Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 136



        The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has directed   Internet packages provided by  various mobile companies. The
        for mobile companies  to allow  free use of a  set of phone   applications offer a range of diverse features, such as object and
        applications for people with disabilities as of the beginning of the   currency recognition, and e-reader and automatic conversations
        holy month of Ramadan. The approach is to ensure easy access   with sighted volunteers through online visual chatting technology.
        to telecommunications  and the  Internet  for disabled  users,  as   The applications  for the visually  impaired include  Be  My  Eyes,
        they are an integral part of the Egyptian social fabric. The NTRA   TapTapSee,  CASH READER and work on  various operating
        initiative aims  to provide free use of a  set of applications  for   systems. For the hearing-impaired users, the Wasel application
        users with visual and auditory disabilities that help them facilitate   was made available free of charge. Wasel is an application for
        various matters of their  daily living. This is also to ensure   inquiring  about government  facilities and emergency  services
        that  their consumption  is  not deducted  from  the contracted   through sign language video technology. (April 13, 2021)


        A  report  from  Iran’s  official  IRNA  news  agency  says  that  more   villages have received internet access but at lower speeds. The
        than 35,000 villages have been connected to high speed internet   government introduced legislation in 2017 requiring the country’s
        networks over an eight-year period under  a  project to improve   two main cellular operators, MCI and MTN Irancell, to expand their
        rural  services.  PressTV  cites  IRNA  as  saying  that  35,519   networks to more rural regions. Landline phones have reached
        remote villages had access to broadband services as of March   four million households in 47,000 villages, according to the report.
        2020, up from virtually zero eight years before. A further 17,000   (March 24, 2021)


        The Telecommunications Regulatory  Authority has  published   and reports of licensed  companies  Services Wireless Internet
        quality indicators reports  for the second  half of 2020  for   Fixed   Fixed  the LTE  .The publication  of these  reports comes
        telecommunications  companies  operating  in the local market,   in accordance with what has been approved in the Instructions
        and based on the information contained in the quality indicators   for the Regulatory Framework for Quality Control issued by the
        reports provided by those companies. The cover reports published   Authority and based on the reports provided to the Authority by
        on the electronic body site  reports  licensed   the licensed companies, with the aim of monitoring the level of
        companies  relating  to  fixed  telephone  services  and  access   quality of services provided  by the licensed  companies  to the
        services for broadband internet access the ADSL and telephone   beneficiaries.
        services cellular, and Internet services wired broadband the ADS   (March 28, 2021)


        Zain Kuwait has signed a contract to provide its Zain Drone services   supervise economic  activity in industrial  areas in Kuwait.  We
        to Kuwait’s Public Authority  of Industry, in a project  involving   believe our services and technology are amongst the most precise
        aerial topographical surveys using autonomous unmanned aerial   and sophisticated available anywhere in the region, allowing our
        vehicles  (UAVs)  capturing  corrected  georeferenced  imagery  for   industrial and commercial clients to undertake tasks with greater
        data  analysis.  Zain  Drone CEO  AbdulAziz  Jawad  commented:   efficiency and lower cost than when utilizing traditional methods.
        ‘The Public Authority of Industry has an important mission to   (March 26, 2021)

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