Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 128


                         The  Flemish  government  of  incoming  Prime  Minister   to purchase spectrum for a specific demarcated area,
                         Jan  Jambon  will  priorities  the  deployment  of  a   such as airports, ports, large business parks and city
                         regional  5G  network,  according  to  the  2019-2024   centers. ‘For that, we want to move away from a 20-
                         coalition government agreement published at the end   year  allocation period  and to  more  dynamic, short-
        Belgium          of September. With preparations for Belgium’s multi-  term  allocations  that  also  allow  spectrum  allocation
                         band  frequency  auction  subject  to  significant  delay   for  specific  events,  festivals,  sporting  events  or
                         as a result of political wrangling, Flanders is keen to   other  applications,’  the  statement  continued.  In
                         deploy  an  ‘area-wide  5G  network  based  on  an  open   order  to implement  the  plan,  the  government  notes
                         model  of  infrastructure  sharing  whereby  all  service   it  is  ‘negotiating  with  the  federal  government  for  a
                         providers  can  offer  their  service  on  equal  terms’,   considerably  higher  share  in  the  distribution  of  the
                         notes the agreement, adding that: ‘To guarantee this   one-off and annual revenues from the auction of the
                         model,  the Flemish government  needs  to participate   mobile  broadband  spectrum.  This  spectrum  auction
                         substantially  in  the  operators’  initiatives’.  Flanders   must be separate from the issue of the fourth player.’
                         envisages earmarking 60MHz of spectrum for regional   The  Belgian  federal  government  presented  plans  in
                         applications, based on a regional licensing model. That   mid-2018 for a multi-band auction that was scheduled
                         60MHz spectrum would be in the 3.5GHz band if there   for the end of 2019. However, discussions have been
                         is  no  fourth  mobile  operator  or  via  network  slicing.   delayed  by  disagreement  over  how  the  anticipated
                         Otherwise, the spectrum will be allocated in the 3.8GHz   EUR680 million (USD745.6 million) raised by the sale
                         band. The plan would give new players the opportunity   would be distributed. (October 4, 2019)

                         Brazil’s  government  is  ready  to  send  to  Congress   In  a  widely  expected  move  –  and  one  that  could
                         three  new  bills  to  foster  the  development  of  the   benefit struggling operator Oi SA – Brazil’s President
                         country’s  telecommunications  industry,  including   Bolsonaro has signed a new law aiming to modernize
                         rules  on  deployment  of  antennae  and  data  centers,   the  country’s  telecommunications  sector.  According
        Brazil           ahead  of  a  long-awaited  auction  for  fifth-generation   to Reuters, the law lifts restrictions on sales by fixed
                         frequencies,  an  official  said  on  Tuesday.  “They  are   line  and  cellular  telecommunications  companies  of
                         practically  ready,  but  first  we  wanted  to  get  the  new   their formerly state-owned assets. It will also allow for
                         regulatory  framework  approved  by  Congress,”  said   a secondary market for trading cellphone frequencies.
                         Julio Semeghini, executive secretary at the Ministry of   Fixed-line  concession  holders  will  now  be  allowed
                         Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications.   to migrate their licenses to a private regime in which
                         He  spoke  during  a  telecoms  event  in  Sao  Paulo,   they  can  more  freely  allocate  investments  to  expand
                         referring to a bill known as PLC 79, which is expected   broadband  services.  In  addition,  satellite  companies
                         to unleash a wave of asset sales and benefit the entire   will  be  able  to  apply  directly  for  frequencies,  rather
                         industry. Semeghini said the modernization of Brazil’s   than through auctions. Brazil’s regulatory restrictions
                         telecoms law is likely to boost investment in the sector   on Brazil’s telecommunications sector have, it seems,
                         and is essential for the deployment of 5G broadband   been eased at a stroke: certainly there were no last-
                         service.  “Some  carriers  will  more  than  double  their   minute changes in Congress or vetoes by the president.
                         investments in the next few years,” he said. Regulatory   However,  the  law  took  five  years  to  clear  Congress.
                         agency Anatel had  planned  to  carry  out a  spectrum   The  law  has  been  widely  welcomed  by  analysts  and
                         auction  for  5G  in  March  2020  but  is  now  likely  to   commentators and, one assumes, service providers, not
                         postpone it, as analysis on potential interference with   just because it makes it easier for them to do business
                         other services is still ongoing. “It will be next year, but I   but because it is expected to free up resources for the
                         don’t want to talk about dates as Anatel is still looking   expansion of internet access for Brazilian end users.
                         at all the specifications,” the secretary said. Semeghini   A  less  heavily  regulated  telecommunications  sector
                         added that the government is also engaged in putting   may  also  be  a  boost  for  beleaguered  operator  Oi.  Oi
                         together a regulatory framework for startups. He said   has been in discussions with a number of major names
                         there are 12,000 startups in Brazil, including eight new   in the telecommunications world, including Telefonica,
                         companies  valued  at  more  than  $1  billion,  creating   Telecom  Italia  Group,  AT&T  and  China  Mobile,  about
                         more than 30,000 jobs. (October 29, 2019)  the planned sale of its mobile unit, which could give it
                                                                        enough cash reserves to avoid insolvency.
                                                                        (October 7, 2019)

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