Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 48
Ooredoo and ASN to Build Subsea Cable for GCC Countries and Iraq
to 24 fibre pairs and a capacity of up to 720
Tbps. Ooredoo said the system will pro-
vide all GCC countries with a low latency,
shorter and secure route to a new corridor
connecting Europe. Ooredoo Group’s chief
business services officer Najib Khan said in
a statement the FIG cable will also benefit
hyperscalers, business customers, govern-
ments, AI providers, data centres and tele-
com operators by providing extra capacity,
network reliability and security. Ooredoo
Group CEO Aziz Aluthman Fakhroo add-
ed that the cable would boost the region’s
digital industry by supporting the growth of
cloud services, big data initiatives, and the
acceleration of digital transformation. “We
Qatar-based Ooredoo Group announced on countries in Gulf Cooperation Council – Qa- will deliver cutting-edge technologies to the
Thursday it has signed an agreement with tar, Oman, the UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia region while ensuring sustainable growth
Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) to build and Kuwait – as well as Iraq. Ooredoo has for our investors through long-term reve-
a new subsea cable connecting seven coun- not yet disclosed the amount of the invest- nue from rising data demand and market
tries in the Gulf region. The planned Fibre in ment in the FIG cable or a ready-for-service leadership in digital infrastructure,” he said.
Gulf (FIG) cable system will connect all six date. The FIG cable will be designed with up
Saudi Operator Salam Announces Deals with
EdgeNext and Genesys
Etihad Salam Telecom Company, a provider
of telecommunications services in Saudi
Arabia, has announced a number of part-
nerships in recent days, including agree-
ments with EdgeNext, a prominent leader
in the global edge cloud services indus-
try, and with call centre solutions provider
Genesys. Salam says the partnership with
EdgeNext focuses on several key initiatives
aimed at strengthening EdgeNext's service
delivery and network capabilities within the
region, starting with a cornerstone agree-
ment that involves EdgeNext collocating
its servers in Salam's state-of-the-art data
centres. This setting, says Salam, provides
EdgeNext with secure, reliable physical in-
frastructure, enabling it to leverage Salam's
facilities for optimum service performance tions provider Genesys to address critical dress consumers’ need for stable and re-
and scalability. EdgeNext will procure inter- market needs and elevate customer expe- liable telecommunications infrastructure.
net services directly from Salam, which will rience through innovative solutions. The They add that business partners of Salam
facilitate EdgeNext’s peering connection partners say that Salam’s SIP trunk service, can look forward to an advanced system
with the Saudi Internet Exchange, signifi- known for its cost-effectiveness and scal- that not only caters to their current needs
cantly enhancing its network interconnec- ability, combined with Genesys’s expertise but anticipates future demands, ensuring
tivity and access within the local digital in customer experience and its recent suc- a scalable, efficient, and user-friendly cus-
ecosystem. Salam has also announced a cessful launch of its platform on Oracle tomer service environment.
strategic partnership with call centre solu- Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) locally, will ad-
48 JAN-FEB 2025