Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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biases, and the possibility of losing control
over AI operations. Lastly, systemic risks
address broader challenges, including
labor market disruptions, the widening
global AI R&D divide, market concentration,
environmental impacts, privacy concerns,
and copyright infringement.
The Department of Information and
Communications Technology (DICT) of
the Philippines played a key role in the
report’s development through its nominee,
Dominic Vincent Ligot, a member of the
international Expert Advisory Panel. Ligot
contributed significantly to discussions on
AI risks and safety measures, advocating
for a balanced approach that maximizes
AI’s benefits while mitigating its dangers.
The Philippines’ contributions to the report
will shape the country’s AI policy landscape. to become a regional leader in ethical AI focused on three critical areas: labor
One major outcome is the drafting of adoption. market risks, emphasizing how AI-driven
AI governance action plans aimed at automation could impact employment in
enhancing AI policies to ensure ethical and The recently launched International developing economies; the global AI R&D
responsible deployment. Additionally, the AI Safety Report is a comprehensive divide, which highlights disparities between
program will support the development of AI document designed to guide policymakers developed and developing nations in AI
regulatory sandboxes, providing a controlled and stakeholders on the risks associated
environment for safe AI experimentation with advanced general-purpose artificial
under regulatory oversight. The initiative intelligence (AI) and the strategies needed The Philippines has been
also seeks to strengthen collaboration to manage these risks. Developed by a making significant strides
with international AI policy groups, aligning team of 96 international AI experts, led in AI regulation and digital
the Philippines with global best practices by Professor Yoshua Bengio, the report
in AI governance. Lastly, it will enhance underscores the rapid evolution of AI governance, and its collab-
AI ethics training within the public sector, technologies, particularly those with oration with the Alan Turing
equipping government agencies with the broad capabilities that pose significant
necessary knowledge and tools to deploy implications for safety and security. Institute further cements
AI responsibly and transparently. Initiated after the Bletchley Park AI Safety its position as a regional
Summit, the report includes updates
As the Philippines positions itself as a hub from subsequent expert discussions and leader in AI governance.
for AI policy innovation, DICT is advocating developments in the AI field.
for AI policy leadership, emphasizing that research and innovation; and the misuse of
AI governance should be housed under DICT Secretary Ivan John Uy emphasizes AI in generating fake content, a particularly
DICT rather than multiple agencies. The that the path to responsible AI is the fine relevant issue given the Philippines’ highly
department has been vocal about ensuring balance between maximizing its capabilities digital and social media-driven landscape.
AI governance aligns with national digital and ensuring its safety. The Philippines This report serves as a foundational
transformation priorities, advocating will continue to be a strong voice towards document for shaping global AI policies,
for DICT’s leadership in AI policy and inclusive use of AI and driving innovation ensuring that AI advancements drive
regulation. that benefits all of society. positive societal and economic outcomes
while minimizing potential harms.
The AI Ethics and Governance in Practice The report categorizes AI risks into
Programme marks a significant milestone three main areas. Risks from malicious With DICT’s commitment, AI governance in
in the Philippines’ AI policy development, use include AI-generated fake content, the Philippines will not only support
ensuring that AI is implemented in a fair, manipulation of public opinion, cyber- innovation but also safeguard the rights
transparent, and accountable manner. offenses, and the potential for biological and and welfare of its citizens in an increasingly
Through this strategic partnership with The chemical attacks. Risks from malfunctions AI-driven world.
Alan Turing Institute, the country is poised highlight issues such as AI system reliability,
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