Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 45
Nokia Upgrades Orange Jordan’s Broadband Network Gateway to Enhance
Connectivity Across the Kingdom
Nokia and Orange Jordan have announced 76 sites across Jordan’s north, central, Nokia’s value proposition of trusted
the successful upgrade of Orange Jordan’s and southern regions, positioning Orange performance across every network domain.
Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) with Jordan to meet growing subscriber By leveraging resilient, high-performance
Nokia’s cutting-edge 7750 Service Router demands with enriched digital experiences, networks built on Nokia’s strong foundation
(SR) platforms. This strategic initiative including high-speed internet, IPTV, and of security, sustainability, and ethical
marks a significant milestone in enhancing personalized broadband services. The standards, Orange Jordan can deliver
broadband services across Jordan, upgrade also supports Orange Jordan’s exceptional services to its subscribers.
delivering superior connectivity and sustainability goals by optimizing energy Waleed Al Doulat, Chief ITN & Wholesale
operational efficiency for both the operator consumption and reducing operational Officer at Orange Jordan, said: “This
and its customers. The deployment spans expenses. This collaboration highlights upgrade is a testament to our commitment
to delivering the best broadband services
to our customers. Nokia’s 7750 SR BNG
allows us to enhance network efficiency
and enrich our customers’ digital lives,
while aligning with our sustainability and
growth goals.” Bassel Megallaa, Head of
IP Networks for Middle East & Africa at
Nokia, said: “Our collaboration with Orange
Jordan demonstrates Nokia's dedication
to providing trusted performance that
empowers digital transformation. By
providing scalable, resilient, and secure
solutions, we enable Orange Jordan to
deliver world-class broadband experiences
while optimizing network efficiency.
Together, we are driving connectivity and
creating new opportunities for innovation
across Jordan.”
Ooredoo Claims MENA First with GSMA APIs
Ooredoo claimed to be the first operator in of scalable global services. The API deploy- ment solutions and anti-fraud measures,
the MENA region to adopt the GSMA Ca- ment has launched in the Maldives, and empowering them to upgrade their custom-
mara open-network APIs, tapping into 5G there are plans to expand across markets ers’ digital journeys and drive growth for
and IoT technologies to boost personal- including Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Algeria. their own businesses”, he added. The latest
ization for customers and developers. The Timos Tsokanis, group CTIO at Ooredoo announcement is part of a broader indus-
GSMA Camara APIs standardize access argued the implementation of the APIs will try push toward open APIs, spearheaded
to advanced telecom features including boost service reliability and make online by GSMA following the launch of its Open
silent authentication, edge computing and transactions faster and more secure for Gateway initiative in 2023. The initiative
robust security services. Ooredoo stated the operator’s customers. Meanwhile, “de- aims to establish a unified framework for
this interoperability simplifies integration velopers and businesses gain access to open APIs, fostering collaboration between
for developers and supports the creation cutting-edge tools, such as advanced pay- telecom operators and developers.
45 JAN-FEB 2025