Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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        Senior  Vice  President  Access  Network   of rolling out 10G PON technology or are   future of connectivity,” added Bin Shakar.
        Development, e& UAE, said, "At e&, we are   in the early stages of adopting 50G PON,   50G  PON  technology  brings  a  wide  array
        committed  to  evolving  and  meeting  the   this  live  network  deployment  positions   of  benefits.  For  consumers,  it  means
        ever-growing  demands  for  faster,  more   the country with a significant lead. “As we   seamless  streaming  of  high-resolution
        reliable, and widespread connectivity. With   transition into an era of hyper-connectivity   content,  faster  downloads  and  uploads,
        the  deployment  of  50G  PON  technology,   and  digital  transformation,  50G  PON   and a more responsive online experience.
        we are leading the charge in transforming   technology  is  beyond  an  upgrade—it's  a   Additionally,  businesses  will  benefit  from
        our network infrastructure and being future   revolution.  It  redefines  the  possibilities   quicker  data  transfers,  enhanced  cloud-
        ready." e& UAE’s deployment of 50G PON is   of  fiber  optic  communication,  paving  the   based applications, and robust support for
        among  the  pioneering  initiatives  globally,   way  for  ultra-high-speed  internet  access   bandwidth-intensive operations like video
        reflecting  the  UAE’s  leading  position  in   across  all  sectors  and  industries.  This   conferencing,  remote  collaboration,  and
        telecommunications  and  connectivity.   advancement positions us at the forefront   data backups.
        While most markets are still in the process   of  global  innovation,  ready  to  unlock  the

        e& UAE Announces the Winners of ‘SMB Awards 2024’

        e& UAE announced the winners of its third   Diamond Nursery (Emirati Business Award),   Al Janahi, Senior Vice President of Dubai
        edition of ‘SMB Awards 2024’ celebrating   FURCHILD  Food  Stuff  Supply  (Women  in   Science  Park;  Nasser  Al  Madani,  Chief
        the  outstanding  talent  and  innovation   Business Award), Xoom Delivery Services   Advisor  at  Dubai  Integrated  Economic
        within the Small and Medium Businesses   (Sustainability  Award),  Emirates  Cancer   Zone;  Suhail  Bin  Tarraf,  Chief  Operating
        (SMBs) in the UAE. Held at the prestigious   Society  (Social  Impact  Award),  Qorden   Officer of First Abu Dhabi Bank; T J Wilson,
        Jumeirah  Emirates  Towers  in  Dubai,  the   AI  (Artificial  Intelligence  Award),  Reliable   Executive Director at Aster DM Healthcare;
        gala ceremony highlighted the exemplary   Robotics   (Robotics   and   Automation   V.  Nandakumar,  Director  of  Marketing
        accomplishments  of  SMBs  across  14   Award),  Tawasal  (Technology  Award),   and  Communications  at  LuLu  Group
        distinct  categories.  Esam  Mahmoud,   MASSAED  (Construction  &  Real  Estate   International;  and  Yousuf  Ahmad  Lootah,
        Senior Vice President, SMB of e& UAE, said:   Award), Ahalia Medical Group (Healthcare   CEO of Corporate Strategy & Performance
        "The  SMB  Awards  celebrate  the  energy   Award), V Perfumes (Retail Award), Maristo   Department at Dubai Economy & Tourism
        and  success  within  our  industry.  Every   Hospitality (Hospitality Award), MarineHub   (DET).  The  rigorous  judging  process  was
        organization  we  recognized  exemplifies   Fishing  Equipment  (E-Commerce  Award),   managed and audited by Kreston Menon,
        the spirit of innovation and resilience that   and  Friends  of  Cancer  Patients  (Media   a leading audit, business consultancy, and
        drives  the  UAE’s  economic  growth.  As   &  Marketing  Award).  Finally,  the  highly   accounting  firm  affiliated  with  Kreston
        we  navigate  an  increasingly  competitive   coveted SMB of the Year title was claimed   Global. SMB Awards 2024 underscores e&
        landscape,  SMBs  will  continue  to  play  a   by  Black  Tulip  Flowers.  This  year,  SMB   UAE's  dedication  to  fostering  innovation
        vital role in shaping the nation’s dynamic   Awards  witnessed  an  overwhelming   and  excellence  within  the  SMB  sector.
        and  forward-thinking  future.  e&  UAE  is   response,  with  around  300  nominations   By   celebrating   these   outstanding
        committed  to  supporting  and  enabling   from  diverse  sectors  across  UAE.  Each   achievements,  e&  UAE  aims  to  inspire
        their  continuous  success,  empowering   submission was meticulously evaluated by   businesses and entrepreneurs to strive for
        them to set bold goals and embrace new   a distinguished panel of judges consisting   excellence  and  compete  on  regional  and
        challenges.”  SMB  Awards  2024  proudly   of  industry  leaders  and  experts  from   global  stages,  ultimately  attaining  long-
        recognized outstanding businesses across   various  fields;  including  H.E  Alia  Abdulla   term success and contributing to the UAE's
        various sectors, with winners including Little   Al Mazrouei, CEO of Khalifa Fund; Marwan   vision for a diverse and resilient economy.

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