Page 29 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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        country’s  ever-growing  young  and  data-  “This  deal  underscores  our  strong  local   solutions  to  its  network,  including  the
        savvy population." Through this agreement,   capabilities  and  expertise.  By  deploying   UBT-T  XP  version,  offering  one  of  the
        Zain  Iraq  aims  to  lay  the  groundwork  for   our  advanced  microwave  solutions,  Zain   highest transmit power in the market. This
        future  innovations  across  the  country   Iraq will benefit from an optimized network   technology  reduces  antenna  sizes  and
        catering  to  the  anticipated  surge  in  data   that  is  ready  to  handle  the  demands  of   tower  load,  delivering  significant  capital
        usage  driven  by  increasing  customer   the future, including meeting the needs of   expenditure  (CAPEX)  and  operational
        needs. Mikko Lavanti, Senior Vice President   its growing customer base.” Zain Iraq will   expenditure (OPEX) savings.
        of Mobile Networks at Nokia MEA, added:   introduce Nokia's high-capacity microwave

        Zain Group Q2 2024 Normalized Net Income Growth Soars 55% to Reach KD
        52 Million (USD 170 Million), Board Declares Interim Dividend of 10 Fils Per


        Zain  Group,  a  leading  provider  of
        innovative   technologies   and   digital
        lifestyle  communications  operating  in
        eight  markets  across  the  Middle  East
        and  Africa,  announces  its  consolidated
        financial  results  for  Q2  and  six  months
        ended  June  30,  2024.  Zain  served  47.8
        million customers at the end Q2 2024, an
        exceptional 13% increase from Q1 2024, as
        5 million customers return to the network,
        due  to  the  network  stabilization  efforts
        being carried out in Sudan. In Q2 2024, Zain
        Group  generated  consolidated  revenue   2024.                             (tangible and intangible)
        of KD 479 million (USD 1.6 billion), up 4%   2.  Zain  KSA  announces  cash  dividend   10. Operations in Kuwait, KSA, Bahrain and
        compared to Q2 2023. Normalized EBITDA   of  SAR  449  million  (USD  120m).  Zain   Jordan  witness  impressive  H1  2024
        grew 13% YoY to reach KD 178 million (USD   Group received USD44m.          growth in 5G revenues
        579 million), reflecting an EBITDA margin   3.  In comparative terms, Q2’24 net-profit   11. Fintech  services  witness  exponential
        of  37%.  Normalized  net  income  growth   growth is impacted by Kuwait number   growth  for  H1  2024  as  total  revenue
        soared  55%  to  reach  KD  52  million  (USD   range claim in Q2’23        increased  24%  YoY,  with  transaction
        170  million)  reflecting  an  earnings  per   4.  Q2  2024  includes  USD  20  million   value increasing 56%
        share  of  12  fils.  Normalized  EBITDA  and   impairment of network assets in Sudan  12. Enterprise revenue for H1 2024 up 9% as
        net income growth for Q2 2024 is arrived at   5.  Overall Q2 revenue grew 4% YoY despite   ZainTECH and local B2B teams secure
        by adjusting the number range claim in Q2   the network and distribution operational   multiple deals including the integration
        2023. For H1 2024, Zain Group generated   challenges in Sudan, whereby network   of the STS acquisition during H1 2024
        consolidated  revenue  of  KD  945  million   services  and  coverage  are  gradually   13. Digital  operators  Yaqoot  in  KSA,  and
        (USD 3.1 billion). Normalized EBITDA grew   improving                       Oodi in Iraq, report customer growth of
        1% YoY to reach KD 325 million (USD 1.1   6.  Sudan  recovery  plan  and  new  data   8% and 37% respectively
        billion),  reflecting  an  EBITDA  margin  of   center  sees  over  5  million  customers   14. Digital  services  including  Dizlee  API
        34%.  Normalized  net  income  growth  for   returning  to  the  network  resulting  in   platform  add  gaming  and  streaming
        the first six months was 11% reaching KD   13% increase in total Group customers   services to drive growth and expand the
        81  million  (USD  265  million),  reflecting   compared to Q1’24           customer base
        earnings  per  share  of  19  fils  (USD  0.06).   7.  Currency   devaluation   in   Sudan   15. Zain wins Best Corporate Governance
        Normalized EBITDA and net income growth   negatively impacted H1’24 key financial   Award  2024  by  World  Finance;
        for H1 2024 is arrived at by adjusting the   KPIs (currency devalued from SDG 596   Leadership  in  SDGs  Award  2023;
        number range claim and Tower transaction   per 1 USD in June’23 to SDG 1,799 per 1   and  Championship  Award  in  Women
        gain in H1 2023.                        USD by end of June’24)              Empowerment 2024 at the 9th Annual
        Key Operational Notes for Q2 and H1 2024  8.  H1 2024 data revenue grew 1% YoY to   Global  Good  Governance  Awards
        1.  The   Board   declares   an   interim   reach USD 1.2 billion, representing 39%   organized by Cambridge IFA
           dividend of 10 fils per share for the 4th   of Group revenue          16. Zain  publishes  its  13th  annual
           consecutive  year,  that  will  be  payable   9.  Over  the  six  months,  Zain  Group   sustainability   report,   entitled   “A
           to  entitled  shareholders  on  6  October   invested  USD  159  million  in  CAPEX   Pathway to Value Creation”

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