regulatory  framework,  the
        the three countries, the governments   charge,  usually  paid  lower  dividend  to   Mood’s report said that the regulations in
        also  typically  allow  a  moratorium  period   their  shareholders.  In  the  countries,  the   Thailand, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan
        before  the  annual  spectrum  payment   shareholders  other  than the  government   were less predictable and often politicized.
        instalments  kick  in,  the  report  said.  In   received $52 billion as dividend during the   Government-owned   telcos   pay   high
        exceptional  circumstances,  governments   period. On the other hand, the government   dividends but also benefit from regulatory
        could  provide  more  payment  buffers,   received  $37  billion  as  spectrum  charge,   support, it said.
        the report  said,  adding, ‘For instance,   $24 billion as taxes and another $28 billion
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