Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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French telecom regulator Arcep has approved the terms and conditions for accessing the trial network
implementation of the so-called ‘access ID card’ and provide Arcep with a detailed report on the trials
enabled by an API, which will be installed in operators’ conducted via the platform. The selected initiatives
boxes to collect useful information on fixed broadband are as follows: Cite des Sciences et de l’Industrie
France lines, such as the type of access network used by the (Universcience, Nokia; 26.5GHz-27.3GHz), Velodrome
end-user (copper, cable, fiber), the headline speed of
the service, and the strength of the Wi-Fi signal. The Qualcomm, Airbus and France Televisions; 26.5GHz-
initiative is part of the regulator’s efforts to monitor 26.9GHz), Bordeaux (Bordeaux Metropole, Bouygues
the actual quality of service experienced by broadband Telecom; 26.5GHz-26.9GHz), Le Havre (Grand Port
users, relying on a data-driven approach. Its execution of le Havre, Siemens, EDF, Nokia; 26.5GHz-27.3GHz),
will aim to increase the accuracy of fixed internet QoS Velizy (Bouygues Telecom; 26.5GHz-26.9GHz), Saint-
campaigns, replacing the previous method based Priest (Bouygues Telecom; 26.5GHz-26.9GHz), Gare de
on tests in a controlled environment. Publishing Lyon Part-Dieu (SNCF, Bouygues Telecom; 26.5GHz-
its decision, Arcep said that the QoS measurement 26.9GHz), Piteaux (Paris Defense; 26.5GHz-27.3GHz),
tools participating in the project cannot receive any Nozay (Alcatel Lucent International; 26.5GHz-
information linked to the user’s identity, adding that the 27.5GHz), Chatillon (Orange; 26.5GHz-27.5GHz) and
country’s privacy watchdog (CNIL) was satisfied that Station of Rennes (SNCF, Orange; 26.5GHz-27.5GHz).
the new API complied with data privacy requirements. Arcep also said that it plans to allocate spectrum for 5G
In line with the draft document published in April, the use in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band in ‘a few weeks’.
‘access ID card’ will become a compulsory feature (October 11, 2019)
in operators’ boxes used in the residential market,
connected via current fixed broadband networks The regulator Arcep is inviting interested parties to
(copper, cable, fiber), as well as fixed 5G connections join a new IPv6 task force, as the industry is facing a
in the future. The obligation applies to broadband shortage of IPv4 addresses. According to international
providers with at least 1 million subscribers and covers organization RIPE-NCC (Reseaux IP Europeens
versions of boxes used by at least 30,000 customers. Network Coordination Centre), the remaining pool of
Operators will have roughly two years to install the API IPv4 addresses (1.03 million as of 01 October) is now
on the first boxes, with a target of 95 percent of eligible smaller than the number waiting to be assigned. The
equipment within 30 months. regulator has once again renewed its call for action,
(October 28, 2019) reminding all stakeholders that the transition to IPv6 is
vital for the industry.
Arcep has launched a public consultation on its plans (October 5, 2019)
to extend the frequency authorizations of Orange
in Mayotte (900MHz) and Reunion (900MHz and The Authority of Regulation for Electronic
1800MHz). The regulator said that the two licenses Communications and Posts (Arcep) has opened
expire in March 2021; Arcep is aiming to extend the a consultation regarding the extension of certain
concessions to 30 April 2025, to coincide with the spectrum licenses held by Orange Reunion and Orange
expiry of the licenses of SRR and Telco OI (Reunion) Mayotte, as it seeks to harmonies its licensing regime.
and SRR, Telco OI and Maore Mobile (Mayotte). The frequency permits in question – which incorporate
(October 28, 2019) the 900MHz band in Mayotte and 900MHz/1800MHz
spectrum in Reunion – are set to be extended from 24
The telecoms regulator Arcep has approved eleven March 2021 until 30 April 2025, but the watchdog is
initiatives aiming to trial 5G technology in the 26GHz keen to gauge feedback from industry players before
band. The regulator said that the trial concessions going ahead. Arcep seeks to extend the licenses, which
authorize the holders to use the assigned spectrum for were awarded in 2006 (No. 2006-0141) and 2007 (No.
a period of up to three years. The selected firms must 2007-0156), so that they expire alongside concessions
have an operational 5G trial network by 1 January 2021 issued in 2016. The consultation will remain open for
(at the latest) and make it available to third parties to feedback until 4 November 2019.
perform their own 5G trials. They must also publish the (October 4, 2019)
The German Federal Ministry of Finance is looking to the same time, the Federal Network Agency in Germany
impose higher taxes for companies using their own 5G had reportedly claimed that companies would have
frequencies in factories, Handelsblatt reported, a move to pay relatively low fees, depending on the size of
which could increase fears about stagnation of the the area where 5G masts would be installed. At the
Germany technology in the market. The authority is reportedly 5Germany Telekom conference last week Germany’s
Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer said
pushing for a quintuple increase of the current fees. At
131 OCTOBER 2019