Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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veloped countries”. The workshop also aimed to discuss emerg- Index (The Connectivity Index), issued by Carphone Warehouse,
ing strategies, technologies and ICT standards that can play a role specialized in technology benchmarking. The UAE is also the third
in the sustainable provision of telecommunication and broadband globally in the overall ranking of the index, which measures the
Internet systems in rural and remote areas. The workshop also Total Connectivity Rating (Most Connected Countries) through
addressed innovation in the ICT sector, which plays a major role four pillars: the movement infrastructure, information technology,
in bridging the broadband gap in developing countries. Moreover, global connectivity and social connectivity. This achievement
the ITU launched the Bridging the Standardization Gap initiative is the result of the efforts of the telecommunications sector
in 2009, with the aim of addressing the differences in developing in general, and the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
countries’ capabilities compared to developed countries by ac- (TRA) as the main driver of the launch of the 5G in the country.
cessing, implementing and influencing international standards, as In recent years, TRA has worked in cooperation with operators
well as facilitating the participation of developing countries in the to raise the telecom sector readiness to enter this state-of-the-
ICT standard setting process, and enabling developing countries art technology, which contributes to the UAE’s global leadership
to benefit access to new technological developments. TRA has and makes it first to deploy and operate 5G networks. In this
earn the world’s confidence by successfully organizing and host- context, H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General,
ing the most important ITU events. TRA hosted the Plenipoten- said: “The UAE is reaching positions and achievements on daily
tiary Conference 2018 same time last year, which is the main ITU basis, which confirms its leadership and global competitiveness.
event held every four years, with more than 2,300 participants of A few days ago, the UAE has been ranked first in the Arab Region
senior leaders from 180 countries. (October 22, 2019) and 12th globally among the most competitive countries in the
Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2019. Today, we are ranked first
The United Arab Emirates, represented by the Telecommunications in the Arab Region and fourth globally in the use and application
Regulatory Authority, TRA, has chaired the annual meeting of the of 5G, ahead of the most advanced countries in the world. We will
ITU Council Working Group on Child Online Protection, COP, at the continue to strive for the lead with determination and strength,
ITU headquarters in Geneva. The meeting, chaired by the TRA’s guided by the directives of our wise leadership, to achieve the UAE
Abdelaziz Al Zarooni, saw participants discuss the development Vision 2021 and the National Agenda Goals.” H.E. Al Mansoori
of global COP guidelines and the exchange of experiences among indicated that this achievement shows that the UAE is on track to
Member States on the best ways to build efficient and effective complete the digital transformation and enter the age of Artificial
programmes to raise parents and children’s awareness about Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He added: “5G
technology risks and safe use. The UAE also participated in a is the key to the future, and the main foundation for civilization
number of meetings on the sidelines of the gathering, including milestones that the world will witness in the next few years. In
the Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources, the UAE, in the light of these facts, it is evident that we need to
the Council Working Group on International Internet-Related accelerate strategies and plans of 5G in terms of foresight,
Public Policy Issues, the Council Working Group on World analysis and planning, in preparation to the transition from
Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum, WTPF, the Council Working smart government to a full intelligent lifestyle where machines,
Group on WSIS and SDGs, and the Council Working Group on devices and places connect in all directions to serve humanity.
COP. The meetings of the Council deal with topics that define the We have established the 5G Committee, in conjunction with the
ITU standards and the international protocols and conventions launch of the UAE 5G Strategy, which has held regular meetings
underpinning the global telecommunications system. These with all sectors to identify their needs in relation to supportive
meetings also identify emerging technologies of future networks operations for their activities in the ICT sector, to provide coverage
and services in support of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the and hardware support for 5G projects nationwide.’’ TRA started
process of digital transformation. On chairing the annual meeting implementing and using IMT2020 technology, known as 5G, at
of the ITU Council Working Group on COP by the UAE, Hamad the end of 2017, as licensed operators of telephone networks
Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director-General, said, “Chairing this started to prepare the infrastructure to deal with the requirements
meeting reflects the UAE’s strong position in international forums of the next phase, including the use of harmonized spectrum
and the confidence it enjoys in the global arena. It also highlights bands, and significant development of ICT infrastructure. As part
the UAE’s leading role in achieving the safety of individuals of its efforts to launch IMT2020 services, TRA has formed three
and communities on the internet, thus enhancing happiness, Working Groups under the National 5G Steering Committee. The
prosperity and security all over the world.” “Today,” he added, “the Groups work in a coordinated manner in spectrum, networks and
UAE is ranked as one of the safest countries in the world, and by sectors concerned to assist the 5G National Steering Committee
chairing the Council’s Working Group on COP, it contributes to the in preparation for the next phase, including the development of
dissemination of its successful experience in this field, leading a regulatory framework to support stakeholders and partners in
to a safer digital space that allows children and adolescents to the ICT sector in testing 5G networks and optimize their use. The
develop their skills and abilities in a safe environment.” The UAE transition to 5G will enable the UAE to achieve its goals in terms
has been elected as member of the ITU Council for the fourth of global competitiveness, especially its stated goal of achieving
consecutive time for Asia and Australia, receiving 164 votes. The the first global position in online government services, and a top
UAE’s election took place at the 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference, ten position in the ICT infrastructure readiness. The UAE will be at
hosted by the UAE in Dubai in 2018. (October 7, 2019) the forefront of countries entering the 5G club is in line with the
leadership’s vision and the UAE vision 2021 to make the country
The UAE is ranked first in the Arab Region and fourth globally in the one of the best countries in the world. (October 3, 2019)
launch and use of 5G networks, according to the Global Connectivity
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