Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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                                                                                 key stakeholders. It  equips  them with
                                                                                 philosophical,  theoretical,  and practical
                                                                                 knowledge  to understand  AI ethics  and
                                                                                 governance and to develop AI governance
                                                                                 and  regulation  papers  for their  respective
                                                                                 organizations or governments.

                                                                                 Each session  includes  an  initial  learning
                                                                                 segment  followed by a  workshop, where
                                                                                 participants  engage  in  discussions
                                                                                 and  hands-on  activities,  applying  their
                                                                                 knowledge to case studies and real-world

                                                                                 This  initiative  aligns  with  the  Philippines
                                                                                 strong commitment to ethical AI adoption,
                                                                                 particularly  in  digital  governance,
                                                                                 smart  cities,  cybersecurity, and  AI-
           This  initiative aligns  with  the  Philippines  strong               driven  policymaking.  Complimentary  to
           commitment to ethical AI adoption, particularly in digital            the  direction  is the  EUREKA  AI Policy
                                                                                 Discussion  Framework launched  by the
           governance,  smart cities,  cybersecurity, and  AI-driven             DICT  serves  a  guiding  principle  for AI

           policymaking.  Complimentary to  the  direction  is the               governance, ensuring AI development is
           EUREKA AI Policy Discussion Framework launched by the                 ethical, inclusive, and aligned with national
           DICT serves a guiding principle for AI governance, ensuring
           AI development  is  ethical,  inclusive, and aligned  with            The  EUREKA  AI Framework  is  a strategic
                                                                                 initiative led  by the  Department  of
           national priorities.                                                  Information   and    Communications
                                                                                 Technology  (DICT)  of  the  Philippines
        supporting   next-generation   theoretical   The  program will  enhance  AI  literacy and   to ensure  that  AI development  aligns
        advancements while addressing real-world   readiness,  equipping  participants  with   with  ethical,  inclusive, and  forward-
        issues.  This  work fosters  the  creation   theoretical,  philosophical, and practical   thinking  principles.  It  was  highlighted
        of new  businesses,  services,  and  job   insights into AI ethics and governance.  by Undersecretary Jocelle  Batapa-Sigue
        opportunities.                       Delivered over four  days in  Manila,  the   during  the  AI  Ethics  and  Governance  in
                                             program will  feature interactive sessions   Practice Programme with The Alan Turing
        (2) Building  skills  for the future – The   led by Turing researchers, focusing on best   Institute.
        Institute seeks to equip individuals across   practices and international standards. It will
        various sectors and  career stages  with   build knowledge progressively, culminating   EUREKA  stands for Education,  Universal
        the  technical  and  professional  expertise   in  the  development  of preliminary AI   Access,  Responsible  Use,  Ethical
        needed in data science and AI, aligning with   governance  action  plans.  Training  Inventions,  Knowledge-  or Data-Driven
        the  UK’s  growing industrial  and  societal   materials will be customized for the local   Decision-Making,  and  Agile  Governance.
        demands.                             context  to  ensure  long-term  impact  on   The  framework promotes AI literacy and
                                             AI ecosystems.  Stakeholder  input  will   skills  development  across  sectors to
        (3) Driving an informed public conversation   shape  the  program through preparatory   prepare  a  future-ready  workforce while
        – The Institute strives to provide a balanced   discussions,  ensuring  its  relevance  and   ensuring  that  AI  benefits  all  Filipinos,
        perspective  on  data  science  and  AI  by   effectiveness.  Additionally,  Turing  experts   including  marginalized  communities,
        addressing its technical, social, and ethical   will provide follow-up advisory support for   through inclusive  digital  infrastructure.  It
        aspects. Through public engagement and   up to 20  working hours per country after   establishes  safeguards  and  governance
        advisory  roles,  it  informs policymakers,   the program. The initiative ultimately seeks   mechanisms to prevent  AI misuse while
        industry leaders, and civil society.  to foster responsible AI development while   maximizing  its  benefits,  encourages  AI
                                             balancing  innovation  and  protection  for   innovations  that  uphold  human  rights,
        This  project aims  to strengthen  AI   vulnerable communities.          fairness,  and transparency, and leverages
        governance in the Philippines by providing                               AI to enhance government efficiency, data
        a tailored knowledge and capacity-building   This  capacity-building  program aligns   management, and public service delivery.
        program for senior  stakeholders  from   with  Project  Objective  (i)  by  enhancing   Additionally, the  framework  focuses  on
        government, academia, and  industry.   AI literacy and preparedness  among   developing flexible policies that can adapt

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