Page 144 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 144


                         The government of Mozambique has launched a rural   Comunicacoes de Mocambique, INCM, also known as
                         connectivity project which will bring internet access to   ARECOM). Minister of Transport and Communications
                         27 unserved districts. The project, to be implemented   Janfar  Abdulai  commented:  ‘We  are  working  to
                         through the creation of ‘digital squares’, is funded by   guarantee  that every municipality  of Mozambique
        Mozambique       the Universal Access Service Fund (Fundo do Servico   will have at least one digital square by the end of this
                         de Acesso Universal, FSAU), affiliated to the National
                                                                        five-year period.’ 73 digital squares have already been
                         Communications  Institute (Instituto Nacional de   deployed under the FSAU. (September 7, 2020)

                         New Zealand’s Commerce Commission has released a   information with competitors and comparison services
                         paper detailing its proposed high-level approach and   to help inform their decisions.
                         process for determining the information disclosure and   (September 21, 2020)
                         price-quality  regulations  that  will  be  applied  to  fiber
        New Zealand      access  services providers Chorus, Enable Networks,   The New Zealand Commerce Commission (ComCom)
                         Northpower  and UltraFast  Fiber from 1  January   called on the country’s three mobile network operators
                         2022.  The price-quality and  information disclosure   to make it easier for customers to compare price plans
                         regulations  will  give effect to  and build on the input   to avoid overspending,  prompting them  to catch  up
                         methodologies  for  fiber  services,  such  as  how  the   with sectors  like electricity  by  offering  comparison
                         Commission must calculate the cost of capital, which   websites. It called  for Spark, Vodafone  New Zealand
                         are due to be finalized by late 2020. ‘The purpose of   and 2degrees to “guard against overspending” after a
                         this paper is to set out our early thinking on how we   review of nearly 80,000 consumer bills found a quarter
                         approach the major  aspects the new regulations   of post-paid customers  could save an average  of
                         will cover.  This includes  the type  of information   NZD11.60  ($7.77)  a  month  by  switching  to  a  lower-
                         providers should publicly disclose and how we would   price plan without amending their usage. The review
                         set the amount of revenue  Chorus can recover and   also  found  64  per  cent  of  consumers  didn’t  change
                         the  quality  standards  it  must  meet,’  commented   their mobile plan over a 12-month period, while 7 per
                         Telecommunications Commissioner Tristan Gilbertson.   cent “spent a relatively high amount” on services “given
                         Interested  parties can submit their  comments  and   their usage” and could save an average of NZD48.65
                         opinions by 14 October. In other news, the Commerce   a  month.  “Our  work  suggests  that  some  consumers
                         Commission  has  urged  New  Zealand’s  three  mobile   are  significantly  overspending  on  their  mobile
                         network operators – Spark, Vodafone and 2degrees –   plans  due  to  transparency  and  inertia  problems”,
                         to provide more meaningful  comparison  information   Telecommunications Commissioner Tristan Gilbertson
                         and guard against overspending by customers. A study   said.  “We  expect  the  operators  to  address  these
                         of nearly 80,000 consumer mobile bills conducted by   issues by  increasing the usage information  available
                         the regulator found 64% of consumers did not change   to  consumers  and implementing  measures  to  help
                         plans during the twelve-month review period. The study   keep consumers on plans that best reflect their actual
                         claims a quarter of post-paid consumers could save   requirements.”  Operator  response  Vodafone  stated
                         an estimated average of NZD11.60 a month (USD7.84)   it will work with the Telecommunications Forum on a
                         by  moving to a  cheaper  plan that  would still  cover   detailed response,  but argued  the report  showed  the
                         their usage. It also observed that 7% of all residential   country’s mobile sector is one of the most competitive,
                         consumers spent a relatively high amount on mobile   with a majority of consumers already shopping around.
                         services, given their usage, and that these consumers   ComCom’s  research  showed  more  than  a  third  of
                         could  potentially  save  an  average  of  NZD48.65  a   consumers  which  signed  up to base plans switched
                         month. ‘Our work suggests that some consumers are   during the 12-month period, significantly higher than
                         significantly  overspending  on  their  mobile  plans  due   the electricity sector, the operator added. It highlighted
                         to  transparency  and  inertia  problems  in  the  market,’   the report implies 93 per cent of consumers are paying
                         stated Tristan Gilbertson. The Commission  has also   a fair amount, and pointed to a recent GSMA survey in
                         encouraged  the wider industry  to  initiate  a  program   which New Zealand ranked third in the world in terms
                         of  work  on  a  ‘consumer  data  right’  so  consumers   of mobile networks and services.
                         can choose  to  share  their usage, spend  and product   (September 17, 2020)

                         Nigerian Communication  Commission (NCC) Chief   rollouts and fresh initiatives. Danbatta was speaking
                         Executive Umar Garba Danbatta, predicted  Nigeria   at a media briefing, where he stated there will be mass
                         will  see  “significant  improvement”  in  its  telecoms   deployments of 4G networks  across the  country,
                         industry  over  the  next  five  years,  backed  by  network   deeper  penetration of broadband,  and pledged
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