Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 132


                         the  Federal  Network  Agency  will  soon  publish  the   The  Federal  Network  Agency  (FNA,  known  locally
                         necessary  procedure  for  providing  big  German   as the  Bundesnetzagentur  or BNetzA)  has annulled
                         companies with 5G masts. He added that the project   a  charge  that  Vodafone  Germany  imposed  on  other
                         is being coordinated between the departments. Such   wireless operators for the porting of customers’ mobile
                         a  move  by  the  financial  authority  in  Germany  would   phone numbers. After comparing the price with other
                         induce significant challenges in a market that has been   European nations, the regulator has now set the fee at
                         repeatedly criticized by operators for the higher price of   a maximum of EUR3.58 (USD3.90), which will apply for
                         the 5G spectrum and the lengthy process of the auction   all of Germany’s mobile operators.
                         of suitable frequencies which was concluded in June.   (October 1, 2019)
                         (October 4, 2019)

                         Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Communications, Vincent   The Minister of Communications, Ursula Owusu Ekuful,
                         Sowah  Odotei,  has  revealed  the  government  is   has announced that all mobile phone SIM cards will be
                         working with mobile network operators to ensure 95%   deactivated  unless  re-registered  between  1  January
                         of  the  country’s  population  has  access  to  internet   and  30  June  2020.  Subscribers  will  need  to  present
        Ghana            connectivity by the end of 2020. Mr. Sowah Odotei said   a  national  biometric  identity  card,  such  as  a  driver’s
                         the  Ministry’s  Ghana  Investment  Fund  for  Electronic
                                                                        license, passport or Ghana Card, as part of a program
                         Communications (GIFEC) has built about a thousand   conducted  by  the  National  Communications  Agency
                         communication towers in very remote areas as part of   (NCA) with the cooperation of telecom companies. The
                         efforts to achieve the target. GIFEC agreed an 18-month   Minister told a press briefing that the measure will help
                         partnership with the GSMA and Vodafone Ghana in July   law  enforcement  agencies  identify  SIM  card  owners,
                         to  deploy  mobile  internet  solutions  in  unconnected   track  criminals,  curb  incidents  such  as  phone  theft,
                         rural  communities  as  part  of  the  Connected  Society   hate text messages, mobile fraud activities, incitement
                         Innovation Fund for Rural Connectivity.        to violence and other crimes.
                         (October 30, 2019) Ghanaweb                    (October 15, 2019) Ghanaweb

                         The  Greek  government  has  made  an  announcement   band in 2020. The government says that broadcasters
                         regarding the process for freeing the 700MHz band for   must have switched to new bands by 1 January 2022,
                         5G mobile services. A joint press release by the Ministry   although  under  a  new  amendment,  in  a  few  isolated
                         of Digital Governance and the Prime Minister’s office   cases  standard  transmissions  will  still  be  allowed  in
        Greece           says that frequencies in the 700MHz range currently   areas  ‘where  there  is  no  technically  feasible  way  to
                                                                        transmit a high resolution signal’.
                         used  by  TV  broadcasters  will  be  awarded  to  cellcos
                         in  2021.  This  will  follow  a  5G  auction  in  the  3.5GHz   (October 25, 2019)

                         China Mobile Hong Kong (CMHK) and HKT have both   Hong  Kong’s  auction  of  5G-capable  spectrum  in  the
                         acquired 40MHz of 5G spectrum in the 4.9GHz band   4.9GHz (4.84GHz-4.92GHz) band has attracted just two
                         for  the  reserve  price  of  HKD120  million  (USD15.3   bidders. The Office of the Communications Authority
                         million) each. Spectrum will be assigned in December   (OFCA) says that all four incumbents submitted initial
        Hong Kong        and licenses will be valid for 15 years. Last week the   applications,  but  Hutchison  3  and  SmarTone  have
                         four  incumbent  cellcos  –  HKT,  CMHK,  Hutchison  3
                                                                        withdrawn since winning 3.5GHz licenses earlier this
                         and  SmarTone  –  paid  a  combined  HKD1.006  billion   week. That leaves China Mobile Hong Kong (CMHK) and
                         for  5G-capable  3.5GHz  licenses.  Hutchison  and   HKT in the running for the 4.9GHz frequencies, adding
                         SmarTone opted not to take part in the 4.9GHz sale. In   to the 3.5GHz spectrum that they too won this week.
                         a statement HKT said: ‘The 4.9GHz band spectrum is   Mainland  China  is  also  using  the  4.9GHz  waveband,
                         strategically important as it will raise the overall speed   with  CMHK’s  parent  company  China  Mobile  having
                         and capacity of HKT’s 5G service. In addition, we can   already  been  issued  with  spectrum  in  that  range.
                         deploy the spectrum to enhance our coverage in the   CMHK is obviously keen to win similar frequencies in
                         two highly populated “restriction zones” in Hong Kong   Hong Kong to allow for roaming, which is an important
                         South  and  New  Territories  East,  where  the  presence   part of the business for Hong Kong cellcos.
                         of satellite stations could cause interference with the   (October 17, 2019)
                         3.5GHz band.’ (October 24, 2019)

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