Page 27 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 27


        Etihad Etisalat Co. (Mobily) Announces the Board of Directors’ Decision
        to Distribute Interim Cash Dividends to Shareholders for the First Half of


        Etihad Etisalat Co. (Mobily) announces the   them will be subject to a withholding tax   Etisalat  Co.  (Mobily)  urges  its  esteemed
        Board  of  Directors’  decision  to  distribute   of 5% upon transferring or crediting these   shareholders  to  update  their  data  and
        interim cash dividends to shareholders for   dividends  into  their  bank  accounts,  in   link  their  bank  account  numbers  to  their
        the first half of 2024. The Company would   accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Article   investment portfolios to ensure the timely
        like to draw the attention of non-resident   (68) of the Income Tax Law and Article (63)   receipt of their dividends.
        shareholders  that  the  dividend  paid  to   of  its  Implementing  Regulations.  Etihad

                                             Omantel  Partners  with  Oman  Science  Festival

                                             2024 to Foster Youth Interest in STEM

        Omantel  is  proud  to  announce  its  role
        as  a  technical  partner  for  the  upcoming
        Oman  Science  Festival  2024,  taking
        place  from  4th  to  11th  November  2024.
        This  partnership  underscores  Omantel's
        ongoing commitment to fostering interest
        in  science,  technology,  engineering,  and
        mathematics   (STEM)   among   youth,
        encouraging  the  development  of  their
        scientific  and  innovative  capabilities.
        Aligned  with  the  company’s  vision  of
        leveraging  digital  technology  to  support
        education,  Omantel  will  collaborate  with
        the  Ministry  of  Education  to  implement
        advanced  technical programs tailored for
        students  at  various  educational  levels.
        The  company  will  provide  state-of-the-
        art   technologies,   including   artificial
        intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality, to
        enhance  students'  learning  experiences
        and  open  new  avenues  for  scientific
        exploration. Talal bin Said Al Mamari, CEO   between  Omantel  and  the  Oman  Science   company  within  the  Sultanate  of  Oman
        of  Omantel,  emphasized  the  company's   Festival is expected to significantly enrich   and  beyond.  The  company's  innovative
        dedication  to  nurturing  technical  skills   the scientific knowledge of youth, inspiring   approaches have contributed to providing
        among young individuals, viewing this as   them  to  delve  deeper  into  the  realms  of   state-of-the-art  solutions  to  different
        a critical national investment in developing   science and technology through engaging   consumer  and  business  sectors.  The
        future  talent  and  building  capacity.  "The   and   interactive   activities.   Omantel   company aims to deliver an unparalleled,
        Oman Science Festival offers an excellent   remains  committed  to  contributing  to   exceptional  experience  to  its  customers
        platform  to  empower  students  and  equip   the  objectives  of  Oman  Vision  2040  by   and  strives  to  always  exceed  their
        them with the skills needed to face future   investing  in  emerging  technologies  and   expectations.  To  achieve  the  objectives
        challenges," said Al Mamari. "Through our   providing  cutting-edge  ICT  solutions  to   of  Oman  Vision  2040,  Omantel  invests
        collaboration, we aim to inspire students to   foster  innovation  and  leadership  in  new   in  emerging  technologies  and  provides
        integrate science and technology into their   and advanced technologies. Omantel has   cutting-edge  ICT  solutions,  such  as
        educational journeys." These initiatives aim   succeeded,  through  the  integration  of   cloud  solutions,  AI,  Smart  solutions,
        to cultivate a forward-thinking generation   its  operations,  processes,  and  extensive   cybersecurity, and much more, in addition
        adept  at  innovation  and  proficient  in   expertise  in  the  field  of  communications   to harnessing its technological capabilities
        utilizing  technology  to  enhance  various   and  digital  technology,  in  establishing  its   to  enhance  innovation  and  leadership  in
        aspects  of  daily  life.  The  partnership   position as a leading telecommunications   new and advanced technologies.

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