Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of Bahrain   in this critical sector, and it aims at improving readiness for latest
        releases its 2020 report on the country's mobile network quality of   applications like the Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine
        service. The Audit demonstrates that the Kingdom has found high   communications. (May 26, 2021)
        quality of service networks accessible, with 5G download speeds
        exceeding 2 Gbps, as the maximum value that was detected in the   According  to the Key  Market in Digital Transformation  trends
        measurements. The average speeds  of 5G technology  reached   within the Telecom Sector in Bahrain, the kingdom is considered
        approximately  440  Mbps.  Commenting on the report,  Eng.   to be  a regional player in digital transformation  owing  to its
        Mohamed  Alnoaimi,  TRA’s  Director  of  Technical  &  Operations   premature realization about  the potential  and importance  of
        stated: “Preparing  for the introduction  of the latest  mobile   technology that enables its economic growth, human development
        technologies  is  one  of the most important  strategic objectives   and job creation among others, It is well known for its support
        of TRA. TRA has worked with the Ministry of Transportation   for technology-driven businesses with government bodies taking
        and Telecommunications  and all  relevant government  entities   care of regulatory role and governance.  For instance,  Bahrain
        to facilitate the launch of 5G services and to make the Kingdom   was the first country in GCC to liberalize its telecom sector as it
        of Bahrain one of the first countries to cover the population of   stands to lead the region with well-established information and
        Bahrain with 5G technologies, as it is easily available to citizens   communications technology (ICT) infrastructure. The region has
        and residents.” “The Audit showed the results of coverage, billing   issued standards for IoT connectivity with support for the use of
        accuracy, and quality of service in general for all wireless Internet   frequency bands for IoT systems that are used in international
        services and the results of 5G networks in particular. The Audit   mobile communications  systems and it  also  has  issued the
        results are considered  a  quantum leap in data download  and   working document in order to harmonize the use IMT spectrum
        upload speeds  and quick response,  especially with  regards to   for the narrowband IoT applications. Additionally, the region also
        the 5G services section. This is part of the Kingdom's efforts to   has ensured that its wireless and fiber are arranged to support
        make it an attractive center for investment maintaining its leading   5G and has reformed its frequency bands to accommodate the
        position regionally and internationally in telecommunications and   5G networks.  For instance,  In  June  2019, Batelco announced
        information technology services.” Eng. Mohamed added. “We must   the launch of commercial  5G network available in Amwaj  and
        commend the role of telecommunications companies that have   Reef  Island,  making  it  the  first  telecom  provider  in  Bahrain  to
        invested in these technologies and provided them to consumers   implement commercial 5G network. The Bahrain Airport deploys
        in the Kingdom of Bahrain, enabling  them to access  multiple   advanced  Information and communications  technology  (ICT)
        Internet services efficiently at better speeds." Eng. Mohamed also   solutions  including  IoT,  cloud-based  unified  communications,
        added. The Audit highlights mobile coverage, service efficiency,   and big data among others for the deployment communication
        and billing. It also covers quality of service, consumer experience,   system across the entire airport. Additionally, it also delivers data
        testing download, upload, latency, various Social Media Apps, and   sharing and analytics capabilities to leverage systems including
        webpage navigation, showcasing the evolution of networks of all   Airport Operation Database and, Airport Collaborative Decision-
        three MNOs currently offering 5G technology. TRA is constantly   Making.
        assuring that Bahrain preserves its status as a leading global hub   (April 28, 2021)


        Bangladesh  ended  March  with more than 174.6  million mobile   at 80.7 million while Robi has 51.9 million, Banglalink 36.2 million,
        phone  subscribers,  up from  173.3  million in  February,  revealed   and  state-owned  Teletalk  5.6  million.  In  terms  of  mobile SIM
        the Bangladesh Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission   subscriber  growth, the growth rate  of  mobile SIM  subscribers
        (BTRC). The telecom regulator disclosed the subscriber number   is  lower in  February-March as  compared to  January-February.
        considering  the  biometrically  verified  subscriptions  who  have   Meanwhile,  the  total number  of Internet  subscribers  reached
        any activity including voice, data, and SMS transactions at least   116.1 million in March; says a separate report of BTRC. A large
        once in the preceding 90 days. Among all mobile operators, Robi   part of the new Internet customers consists of cell phone users
        Axiata Ltd, the second-largest operator in the country, received   – 3.1 million – who recently subscribed to Internet services of
        the highest with nearly 400,000 new users while market leader   different mobile operators, whereas broadband Internet providers
        Grameenphone  and No 3  Banglalink  each got 300000  new   received only 200000 new users.
        subscribers. Currently, Grameenphone's total subscribers stand   (May 3, 2021)

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