Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                         The Department of Telecommunications (Subtel) has   Services’ concessions for businesses. The consultation
                         launched  a  tender  for  a  ‘National  Fiber-Optic  (FON)’   is targeting  the mining,  port, agricultural,  industrial
                         project aiming to deploy 10,000km of fiber infrastructure   and transport sectors, and seeks feedback regarding
                         across  the  country.  The  government  has  allocated   the technical,  legal, administrative and economic
        Chile            a  subsidy  of  CLP86  billion  (USD120  million)  for  the   elements of a potential tender. Also under discussion
                         program,  which  will  see  the  allocation  of  contracts   are  potential  5G  bands,  with  1700MHz/2100MHz,
                         in  six  subdivisions:  Arica  and  Parinacota  Macrozone   3.5GHz  and  28GHz  bands  all  under  consideration  by
                         (Arica  and  Parinacota  regions);  Northern  Macrozone   the  regulator.  The  consultation  opened  on  9  October
                         (Antofagasta and Atacama regions); Central Northern   and  will  run  until  23  October.  The  Chilean  watchdog
                         Macrozone  (Coquimbo,  Valparaiso  and  Metropolitan   previously staged a 5G consultation in May this year,
                         regions);  Central  Macrozone  (O’Higgins  and  Maule   earmarking the following spectrum for auction: 20MHz
                         regions);  Central  Southern  Macrozone  (Nuble  and   in the 700MHz range; 30MHz in the 1700MHz (AWS)
                         Biobio regions); and Southern Macrozone (Araucania,   band; 50MHz in the 3.5GHz range; and 850MHz in the
                         Los  Rios  and  Los  Lagos  regions).  Interested  parties   28GHz range. To date, Chilean 5G testing has focused
                         are given 60 working days to submit their bids (until   on  the  use  of  millimeter  wave  (mmWave)  spectrum,
                         7  January  2020),  with  the  winners  scheduled  to  be   with Claro and Entel both staging trials in recent years.
                         announced by March 2020. (October 15, 2019)  Entel’s most recent 5G trial took place in June this year,
                                                                        using  a  six-month  trial  license  (issued  in  February
                         The Department of Telecommunications (Subsecretaria   2019)  incorporating  the  28GHz  band.  The  test  was
                         de  Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel)  has  unveiled  a  new   carried out in conjunction with Ericsson and Qualcomm
                         5G  consultation,  as  it  seeks  to  gauge  interest  in  the   and  saw  the  telco  assist  with  the  performance  of  a
                         potential distribution of ‘Limited Telecommunications   remote ultrasound scan. (October 11, 2019)

                         After more than a decade under consideration, mobile   of  the  country’s  provinces  –  including  autonomous
                         number  portability  (MNP)  will  be  made  available   regions  under  government  control  –  will  introduce
                         across  China  from  30  November.  As  per  the  report,   portability on a rolling basis between 10 November and
                         pilot  projects  took  place  in  the  provinces  of  Tianjin,   25  November,  and  the  government  hopes  to  confirm
        China            Hainan,  Jiangxi,  Hubei  and  Yunnan  in  September,   nationwide availability by the end of that month.
                         and MNP is now live in each location. The remainder   (October 18, 2019) CCTV

                         The  Ministry  of  Information  Technologies  and   blocks  and  one  2×5MHz  portion;  plus  a  2×2.5MHz
                         Communications  (MinTIC)  has  published  its  final   1900MHz band allocation and eight 10MHz blocks in
                         resolution  on  the  long-delayed  auction  of  mobile   the 2500MHz band. New spectrum is expected to be
                         spectrum  in  the  700MHz,  1900MHz  and  2500MHz   utilized  initially  for  4G  services  (augmenting  existing
        Colombia         bands,  setting  a  date  of  12  December  2019  for  the   1700MHz/2100MHz  [AWS]  and  2600MHz-based  LTE
                         license bidding. MinTIC has invited potential bidders to   networks)  while  the  700MHz  band  has  also  been
                         study the requirements and conditions for participating   earmarked  for  5G  rollout.  Licenses  will  be  issued
                         in the auction process, which it said will help reduce   for  20  years,  compared  to  existing  ten-year  cellular
                         the digital divide in communities nationwide, especially   concessions, with no minimum bid price but with key
                         in  rural  and  remote  areas  currently  lacking  mobile   assessment criteria focusing on applicants’ technical
                         broadband connectivity. Up for grabs in the tender is   proposals,  rollout  schedule  and  investment  plans.
                         2×45MHz  of  700MHz  spectrum  (703MHz-748MHz   (October 15, 2019)
                         paired with 758MHz-803MHz) split into four 2×10MHz

                         Following a public consultation on the draft terms and   a bid to bolster competition in the Czech market where
                         conditions  of  the  auction  of  5G  network  frequencies   high  prices  have  long  been  criticized  by  politicians
                         in  the  700MHz  and  3400MHz–3600MHz  (3.5GHz)   and end users alike. In communique Ref. No: CTU-42
                         bands,  the  Czech  Telecommunication  Office  (CTU)   109/2019-613  dated  15  October,  the  CTU  issued  the
        Czech            has  revised  its  framework  dates  for  conducting  the   following timetable:
                                                                        •  Call  for  tenders  (publication  of  documentation):
                         selection process, with the call for tenders postponed
        Republic         from autumn 2019 until the beginning of January 2020.   beginning of January 2020
                         The watchdog is seeking to allocate the frequencies in   •  Application for tender: mid-February 2020

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