Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 30


        A  Regional  First:  Zain  Group  Partners  with  ‘Be  My  Eyes’  to  Provide
        Accessibility Assistance to People Who are Blind or have Low Vision

        Zain Group has entered a regional first-of-
        its-kind strategic partnership with ‘Be My
        Eyes’ to provide instant visual assistance
        for people who are blind or have low vision.
        Following  a  series  of  successful  pilots
        across Zain markets, the new group-wide
        partnership with Be My Eyes will see Zain
        personnel regularly act as sighted volun-
        teers on the Be My Eyes platform. Be My
        Eyes  develops  and  runs  the  largest  and
        fastest-growing  accessibility  app  for  the
        blind and low vision community worldwide,
        with approximately 700,000 users globally
        of which close to 100,000 are Arabic-speak-
        ing blind users. The recipient of several in-
        novation and accessibility awards, Be My
        Eyes also has over 7.7 million volunteers,
        spread  across  150+  countries  providing
        support in 180+ languages. The collabora-
        tion will see Be My Eyes educate and facili-
        tate 16 volunteering events, over a period of
        a year, for Zain employees, with each event
        lasting four hours and up to 100 personnel.   accessibility but also fostering meaningful   fresh graduates with disabilities teaching
        The  volunteering  events  will  allow  Zain-  connections that provide information, with   them valuable lessons and knowledge and
        ers to sign up and answer one-way video,   speed and elegance, about a world not de-  skills related to mastering job interviews,
        two-way audio calls from people in need of   signed for the blind." A summary of ‘Inclu-  business technology, teamwork and tools
        some sort of assistance. In practice, once   sive’ initiatives implemented by Zain  that resulted in the recruitment of 10 grad-
        the volunteer gets the video call, they will   Zain is one of the most active companies re-  uates to join Zain full-time. Other initiatives
        answer user questions about anything the   gionally with respect to providing access to   include celebrating Braille Day by teaching
        user’s smartphone camera can see, such   people with disabilities having implement-  employees Braille; celebrating World Hear-
        as reading a document, identifying where   ed a fully-fledged disability inclusive strat-  ing Day by conducting health checks and
        something is, in their home, school or work-  egy, reflecting its commitment to fostering   tests for employees; Sign language train-
        place, describing a new environment, and   technology to support this community. Zain   ings for more than 350 employees; holding
        many other potential scenarios. Comment-  has introduced an array of initiatives under   multiple  sessions  where  employees  are
        ing on the initiative, Bader Al-Kharafi, Zain   its Disability’s WE ABLE program, most re-  taught  about  disability  and  accessibility;
        Vice-Chairman  and  Group  CEO,  said,  “We   cently, in August 2024, having over 80 of its   a  strategic  partnership  with  Purplespace,
        are an operator from the region and for the   people with disabilities (PWDs), the compa-  the world's only professional development
        region, passionate about community pro-  ny introduced ‘The Masters’, an Employee   hub for disability network leaders; Physical
        grams that add meaningful connectivity to   Resource Group made up of approximately   accessibility  audits  of  all  Zain  headquar-
        all people we have the privilege of serving   25 PWDS all with a collective purpose of en-  ters across all markets; and implementa-
        and beyond. We are proud of our record of   abling them to create, lead, and shape their   tion of “Reasonable Accommodations and
        introducing new solutions and initiatives to   experiences at Zain through a focus on four   Accessibility  Guidelines.”  Zain’s  strategic
        the region for the first time, and our collabo-  core  impact  areas:  1.  Disability  Inclusion   partnership with Be My Eyes will result in
        ration with Be My Eyes reflects our commit-  Strategy; 2. Accessibility in Decision-Mak-  having more volunteers from the compa-
        ment to inclusion by harnessing technology   ing; 3. Learn and Lead; 4. Voice and Vis-  ny’s eight country footprint on the app to
        to better serve the global community.” "At   ibility.  Over  recent  years,  Zain  also  intro-  act as volunteers for the Be My Eyes user
        Be My Eyes, we are thrilled to partner with   duced in Jordan, a service to allow people   community.  The  innovative  and  personal
        Zain Group, a leader in the digital landscape   with low vision, blind, hearing impaired, or   approach aligns with both Zain’s Corporate
        across  the  Middle  East  and  Africa.  This   deaf individuals to interact with contracts   Sustainability program; and the Disability
        collaboration represents a significant step   and  understand  their  terms  through  an   program’s ‘We ABLE’ initiative focusing on
        forward in our mission to make the world   audio-visual video available through scan-  empowering  its  people  to  practice  social
        more accessible for blind and low-vision in-  ning a QR Code located in Zain showrooms   responsibility,  fostering  a  society  where
        dividuals.” said Mike Buckley, CEO of Be My   across the Kingdom. Moreover, the compa-  everyone has equal opportunities to dream
        Eyes. “Together, we are not only enhancing   ny’s Grow program saw the training of 28   and succeed.

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