Page 56 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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ZTE Again Makes CDP A List for Leading Climate Action, Reinforcing Global
Climate Leadership
ZTE Corporation a global leading provider of integrated information
and communication technology solutions, has once again been
recognized with the prestigious CDP A score for leading climate
action in CDP’s 2024 disclosures. The company achieved A score
across multiple categories, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions,
emissions reduction initiatives, low-carbon products, environmental
policies, and the disclosure of risks and opportunities. This
accomplishment underscores ZTE's unwavering commitment
to environmental transparency, sustainable practices, and its
core competitiveness in green development. CDP is a global
non-profit that runs the world's environmental disclosure system
for companies, cities, states and regions. CDP holds the largest
environmental database in the world, and CDP scores are widely
used to drive investment and procurement decisions. In 2024,
over 24,800 companies, representing two thirds of global market
capitalization reported through CDP on climate change, forests
and water security. Companies featured on the climate A List are
recognized as key players in mitigating climate change through
formulating robust strategy and taking bold actions. Making the
prestigious CDP A List for two consecutive years is a testament
to ZTE's collaborative efforts with partners across the value
chain to drive global green and low-carbon transformation. The
company places green and low-carbon development at the heart audits and assisted 10 suppliers in setting carbon reduction
of its sustainable development strategy. ZTE has established a targets and measures. Furthermore, ZTE collaborated with over
robust company-wide carbon reduction governance framework, 160 environmental service providers worldwide to establish a
set a corporate net-zero emission vision, and is actively fulfilling global green recycling network. For Green Digital Infrastructure,
its commitments under the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), ZTE's end-to-end green solutions have been deployed across
striving to become a benchmark enterprise in low-carbon technology more than 30 networks worldwide, covering over 1.5 million sites
for global sustainable development. As a Driver of Digital Economy, and 250,000 data center cabinets, helping global operators save
ZTE leverages core digital technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud over 10 billion kWh of electricity annually. In 2024, the company's
computing, and AI to pave a green digital pathway across four system products achieved an 8.39% reduction in physical intensity
dimensions: Green Operation, Green Supply Chain, Green Digital during the use and maintenance phase, while terminal products
Infrastructure, and Green Empowerment. Through technological recorded a 5.02% year-over-year decrease in absolute emissions
innovation, ZTE contributes to the global economic transition across their full lifecycle. As of 2024, ZTE has conducted carbon
towards decarbonization. For Green Operation, ZTE has developed footprint assessments for 154 products, encompassing all product
green smart campuses to achieve low-carbon development through categories. For Green Empowerment, ZTE leverages its ''Digital
eco-friendly office practices, research and development, and green Nebula'' architecture and precision green cloud-network solutions
manufacturing. In 2024, the company implemented several energy- to drive sustainable transformation. Collaborating with over 2,000
saving and emission-reduction initiatives, resulting in an absolute industry partners, the company has implemented innovative 5G+
electricity savings of 45 million kWh and an 13.4% year-over-year green practices across 15 key sectors, including steel, electronics
reduction in Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions. Additionally, ZTE's manufacturing, transportation, and energy. These efforts have led
photovoltaic systems generated 30 million kWh of electricity to the creation of more than 100 innovative application scenarios,
annually. Its self-developed ''Carbon Visibility App'' covers 83% of accelerating digital transformation, energy efficiency, and
major carbon emission categories and data. For Green Supply emission reduction across industries. Looking ahead, ZTE remains
Chain, ZTE, utilizing the SMART Model, provides systematic carbon committed to advancing its green initiatives, joining hands with
reduction guidance across five dimensions: Strategy, Management, global partners to build a sustainable and low-carbon industrial
Accounting, Reduction, and Transmission. In 2024, the company ecosystem, and shaping digital innovation for a sustainable future.
guided 100 suppliers in completing organizational-level carbon
56 JAN-FEB 2025