Page 145 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         proper implementation of a digital economy, and new   The regulator created a new arm within itself called the
                         strategies,  Daily  Post reported.  The CEO  also stated   Digital Economy Department, in a bid to spur Nigeria’s
                         there will be a focus on boosting consumer confidence   digital  economy  with  new initiatives, and better
                         by investigating “unwholesome practices” from certain   leverage connectivity in the country. “The Commission
                         service providers to safeguard consumer  rights,   is placing emphasis on growing the digital economy in
                         and plan to reduce  the cost of mobile  data steadily   collaboration  with  sister agencies  under  the Federal
                         from the current rate of 800 Naira ($2.07) per gigabit   Ministry  of  Communications  and  Digital  Economy”,
                         to  390  Naira  ($1.01).  On  the  country’s  broadband,   Daily  Post  reported. In  May,  the NCC denied  reports
                         Danbatta  said  the  regulator  aimed  for  a  70  per  cent   claiming 5G networks were up and running in Nigeria,
                         broadband  penetration  rate, connecting  90  per cent   stating licenses for were yet to be issued then.
                         of the population by 2025, putting it in line with new   (September 7, 2020)
                         targets  from  the  Nigerian  National  Broadband  Plan.

                         Norwegian communications regulator NKOM and water   key  reason for the increase.  Moreover, the regulator
                         resources and energy directorate  NVE  are seeking   also  confirmed  that  88%  of  premises  had  access
                         comments by 20 November concerning guidelines for   to downlink rates of 500Mbps or more, compared
                         use of telecoms  and wind power generation.  NKOM   to 83% at mid-2019. At the other end of the scale, in
        Norway           said in some  cases,  wind turbines  can affect  and   terms of lower-level speeds the NKOM said that 98%
                                                                        of households had access to a connection offering at
                         disrupt communication  services.  The guidelines  will
                         be finalized and published after the hearing. The two   least 30Mbps downstream by 30 June 2020, up from
                         agencies propose that telecoms operators should be   89% twelve months previously. According to NKOM, the
                         involved in the wind power infrastructure concession   notable improvement in access for such speeds was
                         process as  early  as  possible. The consultation  also   due mainly to the introduction of new offers from both
                         concerns  measures to  remedy any  disruption  or   Telenor Norge and Telia Norge, both of which market
                         interference. The guidelines will apply to infrastructure   fixed-wireless broadband services.
                         that  is  already established,  whose construction  has   (October 7, 2020)
                         begun, and which is still at the planning stage. They
                         will  safeguard telecoms  networks that  were already   The National Communications  Authority (Nkom)
                         set up before there was a recognized, detailed plan for   has  confirmed  new  obligations  for  Telenor  Norge
                         wind power. NKOM referred to safeguarding frequency   in  the broadband market.  Having sent two  draft
                         permits.  Telecom  network development  taking  place   decisions  related  to the  regulation  of telcos  to the
                         after detailed plans for wind power have been approved,   EFTA Surveillance  Authority  (ESA)  in July 2020, the
                         must adapt to the wind power, regardless of whether   regulator has now announced that the ESA raised no
                         this is expansion of existing telecoms infrastructure or   objections  to  its  proposals.  As  such,  under  Nkom’s
                         a new network.                                 newly published regulatory  decisions,  Telenor  will
                         (October 11, 2020)            be required to  maintain  wholesale  access to  its
                                                                        copper network for a further five years from the date
                         The National Communications  Authority (Nasjonal   of the final ruling (2 September), while it will also be
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet, NKOM) has published its   compelled  to offer wholesale  customers  access  to
                         latest annual broadband survey, reporting that 74% of   its  fixed-wireless  broadband  infrastructure.  In  line
                         households had access to fiber broadband as of 30 June   with its previous indications, meanwhile, the regulator
                         2020. In particular, the regulator highlighted improved   has  confirmed  that  its  ruling  does  allow  for  a  faster
                         access to fiber-based technology in sparsely populated   shutdown  of  Telenor’s  copper  network.  To  that  end,
                         areas, noting that 55% of residential households in rural   the Nkom notes that if the telco can offer its wholesale
                         regions  can now access such  connectivity, up from   customers relevant replacement products for copper-
                         45% at mid-2019. By comparison, it said that 78% of   based access, it may then draw up a plan for migration
                         premises in more densely populated areas had access   for  copper  to  fibre/mobile  infrastructure.  Should  it
                         to fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) technology at mid-2020.   choose to do so, Telenor would need to accept input
                         In terms of speeds, meanwhile, the NKOM said that 89%   from its wholesale customers on any such plan, before
                         of Norway’s premises could access download speeds   then seeking final approval from the Nkom for this.
                         of 100Mbps or more as of end-June 2020, up from 85%   (September 4, 2020)
                         a year earlier, citing the improved access to fiber as a

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