Page 137 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 137



        The  development  and improvement  of Libya’s telecoms   telecoms firms, revealed the meeting discussed the performance
        and technology sector  was  the subject  of a discussion  on   of Chinese companies operating  in Libya’s  ICT sector, and the
        1  April between  Faisel  Gergab, Chairman of the Libyan  Post   enhancement of cooperation in the area of training, development
        Telecommunication & Information Technology Company (LPTIC),   and knowledge  transfer through  its  planned  Academy  of
        and China’s ambassador to Libya, Qimin Wang. The LPTIC, the   Communications and Technology.
        government  holding company in  charge of all  state-owned   (April 6, 2021) Libya Herald


        The latest  data  by  the National  Statistics  Department shows   following the lockdown period. People started working from home
        that the contribution of the telecom sector to Nepal’s economy   using the  internet  service.  Similarly,  students continued  their
        has been  1.5  percent.  A recent  interaction  program  organized   studies via virtual class. To support the consumers, the IT sector
        by the Society of Economic Journalists (SEJON) discussed the   came up with full connectivity and several apps. As a result, the
        contribution  of the telecom  sector to  the economy.  After the   contribution of the telecom sector to the economy summed up to
        COVID-19  outbreak,  the  usage  of  telecommunication  services   1.5 percent.
        increased exponentially. Digitalization expanded to a great extent   (April 20, 2021)


        The Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority has  signed  a   and OoredooOman." The statement added that the memorandum
        Memorandum of Understanding with Amanah (Endowment Funds   aims  to  train  the  Omani  youth  in  the  field  of  repairing  and
        Management)  to  promote romanization.  A  statement issued   programming communication  devices and customer  service,
        online by Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) said:"   promoting romanization in the profession of selling and repairing
        To promote entrepreneurship in the telecommunications sector,   communication devices and their accessories, and creating job
        the TRA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Amanah   opportunities for low-income  Omanis  and children of social
        (Endowment Funds Management), with the support of Omantel   security families. (May 25, 2021)


        Pakistan’s total teledensity reached at 85 percent with over 181   said  it  is  emphasizing  on  growth,  usage  penetration  &  quality
        million mobile subscribers and 2.4 million fixed-line subscribers,   of broadband  services  to every nook  and corner  of Pakistan.
        revealed Pakistan  Telecommunication Authority (PTA). “There   Meanwhile,  Chairman PTA, Maj General  Amir Azeem  Bajwa's
        are now over 100 million broadband  subscribers  with total   (R) message on World Telecom & Information Society Day said
        teledensity at 85pc, over 181 million mobile subscribers and 2.4   that the pace  of digital transformation  has been  accelerated
        million fixed-line subscribers,” said PTA. “88pc of Pakistan has   with  COVID-19.  As  the  world  adjusts  to  the  new-normal,  the
        access to internet/broadband services at one of the lowest rates   focus of the telecom sector has also shifted from accessibility
        in the region,” the regulator added. PTA remains at the forefront   and availability to resilience, continuity, quality and affordability.
        of the digital revolution to facilitate and regulate the telecom and   Regulators  across the  globe  are revisiting their  regulatory
        ICT infrastructure.  PTA is  committed to continue  its  efforts  to   approaches while working hand-in-hand with international tele
        maintain support for consumers and businesses, and to ensure   communities  and  health organizations  to  ensure  safe, secure,
        that  networks  remain  resilient  &  quality  telecommunication   reliable, fast, affordable and modern telecom services.
        services are available to all, especially in this difficult time. PTA   (May 18, 2021)

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