Page 31 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 31


        Zain Awarded ‘Best Corporate Governance in Kuwait’ Accolade from World
        Finance for Milestone Fourth Consecutive Year

        Zain,  a  leading  provider  of  innovative
        technologies   and   digital   lifestyle
        communications operating in eight markets
        across the Middle East and Africa, has been
        awarded World Finance’s ‘Best Corporate
        Governance Award 2024 for Kuwait’, for a
        milestone fourth consecutive year. London-
        based World Finance is a reputable print and
        online magazine providing comprehensive
        coverage  and  analysis  of  the  financial
        industry,  international  business,  and  the
        global  economy.  Corporate  Governance
        is  becoming  an  increasingly  important
        differentiator for organizations, particularly
        those  such  as  Zain,  which  are  listed  on
        public  bourses,  with  respect  to  giving  all
        stakeholders confidence that the company
        is being run in a compliant and transparent
        manner. As such, Zain’s Investor Relations
        and  Corporate  Governance  Framework  is
        a  cornerstone  of  the  company’s  regional
        appeal, and has attracted ongoing praise
        and admiration from shareholders, industry
        analysts, and regulatory authorities. As a
        leading entity listed on the Premier Market,
        Zain  abides  fully  to  market  regulations
        issued by all financial regulatory bodies in
        Kuwait and across our footprint, including
        the  Ministry  of  Commerce  and  Industry,
        the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), and
        Boursa Kuwait as well as other regulatory
        bodies  where  Zain  is  listed.  Bader  Al-
        Kharafi,  Zain  Vice-Chairman  and  Group
        CEO said, “Zain believes sound corporate
        governance  plays  a  significant  role  in
        providing  long-term  sustainable  value  to
        all  stakeholders.  This  milestone  fourth
        consecutive  recognition  justly  rewards   compliance.  This  governance  structure   policies  and  procedures  are  flexible,  and
        our  Investor  Relations,  Sustainability  and   has helped Zain to win the confidence of   take into account both short- and long-term
        Corporate  Governance  team’s  consistent   the  market  and  attract  global  investors.   challenges and risks. Notably, both Zain’s
        high ethical standards, professionalism and   Furthermore,  Zain’s  Investor  Relations,   Annual Report as well as its Sustainability
        diligence.”  Zain’s  Corporate  Governance   Sustainability,  and  Corporate  Governance   Report demonstrate the company’s efforts
        framework  helps  it  mitigate  risks  and   departments  are  committed  to  raising   to provide Meaningful Connectivity leading
        facilitates  an  effective  Board  oversight   awareness  on  issues  related  to  the   to  equitable  systemic  change,  as  well
        over the company’s executive management   environment,  social,  and  governance   as  highlighting  how  Zain  is  placing  ESG
        by  monitoring  the  implementation  of   (ESG) matters in response to global trends   activities  and  sustainable  growth  at  the
        policies  when  running  daily  operations.   and best practices. Accordingly, Zain has   forefront  of  its  activities,  believing  in  the
        Corporate  Governance  promotes  strong   developed  new  policies  and  is  working   nurturing of positive relationships among
        internal  controls  to  improve  integrity  of   to  increase  transparency  in  addition  to   all stakeholders.
        financials  and  establishes  a  culture  of   focusing  on  social  responsibility.  Such

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