Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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Strengthening AI Governance and Ethics in the
Philippines with Expert Training from The Alan Turing
Philippine government agencies whose The four-day training workshop in Manila expanded to include artificial intelligence.
mandates are related to artificial will focus on enhancing AI literacy and Named in honor of Alan Turing, the Insti-
intelligence (AI) are now embarking on readiness among policymakers, regulators, tute recognizes his groundbreaking contri-
a strategic initiative to enhance artificial and industry players, equipping them with butions to mathematics, engineering, and
intelligence (AI) governance and ethics in the philosophical, theoretical, and practical computing—key disciplines underpinning
collaboration with The Alan Turing Institute knowledge required to understand, regulate, data science and AI.
(ATI) and the Embassy of the United and shape responsible AI ecosystems.
Kingdom in the Philippines. This landmark The Institute was founded in 2015 by five
technical assistance project, running from The Alan Turing Institute, based at the Brit- universities—Cambridge, Edinburgh, Ox-
February 18-21, 2025, aims to fortify the ish Library in London, was established in ford, UCL, and Warwick—alongside the UK
country’s regulatory and policy frameworks 2015 as the UK’s national institute for data Engineering and Physical Sciences Re-
in AI by equipping government leaders, science and AUI. In 2017, following a gov- search Council. In 2018, eight more universi-
academics, and industry stakeholders with ernment recommendation, its scope was ties—Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Queen
global best practices and expert guidance.
The AI Ethics and Governance in Practice Prog-ramme,
The AI Ethics and Governance in Practice
Programme, developed by The Alan Turing developed by The Alan Turing Institute is a capacity-
Institute is a capacity-building initiative building initiative tailored to address the specific needs
tailored to address the specific needs of of senior policy makers and regulators in the Philippines,
senior policy makers and regulators in the
Philippines, which includes the Department which includes the Department of Information and
of Information and Communications Communications Technology (DICT), Department of
Technology (DICT), Department of Science
and Technology (DOST), Department Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Trade and
of Trade and Industry (DTI) and other Industry (DTI) and other government agencies together
government agencies together with leaders
from the industry and tha academia. with leaders from the industry and tha academia.
Mary University of London, Birmingham,
Exeter, Bristol, and Southampton—joined
the Institute. In 2023, the Institute launched
an open university network, enabling all UK
universities with an interest in data science
and AI to engage and collaborate with the
Institute and its wider networks
The Alan Turing Institute has three main
goals, namely:
(1) Advancing world-class research
and applying it to national and global
challenges – The Institute aims to innovate
and develop cutting-edge research in
data science and artificial intelligence,
59 JAN-FEB 2025