Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                              IN SAMENA REGION


        The  Kingdom’s  National  Broadband  Network  (BNET)  was   optic  network  across  Bahrain  and  the  provision  of  high-speed
        officially  launched  at  a  high  level  press  conference  held  at  the   Internet services for OLO’s on a fair and competitive basis. “The
        Capital Club. The launch was announced by Batelco Chairman,   company  will  continue  to  complete  the  separation  process  as
        Shaikh  Abdulla  bin  Khalifa  Al  Khalifa,  in  the  presence  of  the   required in line with the Government’s strategy and future vision
        Minister  of  Transportation  and  Telecommunications,  Kamal   for the telecommunications sector.” “This step is part of a series
        Ahmed, BNET CEO Mohamed Bubashait, CEO’s of OLO’s (Other   of initiatives aimed to enhance Bahrain’s position as a strategic
        Licensed  Operators)  and  members  of  Bahrain’s  media.  During   investment destination, a regional ICT hub and a major contributor
        the  event,  the  BNET  logo,  which  will  soon  be  rolled  out  to  all   to  upgrading  the  Kingdom’s  telecommunications  services,”  he
        customer touch points, was revealed. The launch event follows   concluded. (October 19, 2019)
        on  from  the  announcement  of  Batelco’s  legal  separation  into
        two  independent  entities,  which  was  announced  at  an  earlier   The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  (TRA)  of
        press conference held in May. As part of the legal separation, a   the  Kingdom  of  Bahrain  has  recently  published  its  latest
        new executive structure was implemented and new CEOs were   Telecommunications Services Residential Market Survey report.
        appointed for both Batelco and BNET. Independent buildings and   According to the results of the survey, Internet users have reached
        departments were also allocated for each entity, in line with the   99% which is a clear indication of the increasing affordability of
        nature of the companies’ work. In line with the requirements of the   Internet services in Bahrain. The Kingdom leads the global ranking
        4th National Telecommunications Plan approved by the Council   of the percentage of Internet users, according to data released
        of Ministers in May 2016, BNET will provide broadband network   by the International Telecommunication Union. The results of the
        services  to  all  licensed  operators  including  Batelco,  whereas,   survey  show  that  Internet  applications  represent  most  internet
        Batelco will focus solely on retail and corporate operations. Mr.   activities such as social media applications. For instance, 99%
        Ahmed expressed his pleasure at the launch event by saying, “I   of respondents said they use WhatsApp and YouTube, 95% use
        would like to thank the team involved in the implementation of   Instagram and Facebook and 90% use Snapchat. With regard to
        this  successful  project,  which  contributed  towards  turning  the   mobile telephony services, almost all respondents have a mobile
        vision  of  the  National  Telecommunications  plan  into  a  reality,   phone service. However, the survey shows that the percentage
        and is being witnessed today during this event. This project is   of  users  having  two  or  more  mobile  SIM  cards  is  in  decline,
        a  major  leap  for  the  services  provided  by  telecommunications   reaching  16%  in  2018  compared  to  38%  in  2017.  This  reflects
        companies, where all customers will be able to benefit from high-  the  developments  in  mobile  telephony  packages  such  as  the
        speed Internet services from all telecom providers.” During the   introduction  of  new  and  comprehensive  packages  as  well  as
        event,  Mr.  Mohamed  Bubashait,  CEO  of  BNET  gave  a  detailed   the significantly increasing use of mobile data. The survey also
        presentation about the company’s vision and functions as well as   indicates that the main reason put forward by respondents for
        its strategy for managing the national network’s infrastructure.   having more than one SIM card was to have separate SIMs for
        The  presentation  also  included  a  detailed  explanation  of  the   business and personal use. As for the fixed line service, the results
        operational model and work mechanism that the company will   of the survey showed that 16% of the households surveyed have
        follow to achieve its objectives. Also revealed was BNET’s new   a  fixed  telephone  line  due  to  the  high  dependence  on  mobile
        logo, designed to symbolize both the national network and the   phone  services.  Regarding  telecommunications  services  users’
        Kingdom while being distinguishable from Batelco. Shaikh Abdulla   satisfaction, the survey results showed that 85% of respondents
        stated that he was very pleased to announce the launch of BNET   expressed  their  satisfaction  with  telecommunications  services
        which  is  a  key  part  of  the  Fourth  National  Telecommunication   in Bahrain. Moreover, users’ proposals were focused on lowering
        Plan (NTP4) to develop the growth and economic diversification   prices and increasing the quality of services. “The results of this
        of the telecommunication sector, including rolling out a fiber optic   survey  show  significant  developments  in  the  nature  by  which
        network to 100 per cent of all businesses and 95pc of all households   telecommunications  services  are  used  and  required  by  users.”
        across the Kingdom. “The restructure of Batelco is now complete   Says Acting General Director Sh. Nasser bin Mohammed Al Khalifa.
        with independent management teams and human resources in   “The  high  number  of  Internet  users  in  Bahrain  and  the  volume
        place. BNET’s teams are now working on the implementation of   of  internet  usage  that  require  high  speeds  and  large  amounts
        its strategic plans which focus on the development of the fiber   of data, in addition to the desire of users to obtain services at

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