Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 138


        As per  the Pakistan Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA),  the   countries. It was learned that mobile data prices declined to only
        achievement comes on the back of government policies, effective   0.70pc of the Gross National Income (GNI) per capita which is well
        competition  among  telecom  operators. PTA stated that  in   below the UN Broadband Commission’s recommendation of less
        2012, there were less than 2 million subscriptions but after the   than 2pc. PTA said that all four national Cellular Mobile Operators
        introduction  of  3G  services,  the  figure  jumped  to  16  million  in   (CMOs), SCO, and fixed-line broadband operators including PTCL
        2014 and 100 million in 2021. The telecom regulator informed that   collectively have broadband  subscriptions  of over 100 million.
        presently 87 percent of the country's population has access to   Back in 2010, the Pakistan  telecom  sector  reached  100 million
        internet/broadband services at one of the lowest rates in the region.   mobile  subscriptions,  it  launched  the  first-ever  biometrically
        It informed that broadband is provided over 3G/4G networks with   verified  SIMs  across  the  country  in  2009  and  implemented  the
        an average download speed of 17.7 Mbps and upload speed of 11.3   world’s first open-source DIRBS in 2019.
        Mbps (mobile) which is above the speed levels in other regional   (April 3, 2021)


        The  Communications  Regulatory Authority  (CRA)  published  a   future.  The introduction  of this technology  will  help support
        public consultation on its website related to the Wireless Local   many sectors in Qatar, including the education sector, especially
        Area Network (Wi-Fi 6) and CRA's proposed policy for assigning   with the current approach related to remote learning through the
        the full frequency  band (5925-7125  MHz)  to this network with   internet because of the conditions associated with the spread of
        an aim of receiving the views and comments from the local and   the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Moreover, this technology
        international  stakeholders  and interested parties about CRA's   will also support the mobile telecom market as a complementary
        proposed decision. Wi-Fi 6 is one of the world's new and cutting-  technology to the (5G) Networks, especially during Qatar's hosting
        edge  technologies,  helping  to  address  Internet  data  traffic   of major events, including the FIFA World Cup - Qatar 2022," said
        congestion issues caused by the connectivity of multiple devices   CRA president  Mohamed  Ali al-Mannai.  CRA has reviewed  the
        to the same Wi-Fi hub. This technology will enable consumers   experiences and the policy statements of several countries in this
        in Qatar to connect more devices to the Wi-Fi with high-speed   regard, and found  that  some countries  have decided  to  assign
        Internet  connectivity, which includes  laptops, tablets, mobile   the full frequency band to Wi-Fi 6 technology, such as the US, the
        phones, and smart TV. Also, Wi-Fi 6 will enable different Internet   Republic of South Korea, and others, while some other countries
        of Things (IoT) applications and support innovative applications,   have decided to assign part of the frequency band, such as the
        such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and ultrahigh   UK and a number of European countries. CRA's approach is based
        definition video (Ultra HD). “CRA is one of the first regulators in   on the investment of the full bandwidth (1200 MHz) in order to
        the region and the world to announce clearly and transparently   increase the Wi-Fi capacity and enhance the experience of the
        its policy related to the frequency band for the Wi-Fi 6 technology,   consumers in Qatar, to keep pace with the telecom infrastructure
        as  CRA  is  always  keen  to encourage  the introduction  of   that is ready to accommodate this new technology, as the optical
        advanced technologies to Qatar and keep its relevant regulatory   fiber network covers around 99% of Qatar's households and this
        instruments up to date to cover the new technologies and radio   percentage is one of the highest worldwide.
        communications  applications, which will  contribute  to  a  better   (March 23, 2021)

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The  telecom  regulator  CITC  clarified  that  it  had  previously   aim of strengthening the mechanisms for protecting beneficiaries
        obligated all entities that fall under its regulatory powers, such   and raising the level of service quality. It also emphasized that
        as telecommunications and postal service providers, to provide   each party has a responsibility to protect customers in the sector
        a free contact number for customer service. This is in addition   that falls under its supervision by obliging commercial companies
        to  establishing a  special department to  receive, manage and   through provision of customer service via toll-free numbers.
        handle beneficiary complaints by service providers, and to allow   (May 5, 2021)
        communication  with  the department and submit complaints
        through all possible means either electronically or by phone or   The Communications and Information Technology Commission
        in  person.  The authority also  instructed  the companies  to  not   (CITC) has  issued its  ‘3-year Outlook for Commercial  and
        obligate the beneficiary to have a lone way to file his complaint, and   Innovative Use of the Spectrum in Saudi Arabia’, as  part  of
        that access to these means shall be clear, easy and free, with the   the National Spectrum  Strategy.  CITC is planning  to allocate

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