Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        and  decision  making,  providing  vital  impetus  to  the  overall   began  early  preparations  to  enable  companies  to  provide  5G
        economic development’. (October 21, 2019)  services  and  exempt  companies  from  annual  frequency  usage
                                                               fees for one year to encourage investment in the sector.” “In the
        Oman  telecom  companies  will  now  be  able  to  provide  5G   next  five  years,  4400  stations  will  be  constructed  by  Omantel
        spectrum services. The Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   and Ooredoo and they will conduct workshops to inform relevant
        (TRA) announced the details of Oman’s 5G roadmap which will   government agencies of the applications in preparation for their
        contribute to the development of many sectors such as education,   readiness to use it.”
        health,  logistics  and  others.  TRA  officials  said,  “The  authority   (October 16, 2019)


        The  Telecom  Regulator  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority   base, therefore, maximum number of complaints belong to this
        (PTA) has floated two consultation papers at their website namely:   segment. Total number of complaints against CMOs by September
        Consultation on Identification of Relevant Markets and Significant   stood  at  5993.  In  terms  of  the  segregation  of  complaints  on
        Market Power Operators (SMP) and Consultation on Unsolicited/   operator basis, a total of 2,409 complaints were received against
        Spam Messages/ Calls. The closing dates are November 10, 2019   Jazz  which  is  40.19%  of  the  total  CMO-related  complaints.
        and November 25, 2019 respectively.                    Telenor, which has the second largest number of consumers, was
        (October 24, 2019)                       also second with 1,644 complaints i.e. 27.43 percent complaints
                                                               were received against it. Ufone had 986 complaints against its
        The  number  of  3G  and  4G  users  in  Pakistan  reached  72.12   various services which make up 16.45 percent of the total CMO
        million  by  end-September  compared  to  71.35  million  by  end-  related complaints. Zong stood fourth with 954 complaints i.e.
        August 2019, said Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA).   15.91  percent  of  total  complaints.  The  PTA  also  received  504
        The number of mobile phone users in Pakistan reached 161.84   complaints against basic telephony where 498 were addressed
        million  by  end-September  compared  to  161.79  million  by  end-  during  September  2019.  Further  793  complaints  were  received
        August, which registered an increase of 0.05 million during the   against ISPs and 787 of them were addressed.
        period  under  review.  Jazz’s  total  count  for  3G  users  stood  at   (October 20, 2019)
        12.504 million by end-September compared to 12.769 million by
        end-August, registering a decrease of 0.265 million. Jazz 4G user   Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  in  collaboration
        numbers jumped from 12.457 million by end-August to 13.008   with  GSM  Association  (GSMA)  organized  one  day  Capacity
        million by end-September. Zong 3G subscribers decreased from   Building training course on “Unlocking Rural Mobile Coverage” at
        8.133 million by end-August to 7.965 million by end-September   PTA Headquarters, Islamabad. The training course was attended
        while  the  number  of  4G  users  jumped  from  13.385  million  by   by representatives from MoIT, Cabinet Division, PTA, PEMRA, USF
        end-August  to  13.787  million  by  end-September.  The  number   and  Ignite.  The  training  course  focused  on  expanding  mobile
        of 3G users of Telenor network decreased from 8.227 million by   coverage in rural areas and the role of government-industry in
        end-August to 8.133 million by end-September i.e. registering a   closing the mobile broadband coverage gap. Mr. Calum Handforth,
        decrease of 0.094 million. The number of 4G users jumped from   Senior Insights Manager, Connected Society, GSMA delivered the
        7.264 million by end-August to 7.613 million by end-September.   course. He provided the participants with a greater understanding
        Ufone 3G users decreased from 6.997 million by end-August to   of strategies to improve rural coverage and innovative models to
        6.860 million by end-September. The number of 4G users of Ufone   tackle the challenges associated with digital divide. Speaking on
        increased from 2.117 million by end-August to 2.249 million by   the  occasion,  Chairman  PTA,  Maj.  General  Amir  Azeem  Bajwa
        end-September.  Teledensity  for  cellular  mobile  decreased  from   (R) said that the course proved to be a valuable experience, one
        76.77  percent  to  76.75  percent  and  broadband  subscribers   which  addressed  different  key  issues.  PTA  is  doing  its  utmost
        reached  74.15  million  by  end-September  compared  to  73.42   efforts  alongside  other  stakeholders  in  supporting  economic
        million by end-August 2019. The PTA received 7,294 complaints   growth  and  social  development  by  bringing  the  power  of  the
        from  telecom  consumers  against  different  telecom  operators   mobile  and  Internet  to  rural  communities.  The  Chairman  also
        including (cellular operators, PTCL, LDIs, WLL operators and ISPs)   thanked  GSMA  for  this  collaboration  and  assured  of  PTA’s  full
        as of September 2019. According to PTA data Jazz (Mobilink +   support  for  future  programs  and  trainings.  This  course  was
        Warid) leads the chart with 2,409 complaints and Telenor stands   delivered under the “PTA-GSMA Centre of Excellence Program for
        at  second  position  as the most complained  telecom  operator   Regional Regulatory Training” under which one training course is
        with  1,644  complaints.  The  PTA  said  that  it  was  able  to  get   conducted on the latest topics of telecommunications and ICTs in
        7,282  complaints  resolved  i.e.  99.84  percent.  Cellular  mobile   every quarter of 2019 and 2020.
        subscribers constitute major part of overall telecom subscriber   (October 16, 2019)

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