Page 18 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 18


                                       Digitalization in Central Asia

        SAMENA Council Highlights Digital Inclusion & Transformation Imperatives
        During the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference; Lauds Kazakhstan’s Digital

        SAMENA  Council  CEO,  Bocar  BA,  made   by  2025.  “Kazakhstan’s  commitment  to   Ba.  He  further  pointed  to  Kazakhstan’s
        thought  contributions  during  the  Asia-  ensuring  100%  population  coverage  and   leadership in the CIS region and its proactive
        Pacific  Ministerial  Conference  on  "Digital   fostering  a  thriving  digital  ecosystem  is   adoption of AI, 5G, and satellite broadband
        Inclusion  and  Transformation"  held  in   commendable,  and  something  SAMENA   technologies, positioning the country as a
        Astana,  Kazakhstan.  The  event,  which   Council  is  observing  very  closely.  This   regional digital hub. “Kazakhstan’s push for
        brought together prominent policymakers,   includes the development of e-government   next-generation  technologies  reflects  its
        industry   leaders,   and   international   services,  digital  literacy,  and  support  for   readiness to lead the region in innovation
        experts, focused on exploring the current   digital industries through innovation hubs   and digital infrastructure development,” he
        achievements and future impact of digital   like the Astana Hub,” he added.  added
        technologies  across  the  Asia-Pacific
        region.  In  his  intervention,  Ba  praised   Driving Digital Inclusion  and Economic   SAMENA   Council's   Commitment   to
        Kazakhstan’s  remarkable  progress  in   Growth                          Universal Broadband
        digital  transformation,  positioning  the   Mr.  Ba  emphasized  the  transformative   During  the  ITU  WSIS  Side  Event  at  the
        country  as  a  leader  in  the  CIS  region.   power  of  digital  inclusion  in  driving   same  conference,  Bocar  BA  reiterated
        “Kazakhstan’s  digital  journey,  particularly   economic growth and social development.   SAMENA   Council’s   commitment   to
        through the 'Digital Kazakhstan' initiative,   He discussed how Kazakhstan’s improved   supporting  universal  broadband  access,
        sets a benchmark not only for the CIS but   broadband   access   has   accelerated   stressing  the  importance  of  strategic
        also for countries across the globe aiming   progress  in  sectors  such  as  healthcare,   partnerships  in  achieving  global  digital
        to harness technology for socio-economic   education, and business. “From e-learning   inclusion  goals.  He  highlighted  SAMENA
        development,” Mr. Ba stated. Recognizing   platforms  to  remote  healthcare  services,   Council’s collaboration with the ITU and its
        Kazakhstan’s   impressive   internet   the  digital  transformation  is  touching   active role in promoting innovative funding
        penetration of 92.3% and its strides in 4G   the  lives  of  people  across  Kazakhstan.   and  financing  models  for  broadband
        and  5G  connectivity,  Ba  acknowledged   However,  we  must  continue  to  focus  on   infrastructure,  particularly  through  its
        the  government’s  vision  of  achieving   closing  the  digital  divide,  particularly  for   co-chairmanship  of  the  UN  Broadband
        universal  high-quality  internet  access   rural and underserved communities,” said   Commission's  Working  Group  on  21st
                                                                                 Century  Financing  Models.  “Achieving
           “From  e-learning  platforms  to  remote  healthcare                  digital inclusion requires collective effort.
           services, digital transformation is touching the lives of             The work we are doing at SAMENA Council
                                                                                 to broaden the financial base for broadband
           people across Kazakhstan. However, we must continue                   development is vital for ensuring that the
           to focus on closing the digital divide, particularly for              benefits  of  digital  transformation  reach
           rural and underserved communities,”                                   regions,” Ba concluded.

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