Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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        and innovation in generative AI technology,   ideas  within  future  economy  priorities.   session  titled  "The  Role  of  AI  in  Skills
        leveraging  the  shared  expertise  of  stc   A  strategic  partnership  agreement  with   Enhancement  and  Innovation"  discussed
        and  the  university  in  data  and  AI  fields.   SambaNova  Systems  was  signed  to   AI's  role  in  empowering  employees  and
        stc also signed a cooperation  agreement   deploy  and  expand  the  GenAI  Sovereign   improving  their  skills  according  to  labor
        with  Huawei  in  data,  analytics,  and  AI   Cloud within stc's data centers, enhancing   market requirements, as well as continuous
        fields to enhance stc's digital capabilities,   AI  capabilities  for  cloud  infrastructure   learning  through  AI-driven  innovation.  In
        develop  network  infrastructure,  support   and  supporting  advanced  AI  applications   the closing ceremony, stc Group received
        data-driven decision-making, and improve   in  the  Kingdom.  During  the  summit,  stc   three awards, including recognition for its
        corporate  operations.  The  partnerships   participated  in  several  panel  discussions   technical support and sponsorship of the
        also  included  an  agreement  with  the   to spread knowledge, including a session   summit as a digital enabler, an award for
        Research,  Development,  and  Innovation   titled  "Decoding  AI  Strategies,"  focusing   adopting  AI  ethics  from  the  early  stages,
        Authority  to  develop  mechanisms  for   on  enabling  companies  to  responsibly   and a prize for solutions by stc, specializing
        supporting  and  enabling  entrepreneurial   engage with AI applications by balancing   in  IoT  products,  under  the  innovation
        projects, enhancing research opportunities,   competitive advantage, resource efficiency,   sponsorship category.
        and providing empowerment for innovative   and   ethical   considerations.   Another

        stc Group Demonstrates Automated Radio Resource Partitioning on 5G SA

        The implementation of Automated RRP sets   latency, and availability.    environment with a select group of users.
        a new standard in 5G network optimization   Saudi  Arabia's  stc  Group  (stc)  and  Er-  This used stc Group's dual-mode 5G Core,
        and performance.                     icsson  have  announced  the  world's  first   Radio,  and  Transport  products  provided
        Highlights                           implementation  of  Automated  Radio  Re-  by Ericsson, along with the new Automat-
        •   The  new  feature  optimizes  network   source Partitioning (RRP) on a 5G stand-  ed RRP software feature. stc Group states
          performance with dynamic, intent-based   alone  network  slice.  Automated  RRP  is  a   that Automated RRP enables it to prepare
          automation.                        software  feature  based  on  intent-based   for 5G Advanced by creating a high-perfor-
        •   Live network demonstration showcases   automation,  involving  the  dynamic  and   mance, programmable network. By setting
          the  technology's  effectiveness  with   intelligent  allocation  of  radio  resources   specific  targets  for  throughput,  latency,
          stc  Group's  5G  Core  and  Ericsson's   to  different  configured  slices  to  optimize   and availability, stc Group ensures that the
          products.                          network performance. According to a joint   network automatically meets these goals
        •   Automated RRP prepares stc Group for   statement  released  this  week,  a  demon-  through  efficient  resource  allocation,  the
          5G  Advanced,  enhancing  throughput,   stration  was  conducted  in  a  live  network   official release said.

                                             e&  UAE  Accelerates  50G  PON  Technology
                                             Adoption Through Live Network Deployment

        e&  UAE  has  successfully  deployed  50G
        PON  (50-Gigabit-capable  passive  optical
        networks) technology in live network. 50G
        PON  technology  represents  a  significant
        leap from the previous GPON and XGS-PON
        technologies, which have been fundamental
        in delivering broadband services globally. It
        aims to increase internet speeds up to 50
        Gigabits  per  second  (Gbps)  substantially,
        enabling faster streaming of high-definition
        videos,  quicker  downloads  and  uploads,
        and a more responsive online experience.
        Furthermore,  it  supports  the  growing
        number of smart devices at homes, from
        smart  TVs  to  connected  appliances,
        ensuring   everything   runs   smoothly
        without interruptions. Marwan Bin Shakar,
                                                                                                22  JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024
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