Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The Electronic and Postal Communications Authority   (USD8.16  million).  Telekom  is  expected  to  utilize  the
                         (Autoritetit Te Komunikimeve Elektronike Dhe Postare,   new  frequencies  for  expanding  and  improving  4G
                         AKEP)  has  this  week  awarded  the  country’s  second   LTE services currently operating in the 1800MHz and
                         largest cellco Telekom Albania an 800MHz band mobile   2600MHz bands. In an earlier tender in February 2019
        Albania          spectrum license, the regulator disclosed on its website.   mobile market leader Vodafone Albania claimed the ‘A2’
                         After  launching  a  license  tender  in  August,  AKEP’s   800MHz  block  (801MHz-811MHz/842MHz-852MHz),
                         Steering  Council  approved  the  award  of  2×10MHz  of   which it added to its existing 1800MHz/2600MHz 4G
                         spectrum  (811MHz-821MHz/852MHz-862MHz)  –     resources.  A  third  800MHz  block  –  ‘A1’  (791MHz-
                         Block ‘A3’ –to Telekom Albania, and the allocation was   801MHz/832MHz-842MHz) – remains unclaimed, with
                         formally  completed  on  7  October  after  the  operator   Albania’s third-placed cellco ALBtelecom (also an LTE
                         fulfilled its financial obligations. The starting bid price   1800MHz/2600MHz operator) apparently yet to come
                         for  the  15-year  license  was  set  at  EUR7.44  million   forward with a bid. (October 10, 2019)

                         Angola’s  President  Joao  Lourenco  appointed  a  new   INACOM  announced  that  candidates  have  until  8
                         Board of Directors for state-owned fixed line operator   November  2019  to  submit  their  initial  applications
                         Angola Telecom, led by Adilson Miguel dos Santos as   for  pre-qualification.  In  a  second  phase,  qualified
                         its new CEO. The move is significant as it reportedly   candidates will submit their full technical and financial
        Angola           marks  the  conclusion  of  the  telco’s  restructuring   proposals  within  60  days  for  consideration  by  the
                         process,  aimed  at  streamlining  the  company  for   Evaluation  Committee.  Interested  parties  can  access
                         subsequent privatization. Prior to the appointment of   details  of  the  process,  submit  applications,  request
                         the Board, Angola Telecom was managed by an Interim   clarifications  and  submit  proposals  on  the  Public
                         Management Committee. The government aims to sell   Procurement  Portal  (www.compraspublicas.minfin.
                         a 45% stake in the telephony and broadband provider,  The  tender  is  being  steered  by  an  inter-
                         which holds a ‘unified global’ mobile, fixed, internet and   ministerial working group, after Angola’s President Joao
                         pay-TV license. (October 10, 2019) News Agency ANGOP  Lourenco cancelled the award of the fourth license to
                                                                        local start-up Telstar Telecomunicacoes for procedural
                         The  Angolan  government  has  launched  the  public   non-compliance  in  April  2019.  Lourenco  demanded
                         tender  for  the  assignment  of  the  country’s  fourth   higher levels of transparency in the relaunched tender.
                         ‘Unified Global’ operator license covering mobile, fixed   Current Unified Global licensees are Unitel, Movicel and
                         line,  broadband  and  TV  services.  Telecoms  regulator   Angola Telecom. (October 2, 2019)

                         The federal government has commenced proceedings   future  use  cases,  including  streaming  ultra-high
                         to auction 2.4GHz of spectrum in the 26GHz band as   definition  video,  teleworking  from  regional  centers,
                         part  of  the  national  rollout  of  5G  services.  It  comes   and  autonomous  vehicles.  To  evaluate  the  potential
                         shortly  after  Communications  Minister  Paul  Fletcher   co-existence  between  NBN’s  Sky  Muster  satellite
        Australia        directed  the  Australian Communications  and Media   services and 5G mobile broadband services in the 27
                         Authority  (ACMA)  to  prepare  for  the  reallocation  of   to  27.5GHz  frequency  range,  the  federal  government
                         2.4GHz  of  millimeter-wave  (mmWave)  spectrum  in   commissioned  Plum  to  a  produce  an  independent
                         the  26GHz  band,  which  includes  25.1GHz  to  27GHz.   report.  The  report  concluded  that  the  reallocation
                         “The Morrison government is allocating this spectrum   of  spectrum  in  the  26GHz  band  would  have  minimal
                         to  support  a  number  of  important  communications   impact  on  the  NBN  Sky  Muster  satellite  services.
                         policy  objectives,  including  the  rapid  deployment   “The  study  concludes  that  the  risk  of  interference  is
                         of  5G  technologies,  the  promotion  of  competitive   insignificant and that the mitigating license conditions
                         market  outcomes,  and  encouraging  investment  in   proposed  by  ACMA  are  appropriate,”  the  report  said.
                         infrastructure  across  both  metropolitan  and  regional   The  conclusion  matches  the  same  findings  by  the
                         Australia,”  he  said.  Fletcher  added  that  when  5G  is   ACMA that found there is no risk of interference to the
                         rolled  out,  it  would  support  a  range  of  current  and   satellite uplinks from new terrestrial services, despite

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