Page 26 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 26


                                             Etihad  Etisalat  Co.  (Mobily)  Announces  Its
                                             Consolidated  Interim  Financial  Results  for  the

                                             Period Ending on 30-06-2024

        Mobily  continued  to  grow  its  revenue  to
        reach SAR 4,465 million in Q2 2024 versus
        SAR 4,269 million in Q2 2023, representing
        a  YoY  growth  of  4.6%.  This  growth  is
        attributed to the expansion of all revenue
        streams,  with  the  business  segment
        leading  the  charge.  The  reason  of  the
        increase (decrease) in the net profit during
        the current quarter compared to the same
        quarter of the last year Mobily achieved a
        net profit of SAR 661 million for Q2 2024,
        reflecting  a  33.0%  increase  compared  to
        SAR  497  million  in  Q2  2023,  due  to  the
        Gross  Profit:  Gross  profit  reached  SAR
        2,378 million in Q2 2024 versus SAR 2,399   Gross  Profit:  Gross  profit  reached  SAR   the  business  segment.  The  reason  of
        million in Q2 2023, decreasing by 0.88%.  2,378 million in Q2 2024, compared to SAR   the  increase  (decrease)  in  the  net  profit
        Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation,   2,445  million  in  Q1  2024,  representing  a   during the current period compared to the
        and  Amortization  (EBITDA):  EBITDA  rose   decrease of 2.74% QoQ due to the decline   same period of the last year Mobily’s net
        3.4% YoY to SAR 1,650 million in Q2 2024,   in revenue.                  profit saw a significant increase of 35.0%,
        compared to SAR 1,596 million in Q2 2023,   Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation,   reaching  SAR  1,299  million  in  H1  2024,
        reflecting  the  growth  in  revenue.  EBITDA   and  Amortization  (EBITDA):  Despite  the   compared to SAR 962 million in H1 2023,
        margin reached 37.0% in Q2 2024 versus   decrease  in  revenue,  EBITDA  level  was   driven mainly by the following:
        37.3% in Q2 2023.                    stable  in  Q2  2024,  reaching  SAR  1,650   Gross  Profit:  Gross  profit  climbed  3.3%
        Operating Profit: Operational profit saw a   million  versus  SAR  1,651  million  in  Q1   to  SAR  4,823  million  in  H1  2024  versus
        14.0% YoY increase in Q2 2024, reaching   2024,  due  to  the  Company’s  operational   SAR 4,669 million for the similar period of
        SAR 759 million from SAR 666 million in Q2   efficiency.  EBITDA  margin  also  improved   the previous year, mirroring the growth in
        2023, due to the improvement in EBITDA.  to 37.0% in Q2 2024, up from 36.3% in Q1   revenues.
        Financial Charges and Zakat & Income Tax:   2024.                        Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation,
        Financial charges decreased by 26.2% in Q2   Operating   Profit:   Operational   profit   and  Amortization  (EBITDA):  Mobily’s
        2024, reaching SAR 130 million compared   increased  by  0.8%  in  Q2  2024,  reaching   EBITDA  rose  4.5%  to  SAR  3,301  million
        to SAR 176 million in Q2 2023, due to the   SAR 759 million from SAR753 million in Q1   in  H1  2024,  up  from  SAR  3,158  million
        reduction of debt portfolio. Zakat & Income   2024.                      in  H1  2023.  The  increase  is  attributed  to
        tax came in at SAR 29 million in Q2 2024   Financial Charges and Zakat & Income Tax:   the  growth  in  revenues.  EBITDA  margin
        compared  to  SAR  33  million  in  Q2  2023.   Financial  charges  increased  by  22.3%  in   reached 36.6% in the current period versus
        The  reason  of  the  increase  (decrease)   Q2 2024 to SAR 130 million from SAR 167   37.9% in the similar period last year.
        in  the  sales/  revenues  during  the  current   million in Q1 2024, due to a decline in the   Operating   Profit:   Operational   profit
        quarter  compared  to  the  previous  one   debt portfolio. Zakat & Income tax for Q2   increased by 16.1% to SAR 1,512 million in
        Mobily’s revenue amounted to SAR 4,465   2024 was SAR 29 million, compared to SAR   H1 2024, compared SAR 1,302 million in H1
        million in Q2 2024, compared to SAR 4,545   35 million in Q1 2024. The reason of the   2023, driven by the rise in EBITDA.
        million in Q1 2024, decreasing by 1.76% due   increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues   Financial Charges and Zakat & Income Tax:
        to  the  decline  in  consumer  revenue.  The   during  the  current  period  compared  to   Financial charges decreased 14.8% to SAR
        reason  of  the  increase  (decrease)  in  the   the same period of the last year is Mobily   297 million in H1 2024, compared to SAR
        net profit (loss) during the current quarter   delivered  a  revenue  growth  of  8.1%,   348 million in H1 2023, due to a reduction
        compared  to  the  previous  one  Mobily   reaching SAR 9,011 million for the period   in  the  debt  portfolio.  Zakat &  Income  tax
        achieved a net profit of SAR 661 million in   ended  30  June  2024,  compared  to  SAR   amounted to SAR 63 million in the current
        Q2 2024, representing an increase of 3.61%   8,338 million in the same period last year.   period, compared to SAR 75 million in the
        compared to SAR 638 million in Q1 2024,   This growth is attributed to the expansion   same period last year.
        due to the following:                of  all  revenue  streams,  driven  mainly  by

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