Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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        contributed to the UK’s National AI Strategy   practices  from  the  EU  AI  Act,  OECD  AI   Roadmap  position  him  as  a  key  expert  in
        and   collaborated  with  international  Principles, and ASEAN AI Ethics Guide.  operationalizing responsible AI principles.
        organizations  to shape  responsible  AI
        governance.                          The  AI Governance  Workshop in  the   The  workshop  also  featured  Nalanda
                                             Philippines, led by The Alan Turing Institute,   Sharadjaya, a Senior Research Assistant in
           The  Alan  Turing  Insti-         featured  a  distinguished  panel  of  experts   the Public Policy Programme, specializing
                                                                                 in AI regulation, cybersecurity, and ethical AI
                                             specializing  in  AI ethics,  governance,
           tute  Workshop  aims to           and  regulation.  Dr.  Florian  Ostmann,  the   governance. Smera Jayadeva, a Researcher
           strengthen  AI  governance        Director of AI Governance and Regulatory   in Data Justice and Global Ethical Futures,
                                                                                 contributed  expertise  in  global  AI  ethics
                                             Innovation at the Alan Turing Institute, led
           and  regulatory capabili-         discussions  on  AI governance, regulation,   and responsible innovation. She has played
           ties  within the  Philippine      and  policy innovation.  As  a recognized   a  role  in  various  AI ethics  projects  under
           government while ensuring         expert, he is a member of international AI   UK and international organizations. Charlie
                                             governance bodies, including the OECD and
                                                                                 Thomas, the International Affairs Manager
           that  AI policy  frameworks       the  World  Economic  Forum.  Another key   at the Alan Turing Institute, led discussions
           align  with  international        speaker, Dr. Andrés Domínguez Hernández,   on developing international AI governance
                                             serves  as  an  Ethics  Fellow  at  the  Alan
                                                                                 projects, with a research focus on AI ethics,
           norms and best practices.         Turing Institute’s Public Policy Programme.   bias in healthcare, and national security.
           It  also seeks  to equip          His expertise lies in the ethical, social, and   This  expert  panel  provided  in-depth
                                             policy  implications  of AI and  emerging
           participants with essential       technologies,  drawing from  his previous   sessions  on  AI ethics,  governance,
           AI ethics and risk assess-        role as a Senior Research Associate at the   regulation,  and  risk  assessment, tailored
           ment tools, enabling them         University of Bristol.              to Philippine  government  stakeholders,
                                                                                 academia, and  industry.  Their  collective
           to  develop  AI  governance       Dr.  Allaine  Cerwonka,  Director  of  experience  and  global  expertise  ensured
           and     regulation     papers     International Work and Partnerships at the   that  participants  received cutting-edge
                                                                                 insights  into responsible  AI development
                                             Alan  Turing Institute,  led  discussions  on
           tailored  to the  Philippine      international  AI governance collaboration   and governance.
           context.                          and  policy strategies.  With  a  background
                                             in  interdisciplinary AI research, she   Impact on Philippine AI Policy and Digital
                                             was  formerly the  Associate  Director   Transformation
        The AI Ethics and Governance in Practice   of AI for Government  &  Science at  the   The  Philippines  has  been  making
        Programme is  based  on the Process-  institute.  Supporting  AI  regulatory  efforts,   significant  strides  in  AI  regulation  and
        Based  Governance  (PBG)  Framework,  a   Christopher Thomas, a Research Associate   digital  governance,  and  its  collaboration
        structured approach to ensuring AI ethics,   in AI Governance and Regulatory Innovation,   with  the  Alan  Turing  Institute  further
        fairness,  transparency, and  accountability.   provided  insights  on  AI  regulatory  cements  its  position  as  a  regional  leader
        The  initiative also  builds  on global  AI   frameworks and  policy. His  contributions   in AI governance. This training initiative is
        governance  standards,  including  best   to  UK  AI  Strategy  and  the  AI  Assurance   expected to yield several key outcomes that

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