Page 141 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         in May 2019 using its 2×5MHz spectrum allocation in   coverage reached 78% (based on outdoor voice signal)
                         the 1800MHz band (valid until 2029), offering mobile   and it has continued  to expand  the  footprint,  most
                         services exclusively for fixed internet, TV or telephony   recently disclosing that it covered 650 settlements by
                         subscribers of the group, and to date the MNO service   the start of September 2020, up from 549 settlements
                         remains unavailable to non-bundling  customers.   claimed in June.
                         By  the  beginning  of  2020,  DIGI’s  mobile  population   (September 22, 2020)

                         The Indian government established a panel comprising   The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has
                         the heads of its telecoms and defence ministries, among   agreed to abandon its inquiry into the premium ‘RedX’
                         others, to streamline spectrum allocation and deliver   tariff offered by Vodafone Idea – which now operates
                         a  long-term roadmap designed  to offer operators   under the Vi brand – after the provider removed claims
        India            clarity on the specific bands to be made available, The   regarding priority  4G access from the plans.  The
                         Economic Times (ET) reported. A senior official told ET   regulator agreed to  cease its  investigation following
                         the committee’s goal is to sort out conflicting interests   a  revision of the plans last  week, which Vi said  it
                         between ministries, identify bands to be released and   hoped would address the TRAI’s concerns. Following
                         look to hold  an auction  annually. The  group  met for   a complaint from rival provider Reliance Jio Infocomm
                         the first time on 12 October. The Department of Space   (Jio), the TRAI began examining whether Vi’s RedX plan
                         and  the  Ministries  of  Information  and  Broadcasting;   negatively impacted quality of service for non-premium
                         Railways; and Home Affairs are also on the panel. A   customers. Elsewhere, meanwhile, Vi is set to upgrade
                         source told the newspaper its remit may be expanded   its 3G customers to 4G ‘in a phased manner across all
                         to cover spectrum pricing. Top of the agenda for the   markets’, but will continue to offer 2G services.
                         committee  will  be convincing  the Department of   (September 28, 2020) The Economic Times
                         Space  to give up blocks of 26GHz  spectrum,  which
                         the Department of Telecommunications  wants for a   Executives  from  Indian  cellcos  Bharti  Airtel  and
                         5G auction, ET stated. Operators have long called for   Vodafone Idea Limited (VIL) – now operating under the
                         a clear spectrum roadmap to enable them to plan their   Vi brand – have urged regulators to release spectrum
                         network strategies and capex budgets. A 4G auction   in  the  E  band  (71GHz-76GHz  and  81GHz-86GHz)
                         involving as much as 2475MHz of spectrum planned   and  V  band  (57GHz  to  64GHz)  to  support  backhaul
                         for this year was pushed to early 2021, despite interest   infrastructure for 4G and 5G networks. The Economic
                         from  Reliance  Jio  and  Bharti  Airtel.  A  5G  spectrum   Times quotes  Airtel CTO  Randeep  Sekhon  as saying
                         auction was also delayed until 2021, due to the poor   that the frequencies would be key to 5G backhaul in
                         financial health of the industry and worries the reserve   India,  adding:  ‘A  robust  transport  network  is  needed.
                         price is too high to attract interest. The country’s last   5G will need backhaul, which will be much larger than
                         spectrum  sale  was  in  October  2016,  generating  $9.8   the backhaul of a 4G site needs because of the sheer
                         billion for the government. (October 14, 2020)  spectrum 5G brings in.’ (September 21, 2020)

                         The government is said to be considering fast-tracking   the plan would require ‘detailed technical, commercial
                         the  National  Broadband  Plan  (NBP)  in  response  to   and financial analyses. (September 25, 2020)
                         the coronavirus  crisis, The Irish  Times writes, citing
                         Minister  for Communications  Eamon  Ryan.  Speaking   Irish telecoms  watchdog  the Commission  for
        Ireland          in the Dail Eireann, the minister was reported to have   Communications Regulation (ComReg) has launched a
                                                                        consultation as part of a Universal Service Review on
                         said  that  the COVID-19  pandemic  has  highlighted
                         the  importance  of reliable  broadband  in facilitating   the provision of public payphones. Previously, in June
                         remote  working, providing access to education  and   2020 the regulator outlined its plan to consult on the
                         for essential online  facilities.  ‘My  department is   usage threshold and payment methods that would be
                         engaging  with  National  Broadband  Ireland  (NBI)  to   in place until 31 December 2020 – the end of the current
                         explore the feasibility  of accelerating aspects of the   payphone designation period – as well as the need, if
                         planned rollout to establish the possibility of bringing   any, for a public payphone universal service after that.
                         forward premises which are currently scheduled  in   In  keeping its  word, ComReg  is  now undertaking  the
                         years six and seven of the plan to an earlier date’. Such   review and has invited submissions  from members
                         discussions are reportedly ‘ongoing’, while Ryan noted   of the public, as well as interested stakeholders by a
                         that any changes proposed in relation to accelerating   deadline of 19 October. (September 24, 2020)

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