Page 137 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                         affiliation of telephone numbers. With the Nkom having   services.  Now,  the  regulator  is  seeking  feedback  on
                         reportedly looked at various possibilities for changes   these  plans  –  specifically  from  telecoms  service
                         to the country’s numbering plans with local telecoms   providers, emergency service agencies and consumer
                         operators, it said several suggestions had been for the   authorities – by a deadline of 22 November 2019.
                         existing  geographical  number  series  to  be  combined   (October 16, 2019)
                         into  a  common  number  series  for  fixed  telephone

                         The National Public Services Authority (ASEP) signed   Panama  (Movistar),  Cable  &  Wireless  Panama  and
                         Resolution  AN  No.  15710-Telco  earlier  this  month,   Claro Panama, as well as Millicom-backed ISP Cable
                         confirming  its  intention  to  distribute  spectrum  in   Onda. Going forward, the watchdog seeks to clear the
                         the  1427MHz-1518MHz  ‘L-band’  range  for  mobile   band within 24 months, although Digicel and Movistar
        Panama           use  within  the  next  two  years.  The  move  follows  a   have pushed for a briskier timeframe. While ASEP has
                         consultation  on  the  country’s  National  Frequency
                                                                        stopped short of recommending the band for 5G use. A
                         Attribution  Plan  (Plan  Nacional  de  Atribucion  de   number of countries have earmarked the 1.5GHz band
                         Frecuencias,  PNAF),  which  received  feedback  from   for fifth-generation mobile services, including the likes
                         mobile incumbents Digicel Panama, Telefonica Moviles   of France. (October 22, 2019)

                         The   Private   Investment   Promotion   Agency   USD291 million in revenues. MTC is also considering
                         (ProInversion)  has  confirmed  that  the  planned   using  the  3.5GHz  band  for  5G  use,  having  staged  a
                         auction  of  1750MHz-1780MHz/2150MHz-2180MHz   consultation on its plans this summer. That band was
                         (AWS-3)  and  2300MHz-2330MHz  spectrum  will  take   utilized  to  stage  the  country’s  first  5G  trial  –  staged
                         place in the second quarter of 2020. The nationwide   by  Entel  and  Huawei  –  in  March  this  year,  in  San
        Peru             concessions  will  be  valid  for  a  20-year  period  and   Isidro. In May 2019 Claro staged its own 5G trial, also
                         support the deployment of 4G and 5G technology. The   with Huawei, using a temporary allocation of 3.6GHz
                         Ministry of Transport and Communications (Ministerio   spectrum; the test yielded download speeds of 3Gbps.
                         de Transportes y Comunicaciones,  MTC) approved   Most  recently,  September  2019  saw  Movistar  join
                         the  spectrum  auction  in March  this year and the   forces with Ericsson to test 5G technology in Trujillo.
                         government  expects  the  process  to generate  around   (October 11, 2019)

                         Deputy  Speaker  Mikee  Romero  has  proposed  House   of at least PHP1 million for every day a telco continues
                         Bill  4886  which  is  designed  to  give  Philippines   to breach requisite terms and conditions. Further, the
                         industry  watchdog  the  National  Telecommunications   amendment would allow the watchdog to order telcos
                         Commission  (NTC)  more  ‘enforcement  teeth’  by   to  refund  customers.  ‘The  current  framework  is  also
        Philippines      updating the 24-year-old Republic Act 7925 (the Public   inadequate  mainly  because  it  is  based  on  a  20th-
                         Telecommunications  Policy  Act)  where  it  comes  to
                                                                        century  orientation  being  applied  to  21st-century
                         dealing  with  penalties  and  sanctions.  The  proposed   situations.  Urgent  needs  are  also  unaddressed,  such
                         House Bill seeks ‘to improve compliance among public   as much better competition, consumer protection and
                         telecommunication  entities  and  expand  the  NTC’s   industry regulation,’ he pointed out, before adding that
                         control and capability as a regulator’. In a brief, Romero   a review of the government’s spectrum policy is also in
                         confirmed: ‘My bill amends RA 7925 with a whole set of   order: ‘We have only three major telecom players and
                         law-enforcement teeth because the 1995 law does not   dozens  of  bit  players.  We  have  a  number  of  unused
                         have penalty provisions and no means to hold erring   spectrum frequencies. The spectrum policy has been
                         entities and people liable for wrongdoing and not doing   described by some experts as ‘a mess.’ ’The country
                         when they should have acted decisively.’ Per the official,   has  thousands  of  telecom  dead  spots  nationwide,’
                         the new measures give the NTC the power to levy a fine   Romero said. (October 10, 2019)  Business Mirror

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