Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        lower prices and better quality, all illustrate the importance of the   Directors held their third meeting of 2019. At the beginning of the
        deployment of the National Broadband Network using fiber-optic   meeting, the Board expressed their sincere regrets for the demise
        cables,  which  was  achieved  through  the  Batelco’s  separation   of the Board Chairman Dr. Mohamed Al Amer, praising his long
        process.  The  network  will  enable  the  provision  of  high-speed   term serving the Telecoms industry and his effective contribution
        broadband services to individual and business users.” Sh. Nasser   and prompt response as a Chairman in improving TRA’s operations
        added. The survey included a sample of 1548 individuals in the   and  services  to  further  develop  the  telecommunications  sector
        age  group  of  15  years  and  above,  who  were  surveyed  on  the   in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In the ten years under his guidance
        availability and use of various telecommunication services as well   since 2008, TRA made significant strides towards the execution
        as their satisfaction with telecommunication and online services.   of  the  Government’s  policy  to  maintain  the  Kingdom’s  position
        (October 9, 2019)                           among developing countries,  helping  shape the nation as  a
                                                               regional and international exemplar in ICT, which will continue to
        The Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority (TRA) has   enable the Kingdom’s economy as one capable of continuously
        participated  in  the  17th  annual  meeting  of  Arab  Regulatory   adapting  to  change  and  ready  to  tackle  future  challenges.  The
        Network  (AREGNET)  which  was  held  during  the  period  from   Board  also  noted  his  many  achievements  and  contributions
        24  –  26  September  2019  in  Tunisia.  TRA  Bahrain  delegation   across  multiple  sectors,  commending  his  lifelong  dedication  to
        was  headed  by  Shaikh  Nasser  Bin  Mohamed  Al  Khalifa,  Acting   public service. During the meeting, Board members discussed key
        General Director of TRA, who gave a welcome note indicating the   issues related to the telecommunications sector in; praising the
        major  achievements  of  AREGENET  during  the  chairmanship  of   Executive Management’s outstanding efforts in the development
        TRA Bahrain. Shaikh Nasser also added that “We live in a world   and growth of the telecommunications sector in the Kingdom of
        of rapidly changing technology, particularly in telecom. How we   Bahrain, in particular, TRA’s significant efforts in accomplishing
        communicate has made leaps and bounds since the days where   the  Batelco  Separation  project  and  delivering  the  project  in  an
        all we had were voice calls. This means we have opportunities   efficient  manner  meeting  the  target  set  by  the  Government  of
        that are exploitable industry-wide. We can now look forward to   three years. The Board also praised the Executive Management
        advancements in technology like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of   for  their  efforts  in  working  towards  enabling  the  launch  of  5G
        Things, Digital Currencies and 5G mobile networks which are all   networks through securing the necessary spectrum and adequate
        important topics of focus for all of us in light of major technological   frequency licenses to keep pace with the latest developments in
        changes occurring around us”. On the last day of the meeting, the   telecommunications technologies and services for the benefit of
        general  assembly  meeting  was  held  during  which  TRA  Bahrain   consumers in Bahrain. This makes it among the first countries in
        as chair of the current round handed over the chairmanship to   the region to launch a 5G network, promoting its leading position
        the  National  Regulatory  Authority  for  Telecommunications  of   as an exemplar in 5G deployment. The Board also expressed their
        Tunisia.  The  meeting  was  attended  by  representatives  from   appreciation  to  the  Executive  Management  for  their  endeavors
        Arab  Regulators  who  presented  the  projects  related  to  the   towards protecting consumers in the telecommunications section
        sector.  TRA  Bahrain  also  chaired  the  expert  group  meeting,   by implementing and improving its regulations and enhancing its
        during which regulators from all the Arab region came together   consumer-related systems to maintain effective communication
        to discuss and review the updates of various joint projects and   between  TRA,  consumers  and  the  telecommunications  service
        working groups. TRA Bahrain hosted a series of workshops and   providers. The Board also commended the Executive Management
        meetings as part of its activities in AREGNET during April 2019.   on promoting their performance to the highest levels of excellence
        The outcome of the working group meetings was presented and   and innovation and stressed on continuing to work in a transparent
        very welcomed by AREGENET members. The meeting also shed   manner  in  dealing  with  all  the  sector-related  issues,  as  well
        light on new projects which will be addressed during the coming   as  on its  position  as  an  exemplar  regulator in  all  its  initiatives
        round including topics like the economic effects of over-the-top   and strategies at  a  regional  and international  level through
        (OTT) application, emergency communications in the Arab region,   constructive  cooperation  with  the  international  organizations.
        utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the telecommunications   The Board of Directors expressed their thanks and appreciation to
        and ICT sectors and the new generation of mobile network (5G).   the TRA team members for their support and professionalism and
        (October 8, 2019)                           outstanding role in developing the sector. This came as a result
                                                               of the hard work and persistence of the highly professional team
        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority’s (TRA) Board of   members that this was made possible. (October 1, 2019)


        Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)   the mobile operators with a condition that they will have to bring
        officially  disclosed  its  primary  decision  of  making  5G  internet   all the district headquarters under 5G service by 2023 while the
        service available in the country by 2021. BTRC gave licenses to   entire country by 2026. The commission revealed the information

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