Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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ZTE's Liquid Cooling Intelligent Computing Solution Wins 2024 China IDC
Industry Green Solution Award
ZTE Corporation a global leading provider of centers has surged, leading to larger-scale · Modular Design: The elastic intelligent
integrated information and communication intelligent computing data center projects, computing cabin supports rapid
technology solutions, announced that its increased power density, and heightened deployment and on-demand expansion.
Liquid Cooling Intelligent Computing Center challenges in power consumption and heat This solution has been successfully
Integrated Energy Saving Solution has dissipation. ZTE's Liquid Cooling Intelligent implemented at the Nanjing Binjiang
won the "2024 China IDC Industry Green Computing Center Integrated Energy Saving Intelligent Computing Data Center, where
Solution Award" at the 19th China IDC Solution addresses these issues through a traditional facility was transformed into
Industry Annual Awards Ceremony. This innovative liquid cooling technology. Its a liquid-cooled data center in just 90 days,
recognition highlights ZTE's remarkable core advantages include: achieving a PUE of 1.1 and demonstrating
achievements in advancing green, · Green Efficiency: Leveraging cold plate its practical benefits. Winning this award
energy-efficient intelligent computing liquid cooling technology combined with underscores ZTE's technological strengths
solutions for data centers. The China IDC high-voltage direct current technology and innovation in data center liquid cooling
Industry Annual Ceremony, organized to enhance energy efficiency, while the solutions. Moving forward, as "a pioneer of
by its dedicated committee, is a premier iDCIM+AI management system optimizes digital intelligence and green energy", ZTE
event focusing on cloud computing and energy use throughout the lifecycle. will continue to prioritize technological
data centers, bringing together industry · Flexible Deployment: Power modules innovation, collaborate with global industry
leaders to explore the future of the and intelligent busbars adapt to evolving partners, explore new green energy-saving
digital economy. With the rapid growth of business needs, with air-liquid hybrid solutions, and empower enterprises
artificial intelligence, the demand for data technology ensuring dynamic matching. worldwide to thrive in the digital economy.
ZTE Donates FTTR Equipment to the 25th China Medical Team to Ethiopia,
Enhancing Network Experience
ZTE Corporation, a global leading provider
of integrated information and
communication technology solutions, has
donated its cutting-edge FTTR (Fiber to the
Room) solution to the 25th China Medical
Team to Ethiopia. This initiative aims to
resolve the team's long-standing issues
with internet stability and speed,
significantly improving their online
experience and supporting their medical
aid work. The FTTR solution replaces the
team's previous traditional copper-based
network architecture. The previous network team now enjoys a highly reliable network CEO of ZTE Ethiopia, stated, "ZTE is
subscribed to a 100 Mbps broadband plan, for remote consultations, online training, honored to support the 25th China Medical
but the actual usable speed was often less and uploading or downloading medical Team to Ethiopia with our advanced FTTR
than 30 Mbps. It relied on a switch and WiFi reports. Additionally, the network enables solution. We remain committed to using
4 routers setup, which frequently caused smoother video calls with family and innovative technology to drive progress and
network interruptions and poor coverage, seamless HD video streaming, significantly strengthen the friendship between China
severely impacting both work efficiency enhancing both work efficiency and quality and Ethiopia." This donation underscores
and daily life quality. ZTE's FTTR-B solution, of life. Liu Junying, the team leader of the ZTE's dedication to leveraging its innovative
supporting WiFi 6 technology, features full- 25th China Medical Team to Ethiopia, said, technology to create a positive impact, not
fiber architecture, strong coverage, high "ZTE's FTTR solution has greatly only in the telecommunications sector but
bandwidth, low latency, and seamless transformed our internet experience, the also in supporting humanitarian efforts and
Mesh roaming. These advancements have network is now faster and more stable, improving lives worldwide.
drastically improved network speed and which has significantly improved both our
stability. After deployment, the medical work efficiency and daily lives." Chen Min,
57 JAN-FEB 2025