Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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stc Bahrain Announces MOU with Fortinet to Launch
Bahrain’s First Sovereign Secure Access Service Edge
(SASE) Service
stc Bahrain, a digital enabler, has signed a including enhanced data protection and Finally, Sovereign SASE aims to enable
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with control, to ensure data sovereignty within significant cost savings by eliminating the
Fortinet, a global leader in cybersecurity the Kingdom. By keeping data local, the need for numerous on-premises security
solutions, to work together to launch the aim of the project is to minimize the risk of appliances and simplifying network
first Sovereign Secure Access Service unauthorized access and to foster trust with management. Eng. Khalid Al Osaimi, Chief
Edge (SASE) in Bahrain. This initiative customers and stakeholders. Furthermore, Executive Officer of stc Bahrain, stated,
supports Bahrain's Economic Vision 2030, it aims to simplify compliance with local “This strategic partnership with Fortinet is
which intends to create a secure digital regulations, providing peace of mind. The a significant leap forward in strengthening
economy aligned with the Kingdom's focus solution also intends to streamline network Bahrain's cybersecurity infrastructure.
on digital transformation. The cooperation and security operations, to improve overall The Sovereign SASE initiative empowers
intends to combine stc Bahrain's efficiency by consolidating multiple point Bahraini businesses to confidently
network infrastructure and Fortinet's solutions into a single, cloud-delivered accelerate their digital transformation,
security technologies to create a secure platform. This cloud-based approach would seamlessly adopting cloud technologies
environment for the Bahraini market. The increase agility and scalability, enabling while upholding the highest security
Sovereign SASE project intends to offer businesses to easily adapt to growing standards. This collaboration highlights our
key benefits for Bahraini businesses, needs and support remote workforces. commitment to driving innovation.” Alain
Penel, Vice President for Fortinet in the
Middle East, Turkey & CIS added, “We are
delighted to join forces with stc Bahrain on
this transformative project. By combining
Fortinet's cutting-edge security expertise
with stc Bahrain's robust network, we are
creating a dynamic and secure digital
environment. This will enable organizations
across Bahrain to thrive in today's
increasingly complex threat landscape,
unlocking new opportunities for growth and
innovation.” stc Bahrain remains committed
to delivering cutting-edge technological
solutions and driving digital transformation
across the Kingdom, contributing to a more
secure and connected future.
Tech Mahindra Solidifies Its Position Among the Top
10 Global IT Services Brands in the Annual Brand
Finance Ranking
Tech Mahindra has been recognized among highest ever BSI score achieved by Tech said, “This is a remarkable win for the brand
Top 10 strongest IT Services brands globally Mahindra in the Brand Finance rankings so Tech Mahindra. It reflects the effectiveness
and the ‘Top 5 Gainers’ in Brand Strength far. Tech Mahindra has been consistently of our brand narrative of “Scale at Speed
Index score by Brand Finance, the world’s strengthening its brand positioning with the ™” and its alignment with rapidly evolving
leading brand evaluation firm indicating launch of its Scale at Speed™ promise that market needs. It is testament of our
a sustained brand building effort. Tech has been resonating with customers across journey to deliver future-proof solutions,
Mahindra showcased an impressive growth the globe. The organization has aligned leveraging emerging technologies like
of 9.4% YoY, improving its brand value to its brand promise to the dual imperatives GenAI, while staying anchored to our Rise
$3.4 billion in 2025. Tech Mahindra’s BSI of scale and speed, bringing together the pillars. Each action is a drop in the ocean
(Brand Strength Index) moved up from 73.4 influence of both Tech Mahindra and the of effort to create a world that is equal,
in 2024 to 77.3 in 2025 and its brand rating larger Mahindra Group. Peeyush Dubey, future-ready, with sustainability at the
improved from AA rating to AA+. This is the Chief Marketing Officer, Tech Mahindra, core.” Over the last year, Tech Mahindra’s
49 JAN-FEB 2025