Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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designed for high-capacity and high-density worldwide, showcasing exceptional coverage, play a pivotal role in strengthening
scenarios, enables industry-leading ultra- commercial performance. Through this networks and driving the country's future
long range 1 Gbps high-speed networking. collaboration, ZTE and EOLO aim to growth. Starting in 2025, we will roll out
It supports high-demand applications such deliver superior connectivity services to 1 Gbps FWA networks, ushering in a new
as interactive online education, large file households and businesses in small Italian era of connectivity." Hu Kun, CEO of ZTE
downloads, and HD IPTV. With a proven towns, comparable to the quality delivered Italy, remarked: "We are thrilled to be a key
track record in RAN product performance, in the very big cities. This initiative will partner of EOLO. By leveraging our industry-
ZTE has been recognized as an industry establish a fixed wireless access service leading 8TR mmWave solutions, we are
leader by GlobalData 2024 and Omida platform targeting the Italian market, in committed to delivering an unparalleled 1
2024. Additionally, ZTE holds the number- line with the goals of the Digital Agenda. Gbps network experience to EOLO's users."
one global market share for 5G FWA & MBB Guido Garrone, CEO at EOLO, stated: "These
terminals, with over 4 million units shipped infrastructures, which complement fiber
ZTE and Turkcell Conduct Europe's First "Fiber Fingerprint" Intelligent ODN
Trial in Türkiye
ZTE Corporation a global leading provider of benefits in live deployments. During the The system effectively detected splitter
integrated information and communication trials, significant improvements were port statuses, classifying them as occupied,
technology solutions, partnered with observed across multiple ODN application idle, directly connected to ONT's, or virtually
Türkiye's leading telecommunications scenarios: Accurate Fault Diagnosis: occupied. The successful completion of
operator, Turkcell, to conduct the first Weak-light faults in feeder, distribution, this trial highlights Turkcell's steadfast
"Fiber Fingerprint" trial in Europe. The trial and drop segments were precisely dedication to improving network quality
was deployed at Turkcell Kartal Plaza, identified, enhancing network reliability. and creating a superior unified platform
leveraging ZTE's Fiber Fingerprint line Automated ODN Topology Updates: The for comprehensive optical access network
card, external optical multiplexer with network topology was automatically management. Moving forward, Turkcell
an integrated optical switch, and Fiber refreshed following new Optical Network and ZTE will continue refining algorithms
Fingerprint splitter. Traditionally, optical Terminal (ONT) registrations, streamlining to improve system performance, expand
access ODN networks have functioned network management. Enhanced Visibility the Fiber Fingerprint solution to wider
as passive "dark" pipelines, presenting and Monitoring: ONT information and applications, and accelerate the seamless
ongoing challenges in resource updates, connection relationships were accurately integration of advanced digital intelligence
fault detection, and proactive assessment displayed, enabling more efficient network into ODN infrastructure.
of optical path quality. ZTE's innovative operations. Splitter Port Status Detection:
"Fiber Fingerprint" intelligent ODN solution
effectively overcomes these limitations by
enabling accurate identification of optical
splitter port statuses, intelligent restoration
of network topology, and precise detection
and localization of optical path quality
issues and faults. This innovative solution
lights up "dark" ODN network, offering
an efficient, labor-free, and intelligent
approach for visualizing ODN topology,
enhancing splitter port resource utilization,
rapidly locating fault with precision,
improving operation and maintenance
(O&M) efficiency. These advancements
are recognized as pivotal for the future
evolution of ODN networks. The trial was
designed to address practical network
challenges, ensuring that "Fiber Fingerprint"
intelligent ODN solution delivers tangible
55 JAN-FEB 2025