Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 46


        Ooredoo Kuwait Kicks Off 2025 with Eight Prestigious Wins at Stevie Awards

        Ooredoo Kuwait, the leading telecom com-  The  Ooredoo  App  Upgrade  represents  a   sures  not only improve work-life balance
        pany and digital enabler, proudly announced   significant leap in how customers interact   but also boost productivity and innovation,
        a triumphant start to the new year by secur-  with digital services. By offering a more in-  ensuring that the company can continue to
        ing  eight  prestigious  awards  at  the  2025   tuitive, seamless, and efficient user experi-  deliver superior services to its customers.
        Stevie  Awards.  This  remarkable  achieve-  ence, the app has set new standards in the   Driving Technological Advancements
        ment  underscores  Ooredoo's  unwavering   industry,  ensuring  that  customers can  ac-  Ooredoo  Kuwait's  commitment  to  techno-
        commitment to  innovation,  sustainability,   cess the services they need with ease and   logical advancement is evident in its con-
        and excellence in the telecommunications   convenience.                  tinuous  efforts  to  upgrade  its  networks
        industry. It reaffirms the company's dedica-  In addition to its Gold Awards, Ooredoo Ku-  and services. The company invests heavi-
        tion to enhancing the lives of its customers   wait also received two Silver Awards:  ly in research and development to stay at
        and adhering to its core strategy of being a   •   Best Sustainable Telecom Technologies   the  forefront  of the  telecom  industry. By
        people-oriented company. Ooredoo Kuwait   for  its  innovative achievements in  sus-  adopting  the  latest  technologies,  such  as
        has long been recognized as a pioneer in   tainability.                  5G and IoT, Ooredoo ensures that its cus-
        the telecommunications sector, consistent-  •   Advancing Telecom in the Region for its   tomers  benefit  from  faster,  more  reliable
        ly pushing the  boundaries  of technology   cutting-edge developments in technology   connectivity and a wide range of innovative
        and  digital  services.  The  company's  stra-  within the telecommunications industry.  services. The recognition for innovation in
        tegic initiatives focus on upgrading its net-  Furthermore,  the  company was  honored   technology  development  and  sustainable
        works and services to meet the ever-evolv-  with two Bronze Awards:      telecom technologies highlights Ooredoo's
        ing needs of its customers. By leveraging   •   Championing  Youth  Empowerment  for   strategic focus on integrating sustainability
        cutting-edge  technology,  Ooredoo  strives   its innovative achievements in corporate   into its technological advancements. Com-
        to offer unparalleled connectivity, superior   social responsibility.    mitment  to Sustainability  and Corporate
        customer experiences, and innovative dig-  •   Smart  City  Acceleration  Initiative  for its   Social Responsibility
        ital solutions.                        pioneering work in sustainability.  Ooredoo Kuwait's commitment to sustain-
        Commitment to Innovation and Excellence   •  People-Oriented Philosophy  ability and corporate social responsibility is
        The eight awards garnered at the 2025 Ste-  Ooredoo Kuwait's success is deeply rooted   a cornerstone of its business strategy. The
        vie Awards reflect Ooredoo Kuwait's relent-  in its people-oriented philosophy. The com-  company actively engages in initiatives that
        less pursuit of innovation and excellence.   pany places immense value on its employ-  promote environmental stewardship, youth
        The  company  received  four  Gold  Awards   ees,  recognizing that  they are the  driving   empowerment,  and  community  develop-
        for  its  Ooredoo  App  Upgrade,  which  has   force behind its achievements. By fostering   ment. By integrating sustainable practices
        been instrumental in redefining the digital   a supportive and flexible work environment,   into its operations, Ooredoo aims to create
        customer  experience. These  awards  were   Ooredoo empowers its employees to thrive   a positive impact on society and contribute
        given for:                           both  professionally  and  personally.  In  re-  to the well-being of future generations. The
        •   Innovation in General Utility Apps  cent years, Ooredoo has introduced several   recognition for its Smart City Acceleration
        •   Innovation in Business Information Apps  initiatives  to enhance  employee satisfac-  Initiative and corporate social responsibili-
        •   Innovation in Business Utility Apps  tion and well-being. These include flexible   ty efforts at the Stevie Awards underscores
        •   Innovation in Business Information or Ap-  working hours,  work-from-home  options,   Ooredoo's dedication to making a tangible
          plication Websites                 and various wellness programs. Such mea-  difference  in  the  community.  These  ini-
                                                                                 tiatives  are  designed  to foster  innovation,
                                                                                 promote sustainable  living,  and empower
                                                                                 individuals  to achieve  their  full  potential.
                                                                                 As Ooredoo Kuwait looks to the future, the
                                                                                 company remains steadfast in its mission
                                                                                 to deliver cutting-edge  telecom solutions
                                                                                 while  prioritizing  sustainability  and  social
                                                                                 responsibility. With a legacy of technologi-
                                                                                 cal excellence and a forward-thinking strat-
                                                                                 egy,  Ooredoo  Kuwait  is  more  than  just  a
                                                                                 telecom provider; it is a catalyst for positive
                                                                                 change. By upgrading the world of its cus-
                                                                                 tomers and  making  a  tangible  difference
                                                                                 in the community, Ooredoo is shaping the
                                                                                 future  of telecommunications  and  setting
                                                                                 new benchmarks in the industry.

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