Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         China will provide Angola with USD249 million financing   and digital transformation. Angolan Minister of Finance
                         this  year to support the  implementation  of a project   Vera Daves noted that further steps are now required
                         titled National Broadband Network (Rede Nacional de   regarding  the  adoption  of  specific  agreements  for
                         Banda Larga – RNBL). The funding comes in the form of   the  disbursement  of  the  USD249  million  for  project
        Angola           a concessional loan from Export-Import Bank of China,   implementation. Daves added that the disbursement of
                         with arrangements confirmed on 11 January. Chinese   the financing is part of the government’s quota for the
                         diplomat Gong Tao said after signing the contract for   development  of telecommunications  infrastructures
                         the  project’s  implementation  that  China  will  continue   alongside  expected  significant  participation  from  the
                         to  support  Angola  in  various  development  projects,   Angolan private sector.
                         with  emphasis  on the  areas  of telecommunications   (January 13, 2023) Jornal de Angola

                         Argentina’s  multi-band  5G  spectrum  auction  is  now   Servicio Movil Terrestre (Land Mobile Service) register,
                         expected to be held in March or April this year, rather   in  line  with  the  Plan  de  Gestion  Integral  del  Espectro
                         than February. The new timeline was reported this week.   Radioelectrico  (Comprehensive  Management  Plan  for
                         The spectrum sale is expected to include the following   the Radioelectric Spectrum). The decision was rubber-
        Argentina        frequency  bands:  1427MHz-1518MHz  (1500MHz   stamped  in  the  watchdog’s  last  meeting  of the  2022
                         band); 1770MHz-1780MHz/2170MHz-2180MHz (AWS-   and announced on 27 December. Argentina is aiming
                         3  band);  2300MHz-2400MHz  (2.3GHz  band);  3.3GHz-  to stage a multi-band 5G spectrum auction in February
                         3.6GHz  (3.5GHz);  24.25GHz-25.75GHz  (26GHz  band);   2023.  Alongside  spectrum  in  the  3.3GHz-3.6GHz
                         and 37GHz-43.5GHz (38GHz band). As per government   band,  ENACOM  expects  to  distribute  the  following
                         projections, the auction could raise as much as USD1.4   frequency  bands:  1427MHz-1518MHz  (1500MHz
                         billion. (January 19, 2023) Tiempo Argentino   band); 1770MHz-1780MHz/2170MHz-2200MHz (AWS-
                                                                        3 band); 2300MHz-2400MHz (2.3GHz band); 24.25GHz-
                         The National Communications Agency (Ente Nacional   25.75GHz (26GHz band); and 37GHz-43.5GHz (38GHz
                         de  Comunicaciones,  ENACOM)  has  confirmed  that  it   band).
                         has added spectrum in the 3.3GHz-3.6GHz band to the   (January 3, 2023)

                         Australia’s government has called for feedback on the   ation  of  the  National  Broadband  Network  (NBN),  and
                         future  of  standards  regulating  fixed  voice  services.  A   new market structures and industry players. As such,
                         discussion  paper  has  been  published  by  the  Depart-  it  said  its  discussion  paper was seeking  stakeholder
                         ment  of  Infrastructure,  Transport,  Regional  Develop-  views on the CSG as a whole, and the various regulatory
        Australia        ment, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) on the   instruments that give effect to it, noting these changes
                         20-year old Customer Service Guarantee (CSG), which:   to  the  sector.  Minister  for  Communications,  Michelle
                         provides performance standards for the connection and   Rowland, noted: ‘This discussion paper is an important
                         repair of fixed voice services and provides for compen-  first step towards considering the future role and form
                         sation to be paid to consumers where standards are not   of the CSG, and the views of stakeholders will help in-
                         met;  and  complements  the  Universal  Service  Obliga-  form its development … With instruments that are part
                         tion (USO), which provides reasonable access to fixed   of the existing CSG ceasing in coming months, we will
                         telephone services. Four instruments that support the   work collaboratively with the community and industry
                         CSG – made by the Minister for Communications and   to ensure performance standards appropriately reflect
                         the  Australian  Communications  and  Media  Authority   changes in the market and consumer interests.’
                         (ACMA) – are set to cease on 1 October 2023. Given   (February 17, 2023)
                         its regulatory role, it was noted that the ACMA will be
                         involved  in  the  review process.  In  launching  the  con-  A court-enforceable undertaking from Telstra related to
                         sultation  the  DITRDCA  said  that  since  the  CSG  was   the telco’s failure to comply with its ‘priority assistance’
                         first  introduced,  the  telecommunications  industry  had   obligations  has  been  accepted  by  the  Australian
                         changed dramatically as a result of the rise of mobile   Communications  and  Media  Authority  (ACMA).  As  a
                         technology,  changing  consumer  preferences,  the  cre-  condition  of  its  license,  Telstra  is  required  to  provide

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