Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 134


                         licenses in the 800MHz band issued to Orange, Moldcell   frequency  band  is  a  strategic  asset,  as  it  allows  the
                         and  Moldtelecom  in  November  2014,  thus  freeing   provision  of  broadband  data  services  in  the  high-
                         spectrum  in  the  band  for  IDC.  Orange  and  Moldcell   speed and low-cost extended territories.’ According to
                         have objected to the plans, highlighting that a decision   them, if such a deal has to be enforced, ‘this can only
                         to extend a license to IDC will redefine their operating   be achieved by an agreement between the government
                         rights. The two operators said: ‘Based on these licenses,   and Orange and Moldcell concluded  on commercial
                         the operators have built 4G networks that cover most   principles, against an adequate compensation for both
                         of the territory and population of Transnistria, serving   the investments already made and the incomes  that
                         this  territory  and  the  adjacent  areas,  which  include   they would have [made from] the exploitation of these
                         over one hundred thousand customers. The 800MHz   frequencies.’ (October 9, 2019) The Mold Street

                         Deputy  Minister  of  Information  and  Communication   The Executive Director of the Ministry of Information
                         Technology  Engel  Nawatiseb  has  stated  that  the   and Communications Technology, has revealed  the
                         Namibian government aims to achieve 95% broadband   government  has  initiated  a  review  of  the  country’s
                         coverage  by  2024.  Tabling  a  new  broadband  policy   communications  laws  and  ICT  policies  in  order  to
                         and implementation plan in the National Assembly, Mr.   address current deficiencies and align legislation with
        Namibia          Nawatiseb explained the policy will provide incentives   emerging  trends  in  the  sector.  ‘The  Communications
                         for  further  innovation  and  investment.  ‘High-speed   Act  No.  8  of  2009  and  ICT  policies  have  over  time
                         internet  access  or  broadband  is  critical  to  economic   become  outdated  and  obsolete.  As  a  result  most
                         opportunities,  job  creation,  education,  and  civic   ICT  sub-sectors  are  experiencing  legal  hitches  in
                         engagement.  But  there  are  too  many  parts  of  this   implementing  and  enforcing  some  provisions  in  the
                         country where broadband is unavailable in both urban   Act or provisions in their respective legal instruments
                         and  rural  areas,’  he  stressed.  The  Broadband  Policy,   because the Act is not aligned with certain provisions
                         which  defines  broadband  as  a  high-speed  internet   in the sub-sector policies, regulations, and guidelines,’
                         connection  offering  a  minimum  download  speed  of   he said.
                         2Mbps,  will  span  2019  to  2029  while  the  associated   (October 11, 2019) News Ghana
                         Implementation Action Plan covers the period 2019 to
                         2024. (October 15, 2019) New Era

                         The Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has   Other nations, the UK for example, seem to be taking a
                         proposed  plans  to  create  a  network  infrastructure   ‘build now, regulate later’ approach, which runs the risk
                         sharing  framework  to  counteract  any  potential  for  a   of creating the digital divide as telcos chase profits and
                         digital divide. With the plans intended to be released   an overbuild situation in the highly urbanized areas. As
        The              before  the  next  spectrum  auction  in  2020,  the   with anything in life, it is much easier to plan to tackle
                                                                        a problem as opposed to fixing after it has emerged.
                         regulator is putting in the groundwork ahead of time
        Netherlands      to  theoretically  ease  the  investment  burdens  of  5G   As part of the ‘slow and steady’ approach to network
                         network infrastructure in the rural environments. Telcos   deployment,  coverage  obligations  will  be  placed  on
                         generally don’t like to be told how to spend their money,   any future spectrum auctions. 98% of the Netherlands
                         but the ACM is taking appropriate, proactive steps to   geographic area will have to be covered by a certain
                         prevent the digital divide which tends to emerge when   time, though more details will emerge over the coming
                         telcos  are  left  to  their  own  devices.  “We  regularly   months  as  the  auctions  close  in.  98%  might  sound
                         receive questions about what is and what is not allowed   like a ludicrous objective, though the network sharing
                         with regard to infrastructure sharing,” said Henk Don,   framework  should  aid  this.  These  are  just  very  top-
                         an ACM board member. “Working together in this can   line ideas which are being presented by the ACM here,
                         bring  many  benefits  to  telecom  companies,  but  this   though more details will be offered over the short-term.
                         should not be at the expense of mutual competition.   Ahead of 2020, plans are being ironed out for spectrum
                         With  the  guidelines  we  want  to  offer  clarity  to  the   auctions for the 700 MHz, 1400 MHz and 2100 MHz
                         parties on the mobile market and thereby contribute to   5G  bands,  while  the  valuable  3.5  GHz  5G  auction
                         a smooth rollout of 5G.” Although the 5G rollout in the   should take place at the end of 2021 or beginning of
                         Netherlands is progressing at a much slower rate than   2022. The ACM has suggested the proposals will be in
                         other  countries  in  the  bloc,  the  pondering  approach   place to ahead of next year’s auction. Network sharing
                         is  allowing  bureaucrats  to  create  the  necessary   frameworks  are  not  exactly  uncommon  throughout
                         regulatory  and  legislative  landscape  ahead  of  time.   the  telco  world,  though  many  regulators  err  on  the

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