Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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                                             ZTE Recognized  with  EcoVadis Gold  Medal  for

                                             Sustainability Excellence, Ranked Among the Top 4%

        ZTE  Corporation  has  been  awarded  the
        prestigious  Gold  Medal  in  the  EcoVadis
        2024     Sustainability  Performance
        Overview  report.  This  recognition  places
        ZTE  among the  top 4% of companies
        assessed  by  EcoVadis  over the  past
        12  months  (96+  percentile)  globally.
        Furthermore, ZTE ranks  in  the  top 2%
        of  companies  within  the  Manufacture
        of Communication  Equipment industry,
        reflecting  its  outstanding  performance  in
        sustainability. EcoVadis  awards  medals
        based on a company's percentile rank, with
        the  Gold Medal  recognizing  those  in  the
        top 5% (95+ percentile). ZTE's exceptional
        performance  places  it  among  this  elite
        group, underscoring its strong commitment
        to sustainable practices:
        Environment: ZTE ranks  in  the  top 7%   acknowledgement of achievement relative   List.  Additionally,  the  company  has  been
        of companies  in  the  Manufacture of   to other  assessed  companies across  the   included in the FTSE4Good Index Series for
        Communication   Equipment   industry,  EcoVadis database. It serves as a positive   the ninth consecutive year and selected as
        demonstrating  its  ongoing  efforts  to   indicator  of  a  company's  commitment  to   a constituent of the Hang Seng Corporate
        minimize environmental impact.       sustainability  management.  To celebrate   Sustainability  Index  Series  for  the  13th
        Labor & Human Rights: ZTE's performance   the  completion  of this  assessment,   year. ZTE has further distinguished itself by
        in  this  area  places  it  in  the  top  3%  of   EcoVadis will be planting a tree on behalf   winning two accolades at the 6th BDO ESG
        companies,  reflecting  the  company's   of  ZTE  through  its  partnership  with  One   Awards  2024,  namely  the  "Theme  Award"
        dedication to ensuring fair labor practices   Tree  Planted.  As a  member of the  United   and  the  "Outstanding  ESG  Performance
        and human rights standards.          Nations  Global  Compact  (UNGC)  and  the   of H-Share Companies"  award.  These
        Sustainable   Procurement:    ZTE's   Global  Enabling  Sustainability  Initiative   recognitions  demonstrate  ZTE's  ongoing
        commitment to sourcing responsibly places   (GeSI),  ZTE  has  proactively  released  its   commitment  to advancing sustainable
        it in the top 3% of assessed companies in   sustainability  report for  16  consecutive   development  through innovative  practices
        this category.                       years  since  2009.  ZTE's  achievements  in   and corporate responsibility. The EcoVadis
        Ethics: ZTE ranks  in  the  top 3% in  ethics,   sustainable development have been widely   Gold Medal  this  time  further  strengthens
        emphasizing  its  strong  governance  recognized. ZTE is the first large-scale ICT   ZTE's  position  as  an  industry  leader,
        practices  and  dedication  to  transparency   company in  China  to receive  dual  targets   committed to fostering  innovation  while
        and integrity in business operations.  approvals  from  Science Based  Targets   maintaining a strong focus on sustainability
        An  EcoVadis  medal  or badge  is  an   initiative  (SBTi)  while  also  making  CDP  A   standards.

        ZTE Partners with Italy's EOLO to Launch a 5G mmWave Network Delivering
        1 Gbps Speeds

        ZTE Corporation, a global leading provider of   on  3GPP  standards,  enabling  EOLO  to   including  116,000  businesses  and  public
        integrated information and communication   expand  its  infrastructure  to  achieve  its  1   institutions.  Under  the  partnership
        technology solutions,  has  signed  a multi-  Gbps FWA network coverage goal, helping   agreement, ZTE will provide EOLO with 5G
        year  collaboration  agreement  with  EOLO,   bridge  the  digital  access  and  speed  gap   mmWave radio access systems based on
        Italy's  largest  fixed  wireless  broadband   in towns across Italy. EOLO delivers high-  3GPP standards. The solution includes key
        (FWA)  provider,  to  jointly  develop  a  5G   quality  ultra-broadband  access  services   components such as RAN baseband, RAN
        Stand-Alone  mmWave   network.  The  to both residential and business markets.   radio, and FWA CPE terminals, ensuring the
        partnership will involve the deployment of   Currently,  EOLO  serves  over  7,000  towns   rapid  deployment  of  the  5G  SA  mmWave
        a  next-generation  wireless  network  based   and  more  than  700,000  customers,   network.  ZTE's  5G  mmWave  solution,

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