Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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side of caution in the pursuit of competition. The UK currently available for the large-scale installation
is considering such plans also, though these would of fiber-optics in the Netherlands are therefore not
only be in the regions which are seen as the most being optimally exploited.’ ACM’s report implies that
difficult to justify commercially. Generally, these not- national incumbent telco KPN uses tactics regarding
spots have almost no coverage nowadays, usually smaller competitors which could delay the installation
home to an incredibly low population density or no- of fiber; such practices include KPN announcing it is
one at all. This might not be the most rapid of rollout deploying fiber in an area where a rival is also planning
plans, but the ‘first’ tag does not necessarily mean fiber installation, despite the incumbent not having
much, or it might not end up meaning much. Laying finalized such plans, thereby ‘scaring off’ potential
the necessary regulatory framework ahead of plans, local investors. ACM suggested potential remedies to
instead of playing catch-up like some nations, might the fiber bottleneck issues, including:
just be a more considered approach. That said, the • exploring opportunities for joint investments within
Dutch Government will not want to fall too far behind. the competition law framework at the request of the
(October 21, 2019) market parties involved
• municipalities, utilities companies and provinces
The telecoms regulator, the Authority for Consumers & coordinating and publicizing conditions they
Markets (ACM), has published a market study on fiber- apply for the installation of fiber networks, thereby
optic broadband access network deployment, which providing clarity to all parties, avoiding uncertainty
identifies problems of rollout bottlenecks in urban and among investors and accelerating the rollout
rural areas around the country. ACM’s report noted that: process
‘several parties often announce [plans for deploying] • giving municipalities options to temporarily protect
fiber-optics at the same location. The double rollout a ‘first-mover’ party, i.e. the company that initially
of fiber-optics is usually not profitable as an addition proposes a plan to deploy fiber in an area.
to the existing copper and cable networks. Within the ACM will discuss its recommendations with the Ministry
current system, parties can respond strategically to of Economic Affairs as well as municipality authorities.
fiber-optic projects of competitors, which are thereby KPN disagreed with ACM’s conclusions in an initial
delayed or limited. These behaviors towards competing response, highlighting that it seeks agreements with
fiber-optic projects increase the uncertainties for competitors who want to install fiber networks in the
fiber-optic investors. This can cause investors to same areas as KPN. The telco also indicated that it
drop out and therefore lead to fewer investments in intended to discuss the matter with ACM.
the rollout of fiber in certain areas. The opportunities (October 23, 2019)
New Zealand’s Commerce Commission has released 111 emergency service. The levy, about 1% of telecoms
its draft determination on how much 16 telecoms services revenue, is paid by providers earning more
providers will each pay towards the government’s than USD10 million per year for providing telecoms
NZD50 million (USD31.8 million) Telecommunications services, including internet, mobile, and data services.
New Zealand Development Levy (TDL) for the period covering 1 July The draft determination provides that Spark, Vodafone,
2018 to 30 June 2019. The government uses the annual Chorus and 2degrees will collectively pay more than
levy to pay for telecommunications infrastructure and 90% of the total levy, while the growing uptake of fiber
services which are not commercially viable, including services means that the contributions made by Enable,
the relay service for the deaf and hearing-impaired, Northpower and Ultrafast Fiber will significantly
broadband for rural areas, and improvements to the increase. (October 30, 2019)
The Council of Ministers has announced that Zamani The discussions are ongoing with the buyer to settle
Com has applied for the acquisition of all the shares debts owed to creditors and unpaid taxes. Earlier this
of mobile network operator (MNO) Orange Niger. A year French telecoms firm Orange Group said it was
draft order has also been issued for the transfer of considering all options for its Niger business and
Niger Orange’s ‘global license’ for the establishment and confirmed that a local court had appointed an expert
operation of public telecoms networks and services to examine its situation and support its negotiations
to Zamani Com, which is reportedly associated with with creditors.
businessmen Mohamed Rhissa Ali and Moctar Thiam. (October 22, 2019) Reuters
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