Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 114


        EU Lays Out 3 Primary Security Concerns Related to 5G

        The European Union member states published a report assessing
        the  security  risks  of  5G  networks.  Predictably,  given  the  focus
        on Chinese telecom vendors this year, the report looks at supply
        chains, and warns against using suppliers that can be controlled
        by governments. The report also cautions carriers to not rely on a
        single vendor. In addition, it also raises awareness of some risks
        that haven’t been discussed widely – namely, the role of increased
        software  in  networks.  Led  by  concerns  raised  by  the  United
        States government, EU countries are also evaluating the use of
        Huawei’s  telecom  equipment  in  their  networks.  The  concern  is
        that Huawei would have to comply with the Chinese government if
        it was asked to use its telecom equipment for espionage.  The EU
        report said, “Threats posed by states or state-backed actors are
        perceived to be of highest relevance. They represent indeed the
        most serious as well as the most likely threat actors, as they can
        have the motivation, intent and most importantly the capability   vulnerable to state actors and sponsors, including those who don’t
        to conduct persistent and sophisticated attacks on the security   share our democratic principles. The next step is to translate the
        of 5G networks.” The report also said that a carrier’s big reliance   concerns the European Commission has into binding rules that
        on a single supplier puts it in a bad spot if that sole supplier has   prevent 5G networks from becoming controlled by criminal and
        problems  whether  due  to  commercial  failure,  being  subject  to   state actors alike.” Everyone has been focusing on the potential
        a merger or acquisition, or being placed under sanctions. Also,   security threats posed by the Chinese vendors Huawei and ZTE.
        reliance  on  a  single  vendor  could  increase  the  impact  of  any   But the EU report points out that 5G networks are fundamentally
        systemic  failures  or  hostile  exploitation.  Roger  Entner,  founder   different than prior generations in that they will rely much more on
        and  lead  analyst  of  Recon  Analytics,  said  in  an  email,  “Europe   software. And this introduces new security risks. More software
        is finally understanding how single vendor systems pose grave   in 5G networks leads to increased risks connected with software
        threats to 5G security. Single vendor deployments are exposing   development  and  update  and  patch  processes.  Moreover,  new
        operators to incalculable risks as operators tie their success to   types  of  technical  vulnerabilities  related  to  software  are  likely
        the viability of their vendors. Furthermore, it becomes necessary   to  occur  as  technologies  such  as  SDN  and  NFV  are  deployed
        to trust in the vendors  to an even greater degree,  as some are   commercially.

        Ofcom Publishes Updated Proposals for 700MHz/3.6GHz-3.8GHz Auction

        Following  reports  that  the  UK’s  mobile   circumstances’  and  could  ‘deliver  better   for spectrum in separate ‘lots’ to determine
        network operators (MNOs) have submitted   coverage   outcomes   for   consumers   how  much  each  bidder  wins),  followed
        binding   voluntary   commitments   to   than  could  have  been  delivered  by  [its]   by an assignment stage to determine the
        improve  4G  coverage  through  a  ‘Shared   proposals’.  As  per  the  auction  plans,   specific  frequencies  winning  bidders  will
        Rural  Network’,  local  regulator  Ofcom   Ofcom has confirmed that it aims to offer   be allocated. Ofcom has invited responses
        has  published  updated  proposals  for  the   200MHz  of  spectrum  across  the  two   to  its  consultation  by  9  December  2019,
        auction  of  frequencies  in  the  700MHz   bands, comprising: 80MHz in the 700MHz   ahead  of  making  a  final  decision,  and
        and  3.6GHz-3.8GHz  bands.  In  December   band, which it expects to become available   it  has  said  it  hopes  to  be  in  a  position
        2018  Ofcom  launched  a  consultation   for  mobile  use  nationwide  by  May/June   to  start  the  spectrum  auction  by  spring
        on auction proposals  that  included the   2020; and 120MHz in the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz   2020.  Finally,  Ofcom  has  also  confirmed
        opportunity for up to two bidders to receive   band,  which  should  become  available  for   that,  to  ensure  that  MNOs  stick  to  the
        a discount on the cost of the spectrum in   mobile  use  across  the  country  by  June   commitments  they  have  now  made  for
        return for accepting obligations to improve   2020, although some ‘localized constraints   improving coverage, it will write conditions
        mobile  coverage.  Now,  as  a  result  of  the   may remain in place until the end of 2022’.   into their respective spectrum licenses,
        aforementioned  network  sharing  project   Meanwhile,  as  a  result  of  its  decision  to   with these to be published ‘in due course’.
        announced  last  week  by  the  MNOs,  the   scrap  coverage  obligations,  the  regulator   Further, the regulator has said it will set out
        regulator  has said that it is consulting   is now proposing to run the auction using   the criteria and methodology for assessing
        on  revised  auction  plans  which  have  no   a Simultaneous Multiple Round Ascending   and,  as  necessary,  enforcing  compliance
        coverage  obligations,  which  it  suggests   (SMRA)  format,  which  comprises  a   with these commitments.
        ‘reflect this material change in the relevant   principal stage (where companies will bid

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