Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 21


        stc Group Paves the Way for Sustainable Transformation

        stc  Group,  a  leading  digital  enabler,  launched  its  fifth  annual   sustainable devices.
        sustainability  report,  continuing  its  commitment  to  driving   •   Empowering stc Group Employees:
        forward  sustainable  transformation  through  environmental,   •   In 2023, women comprised 64% of the Group’s Talent Incubation
        social, and governance (ESG) excellence. The initiatives outlined   Program hires and held 18% of our Board seats, contributing to a
        in stc Group’s 2023 Sustainability Report contribute to sustainable   31.6% overall hiring rate for women.
        transformation and a future where businesses are the catalysts   •   The  Group  also  increased  the  number  of  employees  with
        for  protecting  people  and  the  planet.  As  part  of  the  updated   disabilities  by  36.8%  from  2022.  As  an  equal  opportunity
        sustainability framework, the Group identified three core pillars in   employer,  stc  provides  an  inclusive  work  environment  that
        2023:                                                    attracts,  develops,  and  retains  the  best  and  most  talented
        Environmental Performance & Climate                      individuals from all backgrounds.
        stc Group aspires to be a global leader in environmental stewardship   •   Contributing  to  Community  Development:  Investment  and
        and  has  made  significant  progress  toward  its  commitment  to   development  in communities  at stc Group is paramount, and
        achieving net zero by 2050. This commitment has been validated   in 2023 focused across six key areas: Education, Environment,
        and approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and is   Sports  &  Health,  Entrepreneurship,  Community  Development,
        supported by several environmental performance programs. Key   and Youth Empowerment. One key program in 2023 supported
        initiatives and programs include the installation of 7 operational   446  non-profits  through  a  Technical  Enablement  Program
        solar powered sites at headquarters, as well as the incorporation   (TEP), supporting operational efficiency and reduced technical
        of energy efficiency and sustainability measures for data centers   operational costs across 50 cities, saving these non-profits more
        and towers. Additionally, a solar pilot project launched for 18 sites   than SAR 56 million.
        across the Kingdom. The Group has also implemented advanced   Strong Governance & Ethical Excellence
        power-saving  technologies  using  artificial  intelligence  (AI),   stc Group is dedicated to embodying a standard ethical governance
        resulting in a 13% reduction in energy consumption across stc’s   that  upholds  the  utmost  levels  of  integrity,  transparency,  and
        4G and 5G networks.                                    accountability.  In  2023,  stc  Group  transitioned  its  compliance
        Human Capital Development Through Technological Innovation  function from legal affairs to an independent division reporting to
        Fundamental to stc Group’s sustainability practices are initiatives   the Chief Regulatory and Compliance Officer, ensuring programs
        that advance human capital by creating opportunities for growth   across subsidiaries rigorously adhere to performance standards,
        that  bridge  societal  divides  through  technological  innovation.   thorough impact assessments, and responsible business practices.
        These social investment initiatives enrich the lives of customers,   This included the expansion of the rawafed program, which boosts
        empower  stc  Group  employees,  and  contribute  to  community   the local economy and promotes sustainable business. Through
        development in impactful ways.                         rawafed, stc partnered with 134 local SME suppliers and increased
        •   Enriching the Lives of Customers: Through its trade-in program,   the number of local content certificates from 75 in 2022 to 582 in
          stc  Group  ensures  customers  are  offered  affordable  and   2023, a 676% growth that is reflected across the local economy.

        stc Group Concludes Its Participation in the Global AI Summit with Strategic
        Agreements and Launch of AI Lab

                                                               stc  Group,  an  enabler  of  digital  transformation,  concluded  its
                                                               participation in the Global AI Summit by signing a series of strategic
                                                               agreements with Saudi Railways (SAR), King Abdullah University
                                                               of  Science  and  Technology  (KAUST),  Huawei,  the  Research,
                                                               Development, and Innovation Authority, and SambaNova Systems.
                                                               stc's participation in the summit highlights its leadership role in
                                                               driving digital transformation both locally and globally, showcasing
                                                               its innovative solutions, products, and technologies, and reaffirming
                                                               its commitment to positioning Saudi Arabia as a leading digital hub
                                                               in the Middle East. The agreements aim to accelerate the group's
                                                               strategic objectives in various fields, including Artificial Intelligence,
                                                               innovation, and digital transformation. Among these partnerships
                                                               is an agreement with Saudi Railways to enhance customer services
                                                               through AI-based technological solutions that improve operations
                                                               at  all  levels.  Additionally,  stc  signed  a  strategic  cooperation
                                                               agreement with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
                                                               to establish a research center specializing in generative AI within
                                                               the group. This center is the first of its kind in the region for R&D

                                                                                                21  JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024
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