Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 142


                         Japan’s Fair Trade Commission (FTC) plans to conduct   industry more open and competitive, while in the role of
                         an investigation into the pricing models  and sales   chief cabinet secretary, he backed the 2018 campaign
                         practices  employed  by  the  country’s  mobile  network   calling for  a  40%  reduction  in  mobile fees.  Although
                         operators (MNOs) in a bid to foster market competition,   the big three MNOs  – NTT DOCOMO, KDDI  (au) and
        Japan            as part of a plan by new prime minister, Yoshihide Suga,   SoftBank Corp – responded with the launch of cheaper
                         to drive down the cost of mobile services. The Nikkei
                                                                        plans and compliance  with  the removal  of handset
                         daily newspaper cites the Commission’s new chairman   subsidies, Suga apparently wants to go further and his
                         Kazuyuki  Furuya  as  saying that  it will  intervene  ‘if   subsequent selection as PM prompted the three cellcos
                         consumer convenience is being undermined’ and that   to signal they plan to lower their rates. Furuya told the
                         his primary goal is to ensure that end  user  interests   Nikkei that despite legal measures to separate handset
                         are ‘not being harmed by high prices resulting from the   sales from service fees and a crackdown on long-term
                         lack of competition or by low quality services’. When   contracts to level the playing field for newcomers, the
                         Yoshihide Suga announced his candidacy to succeed   ‘market share held by discount carriers has not grown’
                         Shinzo Abe following the latter’s resignation on health   and the  current  levels of competition  are still  not
                         grounds,  he  said:  ‘I  want  to  create  a  framework  that   enough. ‘Network access fees [charged to new market
                         allows for greater competition in the [telecoms] field’.   entrants] and the lack of the market for second-hand
                         Suga is an old hand where it comes to telecoms policy   handsets  might  be  hindering  competition,’  he  said,
                         and  has  long trumpeted  the need  for  lower mobile   seemingly confirming that the FTC will look into those
                         service rates.  As  minister for  internal affairs  and   areas. The FTC chairman did not say when the review
                         communications  in the 2000s  he strove to make the   will begin. (October 19, 2020)

                         The  State  Communications  Agency  (SCA)  confirmed   CommsUpdate,  the regulator  had scheduled  three
                         on its  website that  a  series of auctions  for wireless   auctions  for  4/7/8  September,  offering  ten-year
                         spectrum  licenses  in the  2300MHz-2400MHz  TDD   concessions for frequencies in all regions across the
                         range have been declared invalid  due to absence  of   country except the capital Bishkek and second largest
        Kyrgyzstan       bidders.  As  previously  reported  by  TeleGeography’s   city Osh. (September 21, 2020)

                         Telecoms watchdog the Regulatory Authority for Post   governmental bodies, such as the Kosovo Intelligence
                         and Electronic Communications (Autoriteti Rregullator   Agency  (Agjencia Kosovare  e  Inteligjences,  AKI)  and
                         i Komunikimeve Elektronike dhe Postare, ARKEP) has   the Financial Intelligence  Unit  (FIU)  to investigate
                         briefed the Parliamentary Committee for the Economy   any potential risk  to national security  and to assess
        Kosovo           on the progress of the sale of full-service provider   the suitability  of the would-be purchaser.  Much of
                                                                        the  committee’s  discussion  surrounded  concerns
                         IPKO  by  its  parent,  Telekom  Slovenije.  Local  news
                         outlets  quote  a  senior  ARKEP  official  as  stating  that   regarding  the  potential  takeover of IPKO  by Serbian
                         the number of entities that had registered their interest   state-owned  provider Telekom Srbija on national
                         in purchasing IPKO ‘was two digits’, but the Slovenian   security grounds. Whilst the ARKEP members present
                         telco did not disclose the exact number, nor the names   confirmed that they would look to block the sale to the
                         of the parties. The official added that the seller is not   Serbian  telco,  MPs  highlighted  a  potential barrier in
                         required to share such information at this stage of the   that ARKEP’s board lacks a quorum and its decision-
                         sale, but will provide the relevant information to ARKEP   making could  therefore be considered illegitimate or
                         once  it  completes  the second  phase of  the process,   illegal.  The  issue  was  dismissed  by  ARKEP  officials,
                         currently scheduled to take place by mid-November. At   however.
                         that point, ARKEP will pass the information on to other   (October 7, 2020)

                         National  regulator  the  Liberia  Telecommunications   the  deployment  of  its  fiber-optic  network  to  homes,
                         Authority  (LTA)  has  issued  a  mobile  network   businesses and educational institutions, but will now
                         services  license  to  state-owned  PTO  Liberia   be able to join incumbent operators Lonestar Cell-MTN
                         Telecommunications Corporation (LIBTELCO), allowing   and Orange Liberia in the domestic market, offering a
        Liberia          it to offer GSM-based services. Front Page Africa notes   range of voice and mobile data services. As previously
                         a statement from the LTA as saying that ‘Liberians would
                                                                        reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, in August
                         now have a wider choice in determining the network of   this year the House of Representatives voted to amend
                         their  convenience’.  LIBTELCO  has  been  focusing  on   the  Telecommunications  Act  of  2007  to  expand  the

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