Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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Tech Mahindra's Net-Zero Targets Receive Approval from Science Based
Targets Initiative (SBTi)
Tech Mahindra a leading global provider of technology consulting
and digital solutions to enterprises across industries, announced
that it has achieved formal validation for its Net-Zero targets by
the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This recognition under-
scores Tech Mahindra’s commitment to the ambitious 1.5°C trajec-
tory and its innovative initiatives to address global climate change.
With this milestone, Tech Mahindra becomes the first Mahindra
Group company to secure SBTi validation for its Net-Zero goals,
joining an elite group of very few Indian companies whose targets
have been approved. Tech Mahindra’s sustainability initiatives
have already delivered measurable results with renewable energy
now accounting for 31% of energy consumption at owned loca-
tions and 22.96% globally as of 2024. Further, Scope 1 and Scope
2 emissions have been reduced by over 31% in 2024, compared to
the baseline year 2016.
Net-Zero Targets:
• Overall Net-Zero Target: Tech Mahindra commits to reach net-ze-
ro greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by FY 2035.
• Near-Term Targets: Tech Mahindra commits to reduce absolute We remain dedicated to embedding sustainability into the fabric
Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 58.8% by FY 2030 from FY 2016 of our operations while enabling our customers to achieve their
as base year. ESG objectives through innovation and technology.” Tech Mahin-
• Long-Term Targets: Tech Mahindra commits to reduce absolute dra’s journey to sustainability extends beyond emissions reduc-
Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 90% by FY 2035 from FY 2016 tion. The company actively incorporates eco-design principles,
as base year. Tech Mahindra also commits to reduce absolute enhances energy efficiency through advanced technologies, and
scope 3 GHG emissions 90% by FY 2035 from FY 2020 as base increases reliance on renewable energy sources. Its green mobility
year. initiatives include encouraging electric vehicle adoption and offer-
Sandeep Chandna, Chief Sustainability Officer, Tech Mahindra, ing eco-friendly commuting options for employees. With a dedicat-
said, “Most of the new Request for Proposal (RFP) by various busi- ed ESG talent pool and a comprehensive portfolio of consulting
nesses globally are now making SBTi-approved targets a mandato- services, Tech Mahindra works closely with suppliers to promote
ry requirement. Achieving SBTi validation for our Net-Zero targets sustainable practices across its supply chain, conducting regular
is a step forward in aligning with global sustainability standards. audits and offering capacity-building programs.
Tech Mahindra Tops India and Achieves Second Place Globally in the S&P
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices 2024 for TSV IT Services Segment
Tech Mahindra has announced its recognition as a global sustain- world, organizations must commit to sustainability and resilience,
ability leader by S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) 2024, ensuring our actions today pave the way for a better tomorrow.
one of the world’s most renowned indices for ESG (Environmental, Tech Mahindra is proud to celebrate its inclusion in the prestigious
Social & Governance). DJSI has ranked Tech Mahindra as 1st in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for the 10th consecutive year.
India and 2nd globally, with an impressive score of 88 and 100 per- This sustainability milestone is a testament to our commitment
centile in the “TSV IT services” segment, highlighting the organiza- to a greener future and reflects our unwavering commitment to
tion’s unwavering commitment to advancing sustainability across environmental responsibility, social impact, and ethical practices."
its businesses globally. The TSV IT services segment comprises Tech Mahindra’s sustainability initiatives are committed to creat-
three divisions: data processing and outsourced services, internet ing a positive environmental impact and achieving ambitious tar-
services and infrastructure, and IT consulting & other services. gets, including Net Zero by 2035, Carbon Neutrality by 2030, and at-
The announcement follows the recent results of the annual Dow taining 90% renewable energy sourcing by 2030. The organization
Jones Sustainability Indices rebalancing and reconstitution, mark- also aims to become water-positive by 2030 and ensure 100% Zero
ing Tech Mahindra’s inclusion in the DJSI World Index and DJSI Waste to Landfill certification across all owned facilities. Through
Emerging Markets for the tenth consecutive year. The DJSI World the implementation of an internal carbon pricing mechanism, Tech
Index represents the top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in Mahindra drives strategic investments in renewable energy, green
the S&P Global Broad Market Index (BMI) based on long-term eco- buildings, and energy-efficient technologies. This reinforces Tech
nomic, environmental, and social criteria. Sandeep Chandna, Chief Mahindra’s position as a global leader in sustainability, committed
Sustainability Officer, Tech Mahindra, said, "In a rapidly changing to creating lasting value for its stakeholders and the planet.
51 JAN-FEB 2025