Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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brand activation has enabled significant on-ground impact with the being taken to the world. There is a significant focus on deepening
launch of multiple brand initiatives that include launching a new Tech Mahindra’s identified strengths — a unique combination of
website, introducing a new marketing tech stack and streamlining engineering capabilities with a strong IP play, network services,
the marketing function to simplify operations and delivery. Tech and software services, and investments around industry-specific
Mahindra has also strengthened its partnership with Mahindra platforms. Tech Mahindra is well positioned to further integrate
Racing, the greenest team in motorsport and the only Indian sustainability with digital transformation, reflected by its strong
team to compete in ABB FIA Formula E World Championship. performance in this year’s ranking. It has consecutively been
Further, with the roaring success of the second season of the positioned as the top IT company, ranking at number 1 in the S&P
Global Chess League (GCL) in London last year, the organization Global Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the IT Services
is preparing for the third season. David Haigh CEO & Chairman, Sector in India, and number 2 globally.
Brand Finance, said, “Under the visionary leadership of CEO and
Managing Director Mohit Joshi, Tech Mahindra is undergoing a
remarkable transformation, reigniting growth in both financial
performance and brand value. The company's brand value saw a
notable 9% year-over-year increase, reaching $3.4 billion, securing
its position among the top 10 strongest IT services brands
globally. This resurgence underscores Tech Mahindra's strategic
focus on expanding its footprint in the banking, financial services,
and insurance (BFSI) sector, with an ambitious goal to grow the
sector's revenue contribution from 16% to 25% by March 2027.
Moreover, Tech Mahindra's recent sponsorship efforts around the
Global Chess League underscores their dedication to innovation
and strategic thinking. This initiative aligns seamlessly with
their core brand values, while also boosting global recognition
and fostering greater engagement on a worldwide scale.” Tech
Mahindra has also deepened its partnership ecosystem with
several initiatives around modernizing the workplace, enhancing
business transformations, delivering enterprise solutions that are
powered by artificial intelligence (AI)/GenAI. The organization is
also committed to democratize technologies like GenAI further,
building sovereign LLMs with projects like Project Indus that are
Tech Mahindra Joins the AI-RAN Alliance to Advance 5G and AI-Powered
Networks of the Future
Tech Mahindra a leading global provider of technology consulting Tech Mahindra to collaborate with telecom operators, vendors, and
and digital solutions to enterprises across industries, announced its AI experts to develop cutting-edge, future-ready solutions. With our
membership in the AI-RAN Alliance, Anchora global initiative com- experience in systems integration and a robust network of strate-
mitted to fostering the development and deployment of AI-driven gic partnerships, we are well-poised to drive the AI and 5G revolu-
solutions within Radio Access Networks (RAN). This collaboration tion, enabling efficient and scalable networks globally.” Being part
will enable Tech Mahindra to help its customers, enterprises, and of this alliance positions Tech Mahindra as an industry leader in
partners navigate the evolving telecom landscape. As a significant the rapidly evolving telecom sector, showcasing its commitment
player in the telecom systems integration sector, Tech Mahindra to innovation. Alliance members will leverage their technology ex-
will leverage its expertise in network architecture, AI, Open RAN, pertise and collective leadership to focus on three main areas of
and 5G technologies to support the alliance’s mission of acceler- research and innovation:
ating innovation and enhancing the efficiency of next-generation • AI for RAN – advancing RAN capabilities through AI to improve
networks. Through its membership in the AI-RAN Alliance, Tech spectral efficiency.
Mahindra will work alongside industry leaders to create AI-pow- • AI and RAN – integrating AI and RAN processes to utilize infra-
ered RAN solutions that improve network performance, optimize structure more effectively and generate new AI-driven revenue
operational costs, and open new opportunities for telecom provid- opportunities.
ers worldwide. Membership also ensures alignment with global in- • AI on RAN – deploying AI services at the network edge through
dustry standards, enhancing service reliability and delivering more RAN to increase operational efficiency and offer new services to
efficient and scalable solutions. Manish Mangal, Chief Technology mobile users.
Officer, Telecom & Global Business Head, Network Services at Tech Network operators in the alliance will spearhead the testing and
Mahindra, said, “AI is no longer a futuristic concept; it is active- implementation of these technologies, developed through the col-
ly shaping networks today. Initiatives like AI-RAN Alliance enable laborative efforts of member companies and universities.
50 JAN-FEB 2025