Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 139


        or improve access to more than 23GHz of spectrum for a wide   telecommunications,  information technology  and postal sector.
        range  of uses,  of which  4GHz  will  be licensed,  6.2GHz  will  be   The Governor said that the progress in the communications and
        license-exempt,  and more than 13GHz will  be  lightly licensed.   information  technology  sector  embodies  the wise leadership’s
        Consequently, CITC is planning to allocate licensed spectrum in   support for this vital sector, along with the follow-up of the Minister
        the 600MHz, 700MHz, 1500MHz, extended 2100MHz, 3800MHz-  of Communications and Information Technology and Chairman of
        4000MHz  and 26GHz  frequency  bands for mobile use between   the Board of Directors of the CITC, Eng. Abdullah Al-Sawaha, which
        2021 and 2023. The CITC is planning to commence an auction   resulted in the increase of digital infrastructure investments over
        for 600MHz,  700MHz  SDL, 723MHz-733MHz/778MHz-788MHz,   the past three years to more than USD 15 billion in partnership
        1980MHz-2010MHz/2170MHz-2200MHz      and    3800MHz-   with the private sector.  He added  that the number  of homes
        4000MHz airwaves in H2 2021, with the frequencies scheduled   connected to the optical fiber network reached over 3.5 million
        to be available for mobile use within one to three years after the   and the 5th generation networks exceeded 12,000 towers in more
        award (except for the 600MHz band, which will be subject to a   than 51 cities and governorates in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
        clearance schedule). Spectrum in the 1500MHz and 26GHz bands   noting  that Saudi Arabia became  among the top ten countries
        will be auctioned in H2 2022. In addition, the CITC is planning to   in the world in mobile  internet  speed.  Dr.  Al-Tamimi  described
        allocate between 2×3MHz and 2×5MHz in the 450MHz band for a   the  telecommunications  market in the  Kingdom  as the  most
        nationwide specialized network; the procedure and the mechanism   developed and largest market in the Middle East and North Africa,
        of releasing  the spectrum  will  be announced  in H1  2021.   where the size of the telecommunications market in the Kingdom
        Mohammed Al-Tamimi, CITC’s governor, explained the reasoning   was estimated at SAR 70 billion, information technology market at
        behind the new spectrum outlook: ‘Allocating new spectrum for   64 billion and the size of the postal market at 6.4 billion, whereas
        emerging wireless technologies to enable many use cases across   the estimated market value of telecom companies reached SAR
        different industries and verticals will help Saudi Arabia to build a   246 billion. He added that the communications and information
        digital society. CITC is adopting a progressive spectrum policy to   technology sector, along with the postal sector, which has recently
        meet spectrum demand of this wireless proliferation, and enable   joined  the commission’s  regulatory  responsibilities,  contributes
        technologies of the future like 5G, broadband satellite and new   to the Kingdom's GDP by 5.5%. The governor presented the most
        generation of WiFi to have fair access to spectrum.’   prominent  indicators  of the communications  and information
        (March 31, 2021)                       technology sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2020.
                                                               In 2020, there was a 135.5% increase in the prevalence of mobile
        Governor of Communications  and Information Technology   telecommunication services, 97.8% increase in the Internet use,
        Commission (CITC) Dr.  Mohammed bin Saud Al-Tamimi     and Internet services covered 99% of populated areas. He noted
        inaugurated  here the annual Information  and Communications   that the number of homes connected to the optical fiber network
        Technology  (ICT) Indicators Forum,  with the participation   which reached over 3.5 million along with the 12,000 towers in
        of Assistant Minister of Communications  and Information   more than 51 to support the 5th generation technology represents
        Technology Dr. Munir Al-Desouki; Director of National Information   an increase of 128% compared to 2019, adding that more than
        Center, Dr.  Essam  Al-Wagait; leaders  of telecommunications   60,000 free  Wi-Fi  points have been  provided  in public  places
        and postal companies  in  the Kingdom;  and specialists of the   around the Kingdom. (March 29, 2021)

                                                                                               South Sudan

        South  Sudan  has  introduced  its  first-ever  4G  internet  service   the country. Khalid Abdalla, chief executive officer of Zain South
        that will boost  connectivity  in a country that previously relied   Sudan, said the company is committed to delivering the highest
        on  3G broadband  width. Baba Medan Konyi,  deputy  minister   standard customer experience.  “We are delighted  in making
        of information and broadcasting,  welcomed  the launch  of 4G   the best network in South Sudan even better,” he said. “The 4G
        internet  services by Zain telecom services  and said it resulted   internet broad bandwidth places South Sudan among countries
        from concerted efforts of the government and Zain over the past   offering advanced mobile data services.” Abdalla disclosed that
        years. “It’s the right time to have 4G internet since government is   they will be working closely with government institutions to roll
        implementing the peace agreement, it will make communication   out 4G  internet  services. He  added  that  Zain will  migrate its
        easy among the people as we are going to disseminate messages   customers  to  the  latest  digital  technology,  with  4G  also  set  to
        of peace across the country,” said Konyi during the launch in the   bolster the mobile experience of 3G services by adding additional
        capital, Juba. He added that the government will provide security   capacity. However, no timeframe was given.
        to all  mobile  operators  to ensure improved internet  service in   (April 16, 2021)

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