Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship in representative of the company in Jordan, Walid Mustafa Al-Bayari
cooperation with the Jordan Central Bank are working towards a in the presence of a number of Board members in accordance
new digital payment system. By the beginning of 2020, government with the provisions of Article 12 / a / 4 of the Telecommunications
payments to citizens, including National Aid Fund payments and Law No. (13) of 1995 and its amendments, and the provisions of
bread subsidies, will be made through bank accounts or digital the instructions for the renewal of public telecommunications
wallets to save time, according to a ministry statement. To licenses. The license and operating license have been signed
prevent minor violations and corruption, direct cash payments for fifteen years from the date of expiry, enabling the company
to the government institutions will be no longer accepted in the to continue to provide its media services in the Kingdom. Dr.
upcoming year, the statement added. The ministry affirmed that Jabour pointed out that the TRA is always seeking to provide the
no additional charges will be imposed on electronic payments necessary facilities for companies operating in the Jordanian
and collection of revenues. (October 26, 2019) market to promote the telecommunications sector in the Kingdom
and to ensure the protection of the rights of all parties concerned,
A workshop on “Regulating the Fifth Generation of Mobile in addition to enabling licensed companies to provide a wide
Telecommunications” was launched by the Telecommunications range of diverse communications services to citizens, which
Regulatory Authority (TRA) in cooperation with Nokia. Dr. Ghazi contributes to attract Investments to the telecommunications
Al-Jabbour praised the efforts of Nokia in holding this workshop, sector and the development of other sectors that rely on
and stressed the importance of informing the staff of the advanced telecommunications services, including the media
Commission on the latest developments in the field of 5G services sector, where Reuters has been granted a number of frequency
and the possibility of using them and apply them at the local licenses for fixed-satellite earth stations VSAT subscribers that
level, especially as the Authority has already begun to prepare seek Through which to provide information services associated
for the provision of these services in the future. By allowing with telecommunications services.
mobile operators to conduct technical experiments to operate 5G (October 20, 2019)
networks. The workshop dealt with a number of topics, including
the role of the latest developments in the field of 5G globally and Sector watchdog the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
regionally, 5G technologies, managing the use of the spectrum (TRC) has granted an operating license to Jordan Advanced Fiber
resources needed to provide these services, in addition to the Optic Company, a 51/49 joint venture of utility firm Jorden Electric
financial implications of the 5G. It is worth mentioning that the Power Company (JEPCO) and Umniah, the Jordanian arm of
TRA is working on a series of workshops in cooperation with the Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco). TRC Chairman
companies providing systems for telecommunications networks Dr. Ghazi Al-Jabour noted that the company would install a
globally to inform the TRA staff on the latest developments in this fiber network in areas served by JEPCO with a view to providing
area. (October 23, 2019) wholesale broadband services as well as linking components
of the company’s energy network. As previously reported by
An agreement was signed to renew the public telecommunications TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, the joint venture aims to roll
license for Reuters Ltd. The agreement was signed by Chairman out fiber infrastructure to connect around 1.4 million homes and
of the Board of Commissioners Dr. Ghazi Al-Jabbour and the business in Amman. (October 8, 2019)
The Communication and Information Technology Regulatory current members and provides users with a snapshot of
Authority (CITRA) has announced the launch of the Kuwait Internet utilization. Mr. Fahad Al Fahad, Chief of the Telecommunications
Exchange (IXP) project: a carrier neutral Internet exchange point Sector at CITRA, stated that creating a regional peering hub will
operated by CITRA, interconnecting local networks and content improve reach, assure quality, and lower bandwidth costs in order
providers to lower costs and enhance end-user experience. It to deliver enhanced user experience to the region using a robust
serves as a central connection point for content providers, cloud state of the art infrastructure to position as a leading regional
providers, and networks to enable exchange of information locally internet exchange point. Al Fahad also stated that the launch of
rather than overseas. is the first open, carrier neutral, and the IXP project is a step forward in the digital transformation plan
community-directed Internet Exchange Point in the region. The outlined in the Kuwait 2035 vision.
end user MoU is available on the website and it lists connectivity (October 20, 2019)
terms and conditions. The website details membership options,
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